*Official Coffee Drinkers Post*

I've worked at Starbucks for a while now, and I've had the chance to try a bunch of different coffees. If you're buying from a Starbucks store, Iwould definitely suggest the Arabian Mocha Sanani.
Originally Posted by SinnerP

interesting... never (I don't think) tried coffee brewed from a percolator or a moka pot... I usually have my tea from a french press...

most of the coffee shops I go to use this method... a siphon coffee maker... tasty.
check it.....


[h2]Saturday, April 26, 2008[/h2] http:// [h3]Ghetto Siphon Coffee[/h3]Several months ago I read an article in New York Times about a $20,000 Japanese siphon bar at Blue Bottle Cafe in San Francisco.

A siphon bar or vacuum coffee maker uses vapor pressure & vacuum force to brew coffee. Many believes this would give coffee a cleaner, crisp, rich & smooth taste.

As a coffee aficionado myself, I believe the attraction to siphoned coffee is purely based on placebo effect.

To prove my point, I have built my own vacuum coffee maker for using only a moka pot & a glass salt shaker. Of course, you can also purchase a Bodum Santos for less than $100, but where is the fun in that?

My total cost was much lower than $20,000. Granted, I did not have fancy glass globe as the water reservoir.

After filling moka pot's boiler with water, I placed empty salt shaker over the top & coffee ground around it.


Similar to regular siphon coffee maker, water has expanded after heating & traveled upward into the upper chamber.

After removing the moka pot away from heat source, brewed coffee siphons back into lower chamber as it cools.

Voila! Now you can also enjoy the same kaleidoscopic beverage all the pretentious hipsters are raging about.
Obviously not exactly the same...but if you try it... def let me know if you can taste the difference
Used to be into coffee, I'm going to have to start drinking it again after looking at this thread
I love my coffee, when im home i always start the day with some espresso. This siphon coffee looks interesting i def want to try that sometime.
Ghetto siphons... lol...

but regarding the $20000 set-up that SanFran coffee shop imported, I think a majority of the cost was from the halogen heat apparatus. The actual coffee potand filter isn't that expensive... as for the heat source, they have these small kerosene flames that can heat the coffee... or get a Bunsen burner...
Perhaps, I'm not a coffee snob...yet. However, I've always enjoyed drinking it in the morning.

But I haven't had the time to make my own brew, anyone care to advise me on a decent quality pot and some roast blends to get started?
I have a stovetop moka machine (the exact Biletti model pictured above), and it makes a pretty strong freaking drink for makng mochas and lattes and whatnot.You think a French press would make a stronger drink?
I jus started to drink coffee (work hours SMH) can you guys name me a good light sweet coffee.........
I like my french press coffee and espresso and I usually have one or the other every day. Lately I have been getting more and more into Armenian/Turkish/Arabcoffee.
yo...i'm an addict or your luv....coffee, never liked it til 4 years ago...hanging with the girls, got hooked...now i can't pass a good coffee shopwithout trying their shhh out....even royal farms jump off, i be like nah, i ain't messin with it, then 2 mins later pouring my kona and blue mountaintogether 3 splenda's and AMARETTO cream, dats my shhhh...i try and chill off it for a while but i just can't.... i love the taste and aroma....plus trustory.... it boosts metabolism up to 4 hrs after consumption....
I'm in London, some great European coffee here.

Medium Mocha with skim milk and no whipped cream for me (2 shots of espresso). Can't beat it.
I've noticed a lot of coffee joints around my area have been boiling water to drip their own coffee. It's definitely fresher, and the taste is morepronounced. Sustainable, shade-farmed free trade South American blends abound.

I actually intern for a non-profit organization on my campus called Community Agroecology Network. We support in farming and shipping coffee directly fromlocal peoples in Cost Rica and Nicaragua, mainly. You can buy coffee directly from these local farmers through their website, or learn more how to get involvedin supporting direct trade, sustainable agriculture, and supporting local communities in South and Central America.


Other than that, I usually buy a bag of vacuum sealed Pilao from Cafe Brasil down the street.
Also, if you need to settle for a place like Peet's, stir the coffee prior to drinking it and you'll notice a different in taste.
make my own cup every morning

4 sugars

french vanilla cream


heartburn all day .........
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