*Official* Casino Gambling thread

has anyone done round betting in a boxing match????????

I am going to las vegas on  june 7th-11th......and I was curious to round betting for example (pacquiao vs bradley):


If I put $400 on PACMAN to win round one @  22 to 1 ($400x22) = $8800 ?????


If I put $400 on Bradley to win round one @ 75 to 1 ($400x75) = $30000 return?????

if so.....I will report to uncle sam for my earnings etc come tax season....sooooo amped !!!! let me know

yea it works like that but im pretty sure its for a knockout and not just a win on the scorecard with those kind of odds
Originally Posted by n1ke drawer

has anyone done round betting in a boxing match????????

I am going to las vegas on  june 7th-11th......and I was curious to round betting for example (pacquiao vs bradley):


If I put $400 on PACMAN to win round one @  22 to 1 ($400x22) = $8800 ?????


If I put $400 on Bradley to win round one @ 75 to 1 ($400x75) = $30000 return?????

if so.....I will report to uncle sam for my earnings etc come tax season....sooooo amped !!!! let me know


your trolling right? if thats the case just put $400 on both fighters for EVERY round ....youll be printing money all game...or better yet put 4k you cant lose!

why didnt i think of this?!
Originally Posted by Kingtre

Originally Posted by n1ke drawer

has anyone done round betting in a boxing match????????

I am going to las vegas on  june 7th-11th......and I was curious to round betting for example (pacquiao vs bradley):


If I put $400 on PACMAN to win round one @  22 to 1 ($400x22) = $8800 ?????


If I put $400 on Bradley to win round one @ 75 to 1 ($400x75) = $30000 return?????

if so.....I will report to uncle sam for my earnings etc come tax season....sooooo amped !!!! let me know


your trolling right? if thats the case just put $400 on both fighters for EVERY round ....youll be printing money all game...or better yet put 4k you cant lose!

why didnt i think of this?!


funniest post i've read all morning.  this cat is a genius!
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

Curb post some tips on roulette

Roulette is pretty much just a game of luck. Not really any "tips"But I have found that playing every 4 and 26 usually pays off in the long run.. meaning 4,8,12,16,20,24,26,28,32,36OrPlay black then double whatever the bet on black was on the first row and last row and $2 on 0/00. The middle row only has 4 red numbers so the odds are on your side. If you like playing reds do the same thing only bet on red and the first and last rows. The last row only has 4 blacks. While still throwing $2 on 0/00.24 is my lucky number so I play black.Would like to add the 2nd strategy I've only tried on video roulette. Video roulette though is
cause its a $5 min bet and u can throw .50 on 10 different numbers to reach $5.U hit, that's $18. I usually start with $100 and go ham. I usually always get up like $200-$300, but I'm greedy and rarely cash out then and end up losing everything. Smh
Good luck
was on the roulette her at the horseshoe. saw seven reds in a row as i was playing black. cleared the table out. then on the same table after a black then a red...8 blacks in a row!!! my money was to scared after getting drained the 7 reds. i said black is due 4 times in a row as precursor to losing lol.
going back this weekend to get on the ultimate texas hold em and some craps. luck has been a dirty stank +#$ h0, and im still trynna save her smh.
Originally Posted by FEETure

was on the roulette her at the horseshoe. saw seven reds in a row as i was playing black. cleared the table out. then on the same table after a black then a red...8 blacks in a row!!! my money was to scared after getting drained the 7 reds. i said black is due 4 times in a row as precursor to losing lol.
going back this weekend to get on the ultimate texas hold em and some craps. luck has been a dirty stank +#$ h0, and im still trynna save her smh.
hahahaha those electronic number boards were the best thing that ever happened to casinos because of people like you (
 not gonna lie, i am just as susceptible).

every roll of the wheel is independent of the roll that came before it or that will come after it, but when people see long streaks of the same color they go crazy thinking "its not possible that it will be red again for the 8th time in a row!" and will bet bigger than normal on black.

i try not to let those number boards influence me, even though that is damn near impossible.  if i am going to drop a bigger bet on color, i dont even look at the boards.  its all random anyways.  i will just walk up to the first table i come to, put $100 or $200 on black (ALWAYS BET ON BLACK) and then hope for the best.  i mean, the odds are gonna be just the same doing it that way and it saves a lot of time rather than waiting to find a table that runs off 10 reds in a row.

^ yeah i know its completely independent but i just knew that if i switched colors it would switch too.lmao. i know all of the odds, sayings, superstitions, strategies and what ever else you wanna say but when i walk into the casino its the equivalent of being handed that finally exam, i forget everything.

when im watching the table im like rain man but as soon as i drop chips i become clark griswald in vegas vacation. LOL all i can do is laugh about it.

Free to practice or $8 a month for the training mode option. It has the same exact games as the casino BUT has a training mode option for each game so it tells you what your best hold is. Helped me a lot. Payback can reach 101% if you master the game and find the right payables.
hittin a small indian casino this saturday night..?

anyone ever been to the chumash over in Santa Barbara? any one know if they have a sportsbook..

tryna put some money down on the pacman fight!
Originally Posted by n1ke drawer


If I put $400 on PACMAN to win round one @  22 to 1 ($400x22) = $8800 ?????


If I put $400 on Bradley to win round one @ 75 to 1 ($400x75) = $30000 return?????

if so.....I will report to uncle sam for my earnings etc come tax season....sooooo amped !!!! let me know

lol this fool.. if this was the case i wouldve made zuckerbergs net worth on that pbf/cotto fight.

Went to my local casino last night and lost 200 on bj within 4 minutes... that drive home feel
Originally Posted by Beacon ave south

Originally Posted by n1ke drawer


If I put $400 on PACMAN to win round one @  22 to 1 ($400x22) = $8800 ?????


If I put $400 on Bradley to win round one @ 75 to 1 ($400x75) = $30000 return?????

if so.....I will report to uncle sam for my earnings etc come tax season....sooooo amped !!!! let me know

lol this fool.. if this was the case i wouldve made zuckerbergs net worth on that pbf/cotto fight.

Went to my local casino last night and lost 200 on bj within 4 minutes... that drive home feel

know that feeling all too well, dude.
i remember when i just turned 21 i went to the cabazon outlets to buy some clothes for my vegas trip coming up that weekend. I decided to walk in morongo before and try to win $50 and bounce to the outlets. I went in, won $50 in like 2 minutes but it seemed so easy I kept playing. I lost that $50 eventually and kept playing trying to get it back. Lost my initial cash, went to ATM. Lost that money and went back to ATM. Lost that and drove straight back home didn't even go to the outlets. 
I was so !$$#+!! livid, especially cause I was gonna be in vegas that weekend coulda gambled that money there lol. Learned my gambling lesson early 
lol that's how Casinos make their money man.
very few people know when to stop when they're up.

Anyway, headed to Harrahs in AC at the end of this month. I have a date with the Craps table
Originally Posted by socluis90

i remember when i just turned 21 i went to the cabazon outlets to buy some clothes for my vegas trip coming up that weekend. I decided to walk in morongo before and try to win $50 and bounce to the outlets. I went in, won $50 in like 2 minutes but it seemed so easy I kept playing. I lost that $50 eventually and kept playing trying to get it back. Lost my initial cash, went to ATM. Lost that money and went back to ATM. Lost that and drove straight back home didn't even go to the outlets. 
I was so !$$#+!! livid, especially cause I was gonna be in vegas that weekend coulda gambled that money there lol. Learned my gambling lesson early 
 im sorry brother, but that story made my day.  my first casino experience ever was at morongo too.  this was back when it was 18+ (1997-98) and I was 17 at the time.  They were very loose with the ID checks and I was only 17 at the time, so i walked in there ready to poop bricks.  I was playing $5 blackjack with 25 cent (i think) antes, and went up about $50 in the first 15-20 minutes and felt like I was on top of the world.  Then reality set in and I quickly gave it all back, and then some, including the money I had earmarked for Cabazon shopping.  Since I was with some friends, we still ended up at the outlets but I was all tapped out and relegated to just walking around being glum the rest of the day.

Originally Posted by destroy1

Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Any tips on playing slots?

Done this over 5x without failing (as a group)... We go in with 100, have drinks and leave with 200+ (Seminole Hard Rock).. Entire process = 4-6 hours of paid fun

1. Grab a drink and sip.. Time is necessary but DONT get drunk!
2. Go to the cheapest slots, usually 1 or 5 cents
3. Scope out the people.. Look for cards in machines or any signals that someone has been there for a while (watery drinks, chair position, posture, cig ashes)
4. KEEP LOOKING at people and how long they are there
5. After some time has passed, you will notice some people have not moved
6. When any of these people move (usually after they have lost a considerable amt - or else they wouldn't move), JUMP IN THAT SEAT
7. Always play max lines but alternate between bet multipliers (5x 10x 15x) without any pattern..
8. If the machine is a hitter, you will know very fast. Once it stops hitting, get up, look for next victim (machine)

Best Machines
1. Are digital with 5 reels
2. Allow 25+ lines to bet on
3. Have bonus games

Never, Ever, use the printout receipt from one machine to fund another to play (your winnings and methods are vulnerable to be tracked and eliminated)

- if you have to, cash out each voucher to play a new machine!!

i did this tonight.

first i hit the video roulette. hit back to back on a single number with $4(144 x 2). went to watch the bos/mia game. saw this lady with like 200 in a lord of the the rings slot machine. so im like, aight ill come back after the 2nd quarter. walk back through shes at like 20. so i pretty much just chilled there waiting for her to lose. she did. i walk up, put in $100. play the max bet option. hit the bonus on like the 3rd spin. ended up cashing out at $327
. went and got a free pop, went back and watched the 3rd quarter with a cool $608 in my wallet, showed up with 93.
Originally Posted by Truballa101

lol that's how Casinos make their money man.
very few people know when to stop when they're up.

Anyway, headed to Harrahs in AC at the end of this month. I have a date with the Craps table

Story of my life. Whenever I go to Vegas I rather lose early and climb out of the hole to even or barely up as opposed to winning early because I always give it back and then some especially during pool off-season
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by socluis90

i remember when i just turned 21 i went to the cabazon outlets to buy some clothes for my vegas trip coming up that weekend. I decided to walk in morongo before and try to win $50 and bounce to the outlets. I went in, won $50 in like 2 minutes but it seemed so easy I kept playing. I lost that $50 eventually and kept playing trying to get it back. Lost my initial cash, went to ATM. Lost that money and went back to ATM. Lost that and drove straight back home didn't even go to the outlets. 
I was so !$$#+!! livid, especially cause I was gonna be in vegas that weekend coulda gambled that money there lol. Learned my gambling lesson early 
 im sorry brother, but that story made my day.  my first casino experience ever was at morongo too.  this was back when it was 18+ (1997-98) and I was 17 at the time.  They were very loose with the ID checks and I was only 17 at the time, so i walked in there ready to poop bricks.  I was playing $5 blackjack with 25 cent (i think) antes, and went up about $50 in the first 15-20 minutes and felt like I was on top of the world.  Then reality set in and I quickly gave it all back, and then some, including the money I had earmarked for Cabazon shopping.  Since I was with some friends, we still ended up at the outlets but I was all tapped out and relegated to just walking around being glum the rest of the day.


oh god all this is too familiar. I went to UCR so many random saturdays were spent at cabazon...then i would "somehow" make my way over to morongo
. Remember going there at 19 when it was just that dingy one story warehouse deal in the middle of the desert
. That's where I got the hard knock schooling on blackjack
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