Official Childish Gambino (Donald Glover from Community) Thread - Signs multiyear deal w/ Amazon and opts out of FX partnership


it's an artist thread. he said how he felt about said artist. what kinda **** you on?
Kind of on Blikin's side here lol. Why even come in here and post it?
Kind of on Blikin's side here lol. Why even come in here and post it?

because it's a forum and it's his right to post his opinion about the topic at hand, maybe?

he gave his full opinion of dude. positives and negatives. but he has to keep it to himself

because he can't get into the music. okay. :lol:
because it's a forum and it's his right to post his opinion about the topic at hand, maybe?

he gave his full opinion of dude. positives and negatives. but he has to keep it to himself

because he can't get into the music. okay.
Lol you got me man. Makes sense. I just woke up cuh
I mean, I was genuinely unsure of what dude wanted us to do about it. I mean, dude said he can't get into the sound, but admitted the dude is talented. Okay? I can't debate his personal taste and it's not like he's saying the dude makes trash music, so I can't recommend other tracks for him to listen to.

I can't get into him, but I kinda like some of his stuff... Bruh. What do you want anyone to say to that? Okay. Cool. Carry on listening to the stuff of his that you do like.

Yes, it's a forum. Discuss the topic. When you make a statement like homeboy did, what else is there to really say that furthers the discussion? Nada. Kinda **** you on. :lol:
But that's the thing, dude gave no negative input. Just stated he personally couldn't get into the music, although he likes some. :lol:

The **** are we supposed to do with that?
I definitely didn't expect that comment to prompt this much dialogue. Especially a 3 paragraph post.

Like dude said, it's a discussion board so I stated my opinion. Didn't expect any banter, just explained how I felt. If you don't know what to do with it, then move on.
Three paragraphs from approximately nine senrences huh :lol:

Okay fam. I really wasn't trying to take a shot at you, though I could see how it could be interpreted that way (a la Nique's response). I was just unsure of what you were trying to say. Some of his stuff is cool in your opinion. Do you want us to recommend more? Are you looking to have your opinion changed since you said you can't get into the guy? I really couldn't tell.
I understand Blinkin's confusion just on a "If you're not really feeling it and don't care to change that, why even waste the time out of your day to come in and express that" level, but I guess one has to remember that we're on a forum so people can post whatever they please so long as no rules are broken.
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If you aint talkin cash, dont say ________

Bank account looking like when little kids break ____

Wish dude would drop the tape. The breakfast club and hot 97 interviews were about two weeks ago.
seen him open up for outkast over the weekend. i hope he does some new music at the show he has with badu coming up.
How was his performance?

Really good. I was really impressed with his stage presence. He was completely comfortable and was in his own zone. Worked the entire stage and had great energy. Its sad, though, because though he was performing in his hometown, the crowd was slightly disconnected from him. But that wasnt his fault. He did good. Atlanta fans in every facet possible are absolutely terrible.
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