Official Childish Gambino (Donald Glover from Community) Thread - Signs multiyear deal w/ Amazon and opts out of FX partnership

i can completely understand peoples' disinterest in this album. I'm a fan but i like the funk aspect. quite different from his last but im not upset over it.

That's why I like it. Knew it'd have a lot of people not feeling it but if you don't already like this kinda music you likely are not about to start with Awaken.
Whats a good album from dude cuz i aint feelin this and it seems like he swerved into a whole nother lane.
Whats a good album from dude cuz i aint feelin this and it seems like he swerved into a whole nother lane.

Someone said Camp when you asked a couple of days ago, but I think Royalty (not actually an album) or Because The Internet would be better first listens.
Whats a good album from dude cuz i aint feelin this and it seems like he swerved into a whole nother lane.
I think Culdesac was his breakthrough tape. Or at least the one where he deviated from the joke rap. Very personal album. His voice was still kind of nasally and he bit Wayne's cadence here and there. The second half from Do Ya Like to The Last is where he shines. Glory is my favorite track of his next to I'm Alright. Camp EP was good too.

As for Awaken, havent got past Boogieman. Keep running it back to Me and Your Mama. I am pleasantly surprised by the album so far.
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Someone said Camp when you asked a couple of days ago, but I think Royalty (not actually an album) or Because The Internet would be better first listens.

My bad didnt see that but ill peep these 2 tonight.

You might like STN MNTN too.

I like his half witty half corny old raps over indie beats from the I Am Just A Rapper 1 and 2 era, not sure how you'll feel about those :lol:
STN MTN didn't even cross my mind.

I'd say that it's not the best representative of his actual artistry though.

Like, I could easily see someone liking him rapping over notable Southern beats but giving all of his actual projects a shot and not feeling them too much.

STN MTN is more of something to go to AFTER the first impression is formed to me.
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Yeah that's a good point. I never thought about that, I usually use SM as the hook IRL to get people to at least check dude out then I recommend other stuff depending on what I know about their taste.

It's wild from project to project there are some pretty big differences at times, I can listen to his older stuff and up to now and it's like 2-3 different people made the projects.
You're reading too much into it. Glad you guys are enjoying it though, above all else I wanna see the guy flourish.

This is bad though and I hope this is the only time he pulls this nonsense. Next time he puts out music I hope it's rap

Anti gon Anti. :lol:
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Instructions for optimal funk:

You might like STN MNTN too.

I like his half witty half corny old raps over indie beats from the I Am Just A Rapper 1 and 2 era, not sure how you'll feel about those
Don't bother with those he raps in a high pitched voice that is literally unlistenable.
He really talked like that. it's not mc chris high it's just kinda nasally sometimes.

B**** Look At Me Now and My Girls are good though. Older stuff def isn't for everybody just like the new stuff. Dude has legit been 3-4 different people musically.
I think Royalty is probably his most 'rap' album. Got a lot of dope features.

I respect how much of a leap he took with his sound.
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So what do yall think is preventing him from reaching the popularity levels of big Sean or tyga. I don't mess with any of them but it seems like glovers has better quality music than those cats.
I trust nt when it comes to music.
And barley anyone is co-signin this BS.

there's more people who are digging it than calling it BS.

General consensus is that people are appreciating the sound while those stuck in yesteryear ain't trying to hear Gambino NOT rap.

Don't worry, there's still plenty of rap albums to listen to from this year. Don't be sad because this ain't one of em.
Just gave it my first listen, and I really like what I heard. Glad he decided to take a different route this time as it turned out to be an enjoyable listen.

I'll definitely be giving it more spins throughout the week. Can't wait to see him live again.
I really liked it, although I am a Gambino fan. I like the experimental aspect of it. Only track I think I won't be able to listen to would be California... I will give it some more listens, maybe it might become better with more listens.
Can't wait for the physical version to arrive, perhaps something interesting or even on the poster itself also.
Dope album. With the exception of California, no skippable tracks.

"Stay woke... ****** creepin..." [emoji]128293[/emoji]
This right here is revolutionary music. Dude is delivering a dope message in every track and the funk influence is just otherworldly. I expect people to not like it and it's sad because they're missing something special. Dude dropped something that remind me of Solange's project in terms of message but he did it to a different soundtrack. This is dope.
Dog....this **** is FIRE. Had zero clue what to expect going into this--I can honestly say I've never listened to any of his albums. I know this isn't his usual sound, but whatever the case, this **** is FIRE.

Then again, I love funk and all that 70's mashup music.
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