Official Chalk Line Thread

Guess that's $130 gone from my account lol

Had I not gotten the shorts I would get that. Very clean. Looks like we’re getting an outsiders release for complex con. I’m assuming a Scott hall blood dripping jacket like his vest


I went back for one more thing minutes before the 20% was gonna end. Prolly shouldnt have done it ( actually i know i shouldnt have) buuuut at $104 I really wanted that Rey/Eddie jacket.

Went with a large this time. Hoping its not to big. I got a Med in my shredder and it fits tight around my lats. Feels like I could rip it if i tried. Figured I'd try a size up this time.
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So far I’m not all that impressed with their complexcon exclusives. When they announced it was gonna be the outsiders I was pumped but from the teaser of what was coming out to this and and the reversible razor jacket so far it’s not doing it for me
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