Official: Chicago Bulls Offseason Thread

Well J I do agree with you that our team always comes off weak when opportunities are out. But did you see the Reisendorf article a few weeks ago? He said thatbasically Pax and himself didn't feel as though Gasol was equipped to lead the team, to be "the man." That's why they didn't pursue him.Reisendorf also said that he would go over the luxury tax if it were a move to get us over the hump. I don't know how true his statements were, but thatswhat he said.

It was pretty well reported that Kobe did say he did not want to play in Chi w/o LD, so we just didn't/couldn't make it happen. I still wish we couldhave made that deal happen.

I like our team, but we will have to play teams for 48 minutes. There is no Gordon around to bring us back with big 4th qtr performances. We should be a 5 or 6seed. But that means we will likely face another 1st round KO. I'm hoping the team does well this season and we can trade (w/o gutting team) for a PTPer. Igotta think a lot of the 2010 class will be moved b/c teams are afraid to get nothing in retun for them.
D.Rose is well equipped to be the leader of this team, he's even said he needs to be more of a leader this year. He's been working on his gamerediculously this summer, from shooting 3s to improving his drive game to get more fouls called and pressure defenses. To me this kid just seemsindistructable, he's a hard nose hard worker who can score the ball at dish dimes. I wouldn't be suprised if we didn't get a big name next summereither BUT....idk why any1 would not consider chicago as a destination when they can play side by side with Rose. But it just seems like no1 wants to followMJs legacy here, that's what I believe anyway, no1 wants that pressure so that's a main reason I wouldn't be suprised if any1 came here. But I cansee a trade coming before the deadline this year if things don't go so well like last year.
Originally Posted by CAnthony15

D.Rose is well equipped to be the leader of this team, he's even said he needs to be more of a leader this year. He's been working on his game rediculously this summer, from shooting 3s to improving his drive game to get more fouls called and pressure defenses. To me this kid just seems indistructable, he's a hard nose hard worker who can score the ball at dish dimes. I wouldn't be suprised if we didn't get a big name next summer either BUT....idk why any1 would not consider chicago as a destination when they can play side by side with Rose. But it just seems like no1 wants to follow MJs legacy here, that's what I believe anyway, no1 wants that pressure so that's a main reason I wouldn't be suprised if any1 came here. But I can see a trade coming before the deadline this year if things don't go so well like last year.

Thats a tough +@@ sell to any elite player... the pressure of constantly being compared to the greatest ever.

"Well Michael and his bulls did..." night in and night out. but someone needs to bite the bullet
a legacy of a player has nothing to do with anything

if that was the case nobody would go to
etc, etc, etc
Originally Posted by UCLAMIKE

a legacy of a player has nothing to do with anything

if that was the case nobody would go to
etc, etc, etc

1) The only real elite player that went to L.A. was Shaq everybody else was drafted or came to participate as a second fiddle

2) Same thing minus KG and Jesus (they went ring hunting)

3) They don't count they have 2 championships under their belt in their teams existence (60+ yrs).
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

3) They don't count they have 2 championships under their belt in their teams existence (60+ yrs).
you gone have them knicks fans heated
So we have a tough $!$ beginning to the schedule. 9 of the forst 15 are against playoff teams, including the champs. What do you guys think of our record afterthe first 15. I want to be optimistic, but we always start off slow historically. Spur, Celtics and Heat to start off will be a problem. Then we gotta faceLeBron and Shaq in OH and face Denver twice. The team will have to grow up real fast!
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

So we have a tough $!$ beginning to the schedule. 9 of the forst 15 are against playoff teams, including the champs. What do you guys think of our record after the first 15. I want to be optimistic, but we always start off slow historically. Spur, Celtics and Heat to start off will be a problem. Then we gotta face LeBron and Shaq in OH and face Denver twice. The team will have to grow up real fast!

i hate to say it but i dont see us starting any better than 5-10. I hate that we have such a tough schedule in november, its bad enough we have the circus tripbut to start off with the Spurs and Boston is going to be even worse. We have a shot against the Spurs but i think things could get ugly at Boston. Man, i lovethis team. I cant wait for the season to start
I didn't want to be the first to say it JM, but I agree with you on the poor start. I would like to think we can hover around 500 and make a breaksomewhere around all-star weekend. Its sad that's an expectation, but it is what it is. We very well could start 0-3 with the way Miami abused us lastyear.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

I didn't want to be the first to say it JM, but I agree with you on the poor start. I would like to think we can hover around 500 and make a break somewhere around all-star weekend. Its sad that's an expectation, but it is what it is. We very well could start 0-3 with the way Miami abused us last year.
Yeah two of the Miami games we gave away ourselves
. Butim with you i think we will start off slow and then start to pick it up around January as long as we dont have any major injuries
Originally Posted by jmause3

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

I didn't want to be the first to say it JM, but I agree with you on the poor start. I would like to think we can hover around 500 and make a break somewhere around all-star weekend. Its sad that's an expectation, but it is what it is. We very well could start 0-3 with the way Miami abused us last year.
Yeah two of the Miami games we gave away ourselves
. But im with you i think we will start off slow and then start to pick it up around January as long as we dont have any major injuries
You guys know the Bulls are notorious for having slow starts in recent years so I don't think it'll be any different. Always making a runthe last 20 games of the season
You got a point in that we always start off slow, but that has to change at some point. We can't go out every year and dig ourselves in a hole. The team wehad last year was "capable" of winning 50 games but they were in a hole from the very beginning. This season really will put us in a hole if the teamcomes out weak like they did most of last year.

I'm eager to see how glaring the hole BG left will be.

You're right JM, we lost to Miami when A) he stole it from Salmons and dropped the 3 and then B) when we GAVE shawn marion a dunk. But all in all, we wereoutplayed b/c the team didn't play the full 48 last year in the majority of games. Our team always seems to start playing once they're down 10+.

Vinny will have to make a great leap in his coaching.
Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

3) They don't count they have 2 championships under their belt in their teams existence (60+ yrs).
you gone have them knicks fans heated

G I'm serious, %%@$ the Knicks bro. When you think about them as a franchise the 1st thing you think of is The Garden then a while later you think of Pat,Mark, Starks, Kenny Skywalker (maybe), Walt, and Willis. Every other great squad you immediately associate a great player to them as the face of thefranchise, with them the arena is the face of the franchise G.

Yeh couple that with the fact that we owned them in the 90s. I just wish I could see Knicks fans faces when LeBron re-signs with CLE
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Yeh couple that with the fact that we owned them in the 90s. I just wish I could see Knicks fans faces when LeBron re-signs with CLE

I'm just praying that it happens.
I think he has proven this summer that he is not built for the NY media. Plus the extra money CLE will give him makes a big difference.
good points...except that lou held up the kobe trade...
Personally I did not believe for one moment Kobe was really leaving, he played his hand perfectly to get what he wanted in LA, a guy like thatdoes not want to play DIRECTLY in the shadow of MJ when he has created his own great legacy elsewhere.
a lot of salty bulls fans. the whole lebron thing is so stupid.
its the same as saying, "i cant wait to see the face of bulls fans once wade resigns with mia."
we have so much cap space, it doesnt matter if we get lebron or not.
Originally Posted by BangDak

a lot of salty bulls fans. the whole lebron thing is so stupid.
its the same as saying, "i cant wait to see the face of bulls fans once wade resigns with mia."
we have so much cap space, it doesnt matter if we get lebron or not.

What are you talking about... We dislike y'all with a passion only rivaled by and often eclispes that of Detroit. This is nothing new, why on gods greenearth would I want the best player in the game to sign with the team I hate the most??? Thats totally illogical. Typical Knick Fan I Tell You
Chi I will be watching at home unless I get some great FREE seats. I was spoiled with courtside seats a year ago and I can't go back to the 200 or 300level.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Chi I will be watching at home unless I get some great FREE seats. I was spoiled with courtside seats a year ago and I can't go back to the 200 or 300 level.

300 level is where its at Banks

Seriously though, i aint been lower than 300 in like 9 years....its time to make moves
Arstyle, I can't do it anymore fam...My friend got us seats on the baseline next to the opponents bench. I was joking with Bobcats players while the waitertook my order. I just can't go back, I won't go back.I'm like Martin when Pam dumped the millionaire with box seats at the Palace.

When I used to have seats in the 300 level, I would scout open seats in the 100 and switch off at halftime. I never been caught.
I think the highest price for the tickets are $140 .

Is that for 100 seats ?
im happy @ 200 level..think ill only goto one game though this year around my bday in march went to opening day last year still got the light up towel lol
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