Official Bitcoin Thread

u change SOME Bitcoin to Dollars if u had it since 2010-2011 and cash out and splurge a lil.
lol if i had bitcoins since back then i sure as hell wouldnt be in this thread :rofl:

da sad part is we were ALLLL given a opportunity to get em as early as 2011 here on NT.

this pic will haunt me till da day i die :smh:
(note "Da Nexus One" which i chuckled at da time)

its from da deep web thread, i remember specifically inquiring about Bitcoin online (not in da thread) and ultimately not seeing a reason to hold on to encrypted "tokens"...

but what KILLS me is i was already watching all those libertarian cartoons on YouTube about da banks jerking da public with physical fiat currency and gold being da ultimate storage of value but being inconvenient to spend...


I think i can sleep at night because Bitcoin was SUPER volatile back then and da only reason i could think of a perfect way to use it was to circumvent da IRS if i wanted to bring on Rent money from overseas from property without declaring it to customs.
I basically knew da Pros, cons, but didn't think people would be dumping their currencies and jumping on board.

also my PC was too weak to mine em by then that's why I ain't jump on that boat either...

i hope it corrects 50% like they been talking bout so i can jump in, along with Monero.
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i think some NTers who read that thread who took advantage are lowkey millionaires​ now who put 2+2 together on Bitcoin... we were waaaaay ahead of da curve, i hope some folks reading this thread on a beach chair with mad jewelry on thanking us.
OP hasnt posted since 2012. i hope he cashed in.

stunthard stunthard :nerd:

i ain't seen Russ either..he was da one posting screenshots of da cash 4 bitcoins dark web site....

i mean we all sneaker money lying around, had ANYONE of us just put a US Benjamin in Bitcoin back then we'd be loaded :smh:

i just didn't see da reason other than coppin contraband, and evading taxes. *sigh*
i think some NTers who read that thread who took advantage are lowkey millionaires​ now who put 2+2 together on Bitcoin... we were waaaaay ahead of da curve, i hope some folks reading this thread on a beach chair with mad jewelry on thanking us.
we in the tech industry knew about it in 2009 when it started. ha. i guess NT was waaay ahead if you consider shoeheads 2-3yrs late 
   It is what it is...we were late on the come up.  I give NT its props but that's where it stops.
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i think some NTers who read that thread who took advantage are lowkey millionaires​ now who put 2+2 together on Bitcoin... we were waaaaay ahead of da curve, i hope some folks reading this thread on a beach chair with mad jewelry on thanking us.
we in the tech industry knew about it in 2009 when it started. ha. i guess NT was waaay ahead if you consider shoeheads 2-3yrs late :lol:    It is what it is...we were late on the come up.  I give NT its props but that's where it stops.

its relative b, NT other than our kick fetishes were up on info way before da great unwashed public...

twitter/facebook/Instagram etc. wasn't what it was back in 2010- 2011.
i knew of bitcoin, but i thought it was strictly for the hackers/deepweb.

never thought of it as an investment opp.

one of my OGs hit me wit da "well if you can buy kilos of coke with it you should've had some around just in case cuz you can pretty much buy anything else."

:smh: :lol:

it was staring at us in da face....
My boy hit me up in 2010 and asked if I heard of bitcoins and I was like yeah, that's garbage...And that's when I was getting max student loan money and blowing it on bottles at the club and other foolishness (that I'm paying back now 10 folds because of interest). I easily had 20k to invest back then smh..

Anyway I went against everything I promised myself and bought the dip just now..Im done! I just tapped in my savings money which I promised myself I wouldn't.
i knew of bitcoin, but i thought it was strictly for the hackers/deepweb.

never thought of it as an investment opp.
I didn't really pay much attention to it until it started becoming more common in my line of work a few years ago. It's pretty much the standard payment method now, especially for larger transactions. Last year my earnings from sales were pretty evenly split between Paypal and Bitcoin, roughly $8000 in payments each. This year I've done almost all my sales with bitcoin. I've always been picky with who I accept Paypal from but now I only take it from very reputable buyers, friends or people I've dealt with in the past. Everyone else can go first with bitcoin or get lost. 

Paypal can be a bit of a hassle sometimes, especially if a clown tries to chargeback a payment, so people started using bitcoin because the buyer can't chargeback a bitcoin payment and get his money back in a scam attempt. Pretty crazy how much it has grown since I started using it. Back then it was about $150 for 1 BTC.
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I told myself yesterday that I was gonna grab 1 ETH on Coinbase as soon as it dropped below $170. Just to transfer to Polo and get my feet wet with trading other alts. So I grabbed one this morning @$169. Just checked now and it's down to $146 :lol: :smh:.
I didn't really pay much attention to it until it started becoming more common in my line of work a few years ago. It's pretty much the standard payment method now, especially for larger transactions. Last year my earnings from sales were pretty evenly split between Paypal and Bitcoin, roughly $8000 in payments each. This year I've done almost all my sales with bitcoin. I've always been picky with who I accept Paypal from but now I only take it from very reputable buyers, friends or people I've dealt with in the past. Everyone else can go first with bitcoin or get lost. 
Paypal can be a bit of a hassle sometimes, especially if a clown tries to chargeback a payment, so people started using bitcoin because the buyer can't chargeback a bitcoin payment and get his money back in a scam attempt. Pretty crazy how much it has grown since I started using it. Back then it was about $150 for 1 BTC.

Works both ways. I've always wondered the limitations with BTC or crypto in general due to fraud or someone not delivering what's promised.
My boy hit me up in 2010 and asked if I heard of bitcoins and I was like yeah, that's garbage...And that's when I was getting max student loan money and blowing it on bottles at the club and other foolishness (that I'm paying back now 10 folds because of interest). I easily had 20k to invest back then smh..

Anyway I went against everything I promised myself and bought the dip just now..Im done! I just tapped in my savings money which I promised myself I wouldn't.
damn ur savings account. man u got balls and good luck. my gut tells me we go lower
only way this Bitcoin trends downward is if da US actually exercised sound money policy and da Dollar strengthened again hard.
Funny how coinbase got no log in issues and server crap during the dip :rofl:

Im bout to feast on the dip!, im glad this dip happened all the new investors looking like the michael jordan meme right now :rofl:
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