...Official BLACKBERRY Thread v.updated...

Bout to go pick my "gold" joint up 2day :pimp:
...what the hell are the pins for??? Yes...I am a bb virgin :frown:
Team Negrodamus​
i was gonna pick up a blackberry 8830 after my sk3 but i got a cingular 8525 instead nd i love it 8525 ftw
damn this thread is slipping... anybody got any new info?
"Haven't you ever heard of the healing power of laughter?"​
^ Thanks, I had background colors checked, I just had to enable style sheets- it did the trick. However, I d/l'ed OperaMini which does a better job offormatting NT to fit the BB screen.
just copped my @#%$ today...gon set it up tonight and get on this later for some info

feels good to join the blackberry family
You draw, better be Picasso, you know the best
cause if this is not so, ah, god bless
I love the BB auto light adjustment. "hat ( I can only speak on the 8830 since thats the only one ive owned)

I went outside today and soon as the sun hit it the light adjusted so i could see the screen

I use to hate looking at my treo in the sun, i had to sheild the sun with my off hand to see what the time was.
I am coming from a SK3 (like a lot of you guys) and I had 460 contacts stored. I had 250 (the max) on my SIM that I was able to import onto my Curve 8320 but I dont know how to transfer over the remaining 200 contacts without having to manually input......does anyone know how to do this????
Team Macintosh
Steve Jobs >> Bill Gates​
and nothing is wrong with my internet, i browse regularly and rarely do i get a connection error. but its an everyday thing with this jivetalk application. please help.
Team AM Fam

AIM - DJ Ano Ano 21
Got the Curve a month ago, Love it. Came from a SK3 and I feel I wasted too much time with it.
Reppin The Bay 650​
ok i have a question about jivetalk...

i got it and tried it on the 30 day free trial and while using it, i had no problems whatsoever.
so my trial ends and i purchase it, but now when i use it, i cant stay logged in for a day without being signed off.
everytime it logs me off, it comes back with a message like "jivetalk application accepted" or something like that.. i have to look into what it says.

can anyone help me out to where i can stay logged in without being logged out for at least a day?

thanks in advance.
Team AM Fam

AIM - DJ Ano Ano 21
Well you should def check out Howardforums.com and look there first. Also you will need a data plan for the pin msq. Get the data service, it makes things that much easier.
the stylish way to get things done
I've had my curve since late June and I've been satisfied overall. Very easy to use, although depending on your service, Instant Messaging might costyou as a text message. You should definitely find out from your service provider before you get one. The Curve is fast, easy to use, has a lot of features, 2.0megapix camera, no video camera, but the overall phone is great. You won't be disappointed and get an unlimited data plan. There are quite a fewapplications you can find out there.
stupid beginner question but how the @#%$ do you page up/page down

i know t and b bring you to the top of bottom but i've been rolling away and its getting annoying :lol:
...We Born To Die...
...In the meantime Get Money...
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