Official Christmas Shopping Thread.... Vol. Bush + Recession = No Gifts

I can understand if people are busy but giving gift cards as a Christmas present to me says nothing but 'I can't be bothered to find something you'd like, so here's a gift card.' I don't see the point of buying gift cards when you might as well give people cash.

The best gifts don't have to be expensive. They should just be things that the recipient will find interest in. Try to look for their interest and get something they will enjoy or something they can use. Even something as simple as book can mean a lot.

That's how I feel when I think about giving someone a gift card, that it shows no thought. Therefore, I think of something thoughtful and give it to them.

On the other hand, when someone gives me a gift card, first I'm
, then
, then
. It is always appreciated. It is weird. I don't feel good giving them,but I feel
when I receive them.
Originally Posted by Rap Sizzle

I can understand if people are busy but giving gift cards as a Christmas present to me says nothing but 'I can't be bothered to find something you'd like, so here's a gift card.' I don't see the point of buying gift cards when you might as well give people cash.

The best gifts don't have to be expensive. They should just be things that the recipient will find interest in. Try to look for their interest and get something they will enjoy or something they can use. Even something as simple as book can mean a lot.
this man speaks the truth

this is going to be my fam's worst xmas. money is super tight right now and basically nobody has cash for gifts. but #$@% it, we're going to spend itand get through it together.
Times are tough this year...I'm waiting for my Mom to open up her restaurant, and I'm working this part time job, so everyone, with the exception of mygirl, is getting like 1 thing.. Even then, we agreed that we wont spend more than 200 on each other.

GF- iPod Nano (Ole girl never had one EVER), These slippers/socks/shoe thing she liked from American Eagle, and a new beanie for when we go Skiing...
Brother- New peice for his paintball gun (Kids gonna go pro one day
Mom- Bathrobe
Pops- Slippers
Stop complaining about gift cards SMH. I swear to god you dudes are negative for no real reason at all but just for the sake of thinking negatively.

I get my pops a gift card to Home Depot just about every year because I know he shops there regularly. He probably doesn't need anything from there rightat this moment but in the Spring or Summer when he decides to do a project, that gift card will definitely come in handy.

And if YOUR friend/family complain about receiving/giving gift cards then they need to lighten up.
I bought some gifts yesterday, spending the day at the mall with a few friends for about 6 hours

Mom: Gloves and a wallet from Macys. (The rest of the stuff my dad will pick up, or we will order online for her.)
Dad: Candle Set and iTunes Gift Card for his Nano. (My mom will pick up the rest of his gifts, which includes sneakers, clothes, etc.)

My mom picks up my Aunt and Uncle and cousin's gift for me.
Why a gift card at all though? Then you're just telling them where they have to shop, as a form of punishment... at least give somebody straight cash ifyou're gonna cop out and go the gift card route.

I've never given anybody i truly cared about a gift card... that's just how i feel. It's a very impersonal, thoughtless gift for somebody you knowwell. It's something you do just to say you didn't completely forget about somebody... something i might do for a birthday present, MAYBE. But forchristmas? Nah, no way. That just ruins the whole concept to me of thinking about others...

It's like "i'm not gonna waste time working on a gift for you, now what did you get me?".
Yall are crazy... if i got a $50-100 gift card to a place i shop regularly, i would be boosted.

Concept of gift cards are to let the person go and get whatever THEY want. Not something I think they would want.
if any on your family is big into sports, has a really sweet set up where you can order ANY SI cover since 1950ish and have it framed anddelivered to your house. it is a really cool gift, could bring back a lot of good memories for your dad/bro/friend.
My Girl: Christian Louboutin Belle Suade Bootie
Mom: TBD
Pops: TBD
Lil' Brother: Few outfits
My Girls pops: Madden 09 for PS3
My Girls mom: TBD
My Girls Sis': TBD (What the hell do 24-year-old doctors want for X-mas?)
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