Originally Posted by elevenairs

Mexico plays at the Azteca for a reason..

you could say i guess that both teams are breathing the same air so theres no excuses, but the truth is nobody but Mexico ever plays good there, its definitely an advantage..yeah it could be the environment (100k+ fans) but its got alot more to do with the altitude and smog, you would be crazy to think these things dont matter...i still think the US has a better team and i agree if El Tri played their home games at a reasonable altitude, their home record would surely not be this good...but thats not going to happen anytime soon and I dont necessarily blame them for that...if the Us had that kind of advantage available I probably would take it

theres no secret why Mexico have played their best in Mexico City (Confed '99, WC '86,WCQ) and havent had nearly the same success away..its the same thing for a team like Bolivia that play their homes games at such an altitude (12,000 ft)..they have 3 wins in 14 qualifying matches for the next World Cup, not suprisingly all of their wins have come in La Paz...against the likes of Argentina, Paraguay and Peru no less...their best placing in a tournament? Copa America '63 and '97, both hosted in Bolivia

all i'm saying is Mexico has a distinct advantage playing their home games at 7,000 ft, probably making them look better than they actually are
Good facts man, that pretty sums the whole argument up I think. Teams playing on the road in those places are at a distinct disadvantage.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by CruzAzul9

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

So I finally got to watch the DVR this afternoon... very disappointing performance, but I have to say - that was some AWFUL officiating to go along with our awful performance.

First on the chopping block is RoboBob - terrible lineup, I was disappointed from the start. Ching is worthless... can anybody remember a meaningful thing he did in this game? Dude was basically not on the field... Clark? Same deal, which is pathetic as a midfielder.

Secondly - Mexicans are dirty %!+@+!% bastards. I honestly hate them with a passion, the %!%+ they pull (and got away with yesterday).

How dare you grab Charlie by the head and try to pick him up while he's laying there on the ground... then you get in the face of Gooch and try to rip the ball from him when it's not even your possession? How did this fool not get thrown the #$%% out?

Look - i'm not saying the refs directly cost us the game, we did not generate nearly enough chances and our defense allowed some stupid things to happen... that's all on us. But to think yellowcarding our entire defense in the first half wasn't a contributing factor in how Mexico was able to have so many good chances... well, that can be directly pointed back at the refs.

All of that would be fine if you call it fairly back the other way - Mexico was allowed to do anything they wanted to our guys without repercussions. Some of this is just the natural home field advantage, but yesterdays game was an atrociously officiated game and I am not happy about it.

I think a fair game ends up a draw, personally... but whatever, #$%% mexico, dirty %+% players and coaches.

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Show me a clip where they played dirty, those things you mentioned were when match was stopped (not sliding tackles like the U.S). Any team who is actually looking to win with time running out always lifts a player up (Davies) or tries to retrieve the ball to put it in play asap (Onyewu).. why? this was just time wasting by the U.S. Oh lets punish Nery for trying to lift him up but not do anything to the guy that ran and pushed Nery off
. What did Aguirre or Carrillo do that was dirty? Still hurting after the Panama incident?[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Definately not a game that deserved a draw. When a team dominates possession and shots vs a team who stood back hoping to counter attack or score from a corner/freekick? That deserves a tie?

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Also, sounds like you have some issues that go beyond the sport.[/color].. Donovan.., is that you?[/color]

You can put a hand out to help a guy to his feet, that's acceptable. But grabbing a player by his head while he's potentially hurt is uncalled for. Our guys running to his aide is exactly what anybody would expect their team to do. Don't try to spin that like it was an okay incident, there's a huge difference between trying to kill time and legitimately being in pain - if you noticed, we took Charlie out of the game for what he was on the ground about. We weren't pulling the typical Mexican-stall like you guys do starting with 85 minutes left if you happen to have a lead.. i've never seen a team pull that crap as badly as you guys do. So to even call another team out on it is just ridiculous.

And I admitted we got outplayed - but don't mistake the control thing as the only reason we were outplayed.. for one, we don't play a control style, and never have. I'd love to be able to, but that's not how our team is built. We are a countering team and we like playing through the air. That's just a conflict of styles, mexico will dominate possession every single time we play them, even if we were winning 5-0, it's just the style of both teams.

How about the 3 different tackles the american announcers pointed out that were UNBELIEVABLY not carded for, one wasn't even a foul by the refs. Yet all were just as "vicious" as the 3 yellow cards that our guys got. Don't remember those eh? Convenient.

It's no secret at all that we get screwed on calls EVERYWHERE outside of the US, and even many times within the states. It's also no coincidence that you guys are so unbeatable at home - it has very little to do with talent, and much more to do with buffoonery from the refs and playing 12 miles up in the sky. Be proud of that I guess.

I said from the start - we didn't deserve to win.. we sent a crappy lineup out, we played too defensively, and we didn't make enough solid plays on defense. But we still could've easily tied if the game were officiated better, and to me - that says something about Mexico moreso than us.

Enjoy your win - it's whatever, you guys never gave us a chance there anyways. I just can't wait to play you somewhere fair again and see what happens.. i'd LOVE to see you in the world cup itself somehow again. Oh would i love it.
[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Honestly, I don't even remember playing as rough as you made itout to be in your first post where you said Mexicans were dirty (including coaching staff) other than Nery's two incidents. Some tackles don't getcalled that is part of the game, but to say refs were completely in Mexico's favor is ridiculous. Keep bringing on the excuses. I respect how Bradley andOnyewu came out and recognized Mexico's win as a fair win.[/color] [color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Teams showwhat superiority is by defeating the opponent, not with words. And yes, we would all love a World Cup Match.[/color] [color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Check the list on the right.[/color]


[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]- Gold Cup Revenge - X[/color]
[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]- Qualifying 09 Revenge - X[/color]
[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]- World Cup 02 Revenge -[/color]

Originally Posted by elevenairs

Mexico plays at the Azteca for a reason..

you could say i guess that both teams are breathing the same air so theres no excuses, but the truth is nobody but Mexico ever plays good there, its definitely an advantage..yeah it could be the environment (100k+ fans) but its got alot more to do with the altitude and smog, you would be crazy to think these things dont matter...i still think the US has a better team and i agree if El Tri played their home games at a reasonable altitude, their home record would surely not be this good...but thats not going to happen anytime soon and I dont necessarily blame them for that...if the Us had that kind of advantage available I probably would take it

theres no secret why Mexico have played their best in Mexico City (Confed '99, WC '86,WCQ) and havent had nearly the same success away..its the same thing for a team like Bolivia that play their homes games at such an altitude (12,000 ft)..they have 3 wins in 14 qualifying matches for the next World Cup, not suprisingly all of their wins have come in La Paz...against the likes of Argentina, Paraguay and Peru no less...their best placing in a tournament? Copa America '63 and '97, both hosted in Bolivia

all i'm saying is Mexico has a distinct advantage playing their home games at 7,000 ft, probably making them look better than they actually are

Originally Posted by mrtramericanjr

Originally Posted by yAyToNyO

mexico is not the better team,, when wa sthe last time a team won in the azteca?

how often has it happened?

this game could of been played anywhere in the world and usa would of won

So you're telling me team USA was the team out there attacking and controlling the time of possession today? Get off your high horse and admit team USA just doesn't have "it" right now. Maybe in the near future when they either grow a pair or another set of lungs to actually compete for an entire soccer match, not the first 20 minutes of each half. I would agree with you if it was team USA who was on the attack throughout and just couldn't put the ball in the net the same way Spain did with the US, but this was not the case here. The better team won today, no ifs or buts about that.
the usa A team is better than mexicos A team, and it aint no high horse or biasness

how they dont have it when the last real game before this was against brazil in the final and spain in the semi finals so if they dont have "it" after not playing together for a month then thats not a correct statement

mexico should be happy that they play in high altitude

the thing is mexico could only beat the us in mexico, and that will change soon, everywhere else in the world that doesnt have high altitude the us will/would win,,,,, every where!!! and if u dont agree with that then you're full of it

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Every team in the World uses a stadium that will give them HOMEadvantage. U.S picks cities in the east where it's cold/windy all the time. U.S is not the best team in CONCACAF as has been shown in the Gold Cup Finaland yesterdays match... or was this their A- squad?[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]And you say no bias LOL[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]The U.S team is not better than Mexico, how a mix of Gold Cup and "A"Squad defeated your "A" squad (or "A-"??) squad says it all.[/color]
[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]
Craftsy, I knew you would come on here and make some kind of garbage excuse like always. It's sad and pathetic that even after your team plays cowardly youSTILL make excuses for them. Mexico had one defensive mistake and you capitalized on it. Other than that you guys did absolutely nothing and got dominated theWHOLE game.

As far as Nery trying to help up the player, please don't be naive. There was absolutely NOTHING wrong with Davies he was just TIRED. He KNEW they weregoing to sub him out he just wanted to take some more time off the clock. Don't act like he was seriously injured, Craftsy come on I expect more out of aperson who says they watch soccer. All he did was try to burn time.

It's funny you say Mexico played dirty. Point to the plays that shows us playing dirty? And what "vicious" tackles are you talking about? I canonly recall one foul that should have been a yellow, and that's Guardados tackle. The other tackle on Donovan was NOT A YELLOW, but it should have beenbrought back. If ANYTHING, you guys played A HELL OF A LOT DIRTIER than we did. EVERY yellow card a US player got, he deserved. Out of all the excuses thatcome out your mouth the "mexicans played dirty" excuse is the lamest of them all.

To say the officiating was the reason you guys lost or part of the reason is asinine and ridiculous. Did Mexico get favorable calls? Sure, but you expect thatin ANY SPORT for the HOME TEAM. You sure don't seem to complain when it's in your favor though. Instead of blaming the ref on your team's poorplay, start blaming yourself because you guys played with your tail between your legs for 90 minutes. You guys didn't deserve a tie. You got outplayed thewhole game and you're lucky we didn't score more. And please don't use the altitude excuse either. Is it a big factor? Yes it is but it affectsboth teams equally. Blame your loss on Donovan got letting his man go by which lead to the winning goal. 2-1 baby...

Oh and try not to make the racism so obvious in your posts next time. I understand you hate the Mexican SOCCER team but I think your hatred goes beyond sports.I don't respect racist people but I respect closet racists a lot less.


Suck on that Craftsy

Originally Posted by elevenairs

Mexico plays at the Azteca for a reason..

you could say i guess that both teams are breathing the same air so theres no excuses, but the truth is nobody but Mexico ever plays good there, its definitely an advantage..yeah it could be the environment (100k+ fans) but its got alot more to do with the altitude and smog, you would be crazy to think these things dont matter...i still think the US has a better team and i agree if El Tri played their home games at a reasonable altitude, their home record would surely not be this good...but thats not going to happen anytime soon and I dont necessarily blame them for that...if the Us had that kind of advantage available I probably would take it

theres no secret why Mexico have played their best in Mexico City (Confed '99, WC '86,WCQ) and havent had nearly the same success away..its the same thing for a team like Bolivia that play their homes games at such an altitude (12,000 ft)..they have 3 wins in 14 qualifying matches for the next World Cup, not suprisingly all of their wins have come in La Paz...against the likes of Argentina, Paraguay and Peru no less...their best placing in a tournament? Copa America '63 and '97, both hosted in Bolivia

all i'm saying is Mexico has a distinct advantage playing their home games at 7,000 ft, probably making them look better than they actually are

Riddle me this. If Mexico is only good at el Azeca how come Mexico consistently get's out of the group stage at every WC? And how come the U.S. didn'tget out the group stage last WC?Hmmm..I guess Mexico had been playing their WC group matches at Azteca too huh?
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

socluis90, do you think any sporting event in the U.S. can compare?
Na man, nothing comes close. I just got home and watched the replay and the noise doesn't travel at all in the broad cast. I'm telling allof yal it's something you gota experience before you die.
Riddle me this. If Mexico is only good at el Azeca how come Mexico consistently get's out of the group stage at every WC? And how come the U.S. didn't get out the group stage last WC?Hmmm..I guess Mexico had been playing their WC group matches at Azteca too huh?

what happened in '02?

the Mexican national team has never advanced further in the World Cup than the US team...you're happy to just make it out of the group stage? my point was Mexico hasnt had much success away from Mexico City, just making it out of the group stage is not much to write home about...and the US had a much tougher group in '06, getting out of a group that includes Angola and Iran should be expected for you guys

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Every team in the World uses a stadium that will give them HOME advantage. U.S picks cities in the east where it's cold/windy all the time. U.S is not the best team in CONCACAF as has been shown in the Gold Cup Final and yesterdays match[/color]
there is a major difference in playing in a cold/windy city than one 7,400 ft above sea level...i dont even understand that argument.....and no you guys are not the best in Concacaf...you guys did what you had to do in WCQ, winning at home...it was a great Gold Cup win for your team, no doubt..but what happened in 2007 when both teams brought a comparable lineup? two straight wins doesnt cancel out the dominance the US has had this decade
Oh and try not to make the racism so obvious in your posts next time. I understand you hate the Mexican SOCCER team but I think your hatred goes beyond sports. I don't respect racist people but I respect closet racists a lot less.
So racist? It's obvious I'm talking about the mexican soccer team and their fans when i refer to the country... I'm not insinuatingthat i hate the entire country of Mexico, although if you're the representation of what they stand for, childish close-minded homer behavior, than maybe iam starting to... but seriously, grow up.

If I have to go back through the tape and point out all the CRAP that wasn't called against Mexico compared to the same crap that was called on the US,there is no way you're going to see things my way. These were blatant things that anybody who wasn't a complete homer would be able to point out, thefact that you act so dumbfounded about it all just goes to show me how irrational you truly are - so i'm not wasting my time with you anymore.

You guys won - i gave you credit for winning, you outplayed us.. that doesn't mean I don't think you guys got away with a lot of calls that helpeddetermine the game, it doesn't mean i don't think your team and fans are unsportsmanlike - i mean, it's not like you guys get along well with ANYcountry you play, everytime I'm seeing controversy with international soccer fans and teams it seems to involve your team.

So yeah - i'm probably just imagining that you guys are a bunch of dirty players and fans.

But there's no convincing you of anything you don't already believe, so i'm done talking to you about it. Congratulations, you guys won a gameagainst us in mexico... what a surprise.
i used to think it was just atough place to play though, now i can see there's certainly more to the story than just the atmosphere.

Adios dawg.
I wanted to quote about 5 different posts, but I'll save you the extra reading.

bottom line for me.... AND PLEASE BELIEVE THAT I AM A US SUPPORTER ALL THE WAY THROUGH. Mexico won! congrats. BUT, for me, the game WAS decided by the referee.And before everyone says... ANOTHER US supporter is blaming the referee, please read this.

As a defender, you start EVERY single game like NO one, NO MATTER what the situation, is getting to the goal through you. RIGHT? So, when the ref gives ayellow card for a foul committed in the 26th and RIGHT away 2 mins later, it sends a message to everyone on that team that the game is going to be tight. thatis something i am sure we can all agree on.

Now, when you make those same 2 calls on fouls made 2 defenders, IT CHANGES THAT (AND EVERY OTHER) DEFENDER'S MENTALITY. I don't know why all of yousoccer experts and mexico supporters dont see this. WHen you're a defender and you KNOW you're on a yellow card, you are likely not to make that slidetackle, commit a professional foul, question a call, stand over the ball, etc. As a referee, if you change that mentality of a defender, you are DIRECTLYimpacting the game.

My other complaint was that SIMILAR calls were NOT being cautioned when mex was committing the foul. I did NOT say the same fouls... I said SIMILAR fouls. Ifhe was SO quick to caution the US players, as a FAIR referee, he NEEDS to caution BOTH teams for the same degree of foul committed.

Do i sound like I'm bitter... HELL Yeah I'm bitter. I am actually upset. Not because of the refs. Not because of the US's poor display... notbecause of the loss... but ALL of it.

With that said, I FIRMLY believe that mexico was the better team on AUG 12, but they are NO way a better team than the US. It doesn't take a soccer expertto know that. Mexico played in their ideal setting, in their ideal conditions, at home. They were more comfortable w/ the conditions and it showed. That'sa HUGE reason they won. (and the fact that US played bad) But like I said, an AUG 12 victory when US NEEDED the points WAY more than US did does NOT makeMexico a better team. Be real... talk about naive?

The ONLY good thing about this whole situation is the fact that what was supposed to happen... happened. Mexico was supposed to win and they did. Other thanthat... congrats to mexico.

Regardless of what happened in mexico city yesterday, I really don't care. I would LOVE to see US beat Mexico in mexico city, but I would LOVE to see USbeat England in England, China in China, and Russia in Russia. You get the point. The ultimate goal in the CONCACAF regionals is NOT about beating Mexico atAzteca, its about finishing in the TOP 3 to get an automatic birth to South Africa next year. So far, we're alright.

Congrats to Mexico once again.... but don't forget this was SUPPOSED to happen.
U.S. soccer star Landon Donovan has tested positive for the H1N1 flu virus, Donovan told SI.com on Thursday night.

"I felt something when I got into Miami on Sunday," Donovan said. "I just felt real bad and finally went to see the doctor. They took a swab from my nose and confirmed it, so that was that."

Donovan learned of the H1N1 diagnosis on Thursday afternoon, the day after he played 90 minutes in the U.S.'s 2-1 World Cup qualifying loss to Mexico in Mexico City. Even though Mexico has been the epicenter of the global H1N1 outbreak, Donovan said that he contracted the virus in the United States.

Donovan assisted on Charlie Davies's ninth-minute goal that gave the U.S. a 1-0 lead, but Donovan had little impact on the game after that. Usually the U.S.'s fittest and fastest player, Donovan appeared tired midway through the first half and trailed behind Mexico's Efraín Juarez on the run that resulted in Mexico's decisive 82nd-minute goal.

"I haven't felt that way in a game in a long time," Donovan said from Los Angeles. "During the game and even after the game I thought maybe it was the altitude, the heat, whatever. But even so I've never felt that bad. The last time I was there [at Estadio Azteca] I didn't feel that bad. I just felt lethargic, slow. I didn't feel normal."

Donovan said he wasn't sure if he would miss the Los Angeles Galaxy's game on Saturday against the Seattle Sounders. "If I feel well there's no reason why I can't play, but we'll just have to see how I feel," he said. "Judging by how I felt during other flus and colds [in the past], this doesn't seem as bad, so maybe I got a mild strain of it. The [doctors] don't know a ton, so I'm just trying to keep myself away from people and just go by how I feel each day."

For the past two months Donovan has been in a torrid run of form. He has scored in his last three MLS league games and was the league's Player of the Month in July.
Originally Posted by elevenairs

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Every
team in the World uses a stadium that will give them HOME
advantage. U.S picks cities in the east where it's cold/windy all the
time. U.S is not the best team in CONCACAF as has been shown in the
Gold Cup Final
and yesterdays match[/color]
there is a major difference in playing in a cold/windy city than one 7,400 ft above sea level...i dont even understand that argument.....and no you guys are not the best in Concacaf...you guys did what you had to do in WCQ, winning at home...it was a great Gold Cup win for your team, no doubt..but what happened in 2007 when both teams brought a comparable lineup? two straight wins doesnt cancel out the dominance the US has had this decade

how many times has the U.S. played in Columbus?

i guess its also cold in Dallas, Houston, Arizona, L.A., Chicago in the summer, Tennessee.

Good game by Mexico, but i did not like us immediately going to a defense mind right after we made the goal. !#@# that damn ref, the number of calls werearound the same, but damn he only had cards for the U.S. and his bs inconsistently. Also !#@# that linesman making the offside call on Charlie.

Congratulations to mexico, they won a game they had to win.

and just like my boy Donovan said, if they play us anywhere else outside of azteca they will not win. Good thing that its going to be a cold World Cup.

edit: did Honduras win? i didnt catch the game, so i need a rundown on it.
at USNT soccer fans salty as usual.

I don't even read these posts anymore because it's the same old repetitive WE WOULD HAVE, SHOULD HAVE, COULD HAVE WON, (but didn't).

Blame it on the refs... right........
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

U.S. soccer star Landon Donovan has tested positive for the H1N1 flu virus, Donovan told SI.com on Thursday night.

"I felt something when I got into Miami on Sunday," Donovan said. "I just felt real bad and finally went to see the doctor. They took a swab from my nose and confirmed it, so that was that."

Donovan learned of the H1N1 diagnosis on Thursday afternoon, the day after he played 90 minutes in the U.S.'s 2-1 World Cup qualifying loss to Mexico in Mexico City. Even though Mexico has been the epicenter of the global H1N1 outbreak, Donovan said that he contracted the virus in the United States.

Donovan assisted on Charlie Davies's ninth-minute goal that gave the U.S. a 1-0 lead, but Donovan had little impact on the game after that. Usually the U.S.'s fittest and fastest player, Donovan appeared tired midway through the first half and trailed behind Mexico's Efraín Juarez on the run that resulted in Mexico's decisive 82nd-minute goal.

"I haven't felt that way in a game in a long time," Donovan said from Los Angeles. "During the game and even after the game I thought maybe it was the altitude, the heat, whatever. But even so I've never felt that bad. The last time I was there [at Estadio Azteca] I didn't feel that bad. I just felt lethargic, slow. I didn't feel normal."

Donovan said he wasn't sure if he would miss the Los Angeles Galaxy's game on Saturday against the Seattle Sounders. "If I feel well there's no reason why I can't play, but we'll just have to see how I feel," he said. "Judging by how I felt during other flus and colds [in the past], this doesn't seem as bad, so maybe I got a mild strain of it. The [doctors] don't know a ton, so I'm just trying to keep myself away from people and just go by how I feel each day."

For the past two months Donovan has been in a torrid run of form. He has scored in his last three MLS league games and was the league's Player of the Month in July.

No wonder he got burned on that last goal.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

[USNT fan on NT], I knew you would come on here and make some kind of garbage excuse like always. It's sad and pathetic that even after your team plays cowardly you STILL make excuses for them. Mexico had one defensive mistake and you capitalized on it. Other than that you guys did absolutely nothing and got dominated the WHOLE game.

To say the officiating was the reason you guys lost or part of the reason is asinine and ridiculous. Did Mexico get favorable calls? Sure, but you expect that in ANY SPORT for the HOME TEAM. You sure don't seem to complain when it's in your favor though. Instead of blaming the ref on your team's poor play, start blaming yourself because you guys played with your tail between your legs for 90 minutes. You guys didn't deserve a tie. You got outplayed the whole game and you're lucky we didn't score more. And please don't use the altitude excuse either. Is it a big factor? Yes it is but it affects both teams equally. Blame your loss on Donovan got letting his man go by which lead to the winning goal. 2-1 baby...

Originally Posted by DC1323

I wanted to quote about 5 different posts, but I'll save you the extra reading.

bottom line for me.... AND PLEASE BELIEVE THAT I AM A US SUPPORTER ALL THE WAY THROUGH. Mexico won! congrats. BUT, for me, the game WAS decided by the referee. And before everyone says... ANOTHER US supporter is blaming the referee, please read this.

As a defender, you start EVERY single game like NO one, NO MATTER what the situation, is getting to the goal through you. RIGHT? So, when the ref gives a yellow card for a foul committed in the 26th and RIGHT away 2 mins later, it sends a message to everyone on that team that the game is going to be tight. that is something i am sure we can all agree on.

Now, when you make those same 2 calls on fouls made 2 defenders, IT CHANGES THAT (AND EVERY OTHER) DEFENDER'S MENTALITY. I don't know why all of you soccer experts and mexico supporters dont see this. WHen you're a defender and you KNOW you're on a yellow card, you are likely not to make that slide tackle, commit a professional foul, question a call, stand over the ball, etc. As a referee, if you change that mentality of a defender, you are DIRECTLY impacting the game.

My other complaint was that SIMILAR calls were NOT being cautioned when mex was committing the foul. I did NOT say the same fouls... I said SIMILAR fouls. If he was SO quick to caution the US players, as a FAIR referee, he NEEDS to caution BOTH teams for the same degree of foul committed.

Do i sound like I'm bitter... HELL Yeah I'm bitter. I am actually upset. Not because of the refs. Not because of the US's poor display... not because of the loss... but ALL of it.

With that said, I FIRMLY believe that mexico was the better team on AUG 12, but they are NO way a better team than the US. It doesn't take a soccer expert to know that. Mexico played in their ideal setting, in their ideal conditions, at home. They were more comfortable w/ the conditions and it showed. That's a HUGE reason they won. (and the fact that US played bad) But like I said, an AUG 12 victory when US NEEDED the points WAY more than US did does NOT make Mexico a better team. Be real... talk about naive?

The ONLY good thing about this whole situation is the fact that what was supposed to happen... happened. Mexico was supposed to win and they did. Other than that... congrats to mexico.

Regardless of what happened in mexico city yesterday, I really don't care. I would LOVE to see US beat Mexico in mexico city, but I would LOVE to see US beat England in England, China in China, and Russia in Russia. You get the point. The ultimate goal in the CONCACAF regionals is NOT about beating Mexico at Azteca, its about finishing in the TOP 3 to get an automatic birth to South Africa next year. So far, we're alright.

Congrats to Mexico once again.... but don't forget this was SUPPOSED to happen.

Of course the mentality of a defender changes when he gets a yellow, and even more so when three of your starting defenders get carded. But who's fault isthat? Every yellow card the U.S. got was DESERVED and to say it wasn't then you're being a homer. Don't blame the ref, blame your players formaking stupid tackles. I can only recall one play in which a Mexican player deserved a card and that was the Guardado foul. Other than that, there werequestionable calls that were in favor of Mexico but nothing game changing. Did the yellows affect the way they played? Yes, but like I said they were all goodyellows and none of those are in question so you're blaming the wrong person. As far as U.S. being better than Mexico, that's debatable. Other than theWC win (which I give you props for) Mexico wins in Mexico and the US wins in the US. Until they play on neutral soil again it's debatable who's better.Let's take a look at the last few US matches.

- 3-1 Loss to Italy
- 3-0 Loss to Brazil
- 3-0 Win vs. Egypt
- 2-0 Win vs. Spain (A game in which you guys got outplayed all game and capitalized on two horrible uncharacteristic mistakes by Spain)
- 3-2 Loss to Brazil (Huge choke job)
- 5-0 Loss to Mexico (It was your B/C (or F teacm accoding to some NTers) but played a terrible game)
- 2-1 Loss to Mexico (Got outplayed for 90 minutes and bunkered the WHOLE game)

A 2-5 record doesn't really show me you guys are a good team, just very opertunistic. Take youre homer glasses off.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by DC1323

I wanted to quote about 5 different posts, but I'll save you the extra reading.

bottom line for me.... AND PLEASE BELIEVE THAT I AM A US SUPPORTER ALL THE WAY THROUGH. Mexico won! congrats. BUT, for me, the game WAS decided by the referee. And before everyone says... ANOTHER US supporter is blaming the referee, please read this.

As a defender, you start EVERY single game like NO one, NO MATTER what the situation, is getting to the goal through you. RIGHT? So, when the ref gives a yellow card for a foul committed in the 26th and RIGHT away 2 mins later, it sends a message to everyone on that team that the game is going to be tight. that is something i am sure we can all agree on.

Now, when you make those same 2 calls on fouls made 2 defenders, IT CHANGES THAT (AND EVERY OTHER) DEFENDER'S MENTALITY. I don't know why all of you soccer experts and mexico supporters dont see this. WHen you're a defender and you KNOW you're on a yellow card, you are likely not to make that slide tackle, commit a professional foul, question a call, stand over the ball, etc. As a referee, if you change that mentality of a defender, you are DIRECTLY impacting the game.

My other complaint was that SIMILAR calls were NOT being cautioned when mex was committing the foul. I did NOT say the same fouls... I said SIMILAR fouls. If he was SO quick to caution the US players, as a FAIR referee, he NEEDS to caution BOTH teams for the same degree of foul committed.

Do i sound like I'm bitter... HELL Yeah I'm bitter. I am actually upset. Not because of the refs. Not because of the US's poor display... not because of the loss... but ALL of it.

With that said, I FIRMLY believe that mexico was the better team on AUG 12, but they are NO way a better team than the US. It doesn't take a soccer expert to know that. Mexico played in their ideal setting, in their ideal conditions, at home. They were more comfortable w/ the conditions and it showed. That's a HUGE reason they won. (and the fact that US played bad) But like I said, an AUG 12 victory when US NEEDED the points WAY more than US did does NOT make Mexico a better team. Be real... talk about naive?

The ONLY good thing about this whole situation is the fact that what was supposed to happen... happened. Mexico was supposed to win and they did. Other than that... congrats to mexico.

Regardless of what happened in mexico city yesterday, I really don't care. I would LOVE to see US beat Mexico in mexico city, but I would LOVE to see US beat England in England, China in China, and Russia in Russia. You get the point. The ultimate goal in the CONCACAF regionals is NOT about beating Mexico at Azteca, its about finishing in the TOP 3 to get an automatic birth to South Africa next year. So far, we're alright.

Congrats to Mexico once again.... but don't forget this was SUPPOSED to happen.

Of course the mentality of a defender changes when he gets a yellow, and even more so when three of your starting defenders get carded. But who's fault is that? Every yellow card the U.S. got was DESERVED and to say it wasn't then you're being a homer. Don't blame the ref, blame your players for making stupid tackles. I can only recall one play in which a Mexican player deserved a card and that was the Guardado foul. Other than that, there were questionable calls that were in favor of Mexico but nothing game changing. Did the yellows affect the way they played? Yes, but like I said they were all good yellows and none of those are in question so you're blaming the wrong person. As far as U.S. being better than Mexico, that's debatable. Other than the WC win (which I give you props for) Mexico wins in Mexico and the US wins in the US. Until they play on neutral soil again it's debatable who's better. Let's take a look at the last few US matches.

- 3-1 Loss to Italy
- 3-0 Loss to Brazil
- 3-0 Win vs. Egypt
- 2-0 Win vs. Spain (A game in which you guys got outplayed all game and capitalized on two horrible uncharacteristic mistakes by Spain)
- 3-2 Loss to Brazil (Huge choke job)
- 5-0 Loss to Mexico (It was your B/C (or F teacm accoding to some NTers) but played a terrible game)
- 2-1 Loss to Mexico (Got outplayed for 90 minutes and bunkered the WHOLE game)

A 2-5 record doesn't really show me you guys are a good team, just very opertunistic. Take youre homer glasses off.

haha... we're not talking about who's better than brazil or italy or whoever. To judge a team by their results against OTHER teams is ridiculous. Oneof the most beautiful things about soccer is that any team can beat another on any given day. Like I said, the ref didn't decide the game. There were manyfactors that came into play that led to a Mex win. But the ref made decisions that influenced the outcome of the game. In MANY, MANY other situations, anotherref would NOT have given yellow cards for either of the 3 given in the 1st half.

regardless, congrats to mexico. they were better on weds afternoon. There are only a few, VERY few NTers who would say that Mex is better than US right now. Weall know they are not 5 goals better than USA like last month... but to say that yesterdays display by BOTH teams is representative of where they currently arein their "rivalry," right!!!!

just be happy, take the 3 points, and take the W with class. You know me... i'm not on here talking about who how bad mexico is or how great the US is.that's not my style. The ultimate goal of both teams is to be playing in SA next summer. is this going to matter if US, Costa Rica, and Honduras go throughand Mex loses to the 5 place team from south america? probably not.

Good luck to both US and mexico.
Originally Posted by CruzAzul9

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by CruzAzul9

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

So I finally got to watch the DVR this afternoon... very disappointing performance, but I have to say - that was some AWFUL officiating to go along with our awful performance.

First on the chopping block is RoboBob - terrible lineup, I was disappointed from the start. Ching is worthless... can anybody remember a meaningful thing he did in this game? Dude was basically not on the field... Clark? Same deal, which is pathetic as a midfielder.

Secondly - Mexicans are dirty %!+@+!% bastards. I honestly hate them with a passion, the %!%+ they pull (and got away with yesterday).

How dare you grab Charlie by the head and try to pick him up while he's laying there on the ground... then you get in the face of Gooch and try to rip the ball from him when it's not even your possession? How did this fool not get thrown the #$%% out?

Look - i'm not saying the refs directly cost us the game, we did not generate nearly enough chances and our defense allowed some stupid things to happen... that's all on us. But to think yellowcarding our entire defense in the first half wasn't a contributing factor in how Mexico was able to have so many good chances... well, that can be directly pointed back at the refs.

All of that would be fine if you call it fairly back the other way - Mexico was allowed to do anything they wanted to our guys without repercussions. Some of this is just the natural home field advantage, but yesterdays game was an atrociously officiated game and I am not happy about it.

I think a fair game ends up a draw, personally... but whatever, #$%% mexico, dirty %+% players and coaches.

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Show me a clip where they played dirty, those things you mentioned were when match was stopped (not sliding tackles like the U.S). Any team who is actually looking to win with time running out always lifts a player up (Davies) or tries to retrieve the ball to put it in play asap (Onyewu).. why? this was just time wasting by the U.S. Oh lets punish Nery for trying to lift him up but not do anything to the guy that ran and pushed Nery off
. What did Aguirre or Carrillo do that was dirty? Still hurting after the Panama incident?[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Definately not a game that deserved a draw. When a team dominates possession and shots vs a team who stood back hoping to counter attack or score from a corner/freekick? That deserves a tie?

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Also, sounds like you have some issues that go beyond the sport.[/color].. Donovan.., is that you?[/color]

You can put a hand out to help a guy to his feet, that's acceptable. But grabbing a player by his head while he's potentially hurt is uncalled for. Our guys running to his aide is exactly what anybody would expect their team to do. Don't try to spin that like it was an okay incident, there's a huge difference between trying to kill time and legitimately being in pain - if you noticed, we took Charlie out of the game for what he was on the ground about. We weren't pulling the typical Mexican-stall like you guys do starting with 85 minutes left if you happen to have a lead.. i've never seen a team pull that crap as badly as you guys do. So to even call another team out on it is just ridiculous.

And I admitted we got outplayed - but don't mistake the control thing as the only reason we were outplayed.. for one, we don't play a control style, and never have. I'd love to be able to, but that's not how our team is built. We are a countering team and we like playing through the air. That's just a conflict of styles, mexico will dominate possession every single time we play them, even if we were winning 5-0, it's just the style of both teams.

How about the 3 different tackles the american announcers pointed out that were UNBELIEVABLY not carded for, one wasn't even a foul by the refs. Yet all were just as "vicious" as the 3 yellow cards that our guys got. Don't remember those eh? Convenient.

It's no secret at all that we get screwed on calls EVERYWHERE outside of the US, and even many times within the states. It's also no coincidence that you guys are so unbeatable at home - it has very little to do with talent, and much more to do with buffoonery from the refs and playing 12 miles up in the sky. Be proud of that I guess.

I said from the start - we didn't deserve to win.. we sent a crappy lineup out, we played too defensively, and we didn't make enough solid plays on defense. But we still could've easily tied if the game were officiated better, and to me - that says something about Mexico moreso than us.

Enjoy your win - it's whatever, you guys never gave us a chance there anyways. I just can't wait to play you somewhere fair again and see what happens.. i'd LOVE to see you in the world cup itself somehow again. Oh would i love it.
[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Honestly, I don't even remember playing as rough as you made it out to be in your first post where you said Mexicans were dirty (including coaching staff) other than Nery's two incidents. Some tackles don't get called that is part of the game, but to say refs were completely in Mexico's favor is ridiculous. Keep bringing on the excuses. I respect how Bradley and Onyewu came out and recognized Mexico's win as a fair win.[/color] [color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Teams show what superiority is by defeating the opponent, not with words. And yes, we would all love a World Cup Match.[/color] [color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Check the list on the right.[/color]


[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]- Gold Cup Revenge - X[/color]
[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]- Qualifying 09 Revenge - X[/color]
[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]- World Cup 02 Revenge -[/color]

Originally Posted by elevenairs

Mexico plays at the Azteca for a reason..

you could say i guess that both teams are breathing the same air so theres no excuses, but the truth is nobody but Mexico ever plays good there, its definitely an advantage..yeah it could be the environment (100k+ fans) but its got alot more to do with the altitude and smog, you would be crazy to think these things dont matter...i still think the US has a better team and i agree if El Tri played their home games at a reasonable altitude, their home record would surely not be this good...but thats not going to happen anytime soon and I dont necessarily blame them for that...if the Us had that kind of advantage available I probably would take it

theres no secret why Mexico have played their best in Mexico City (Confed '99, WC '86,WCQ) and havent had nearly the same success away..its the same thing for a team like Bolivia that play their homes games at such an altitude (12,000 ft)..they have 3 wins in 14 qualifying matches for the next World Cup, not suprisingly all of their wins have come in La Paz...against the likes of Argentina, Paraguay and Peru no less...their best placing in a tournament? Copa America '63 and '97, both hosted in Bolivia

all i'm saying is Mexico has a distinct advantage playing their home games at 7,000 ft, probably making them look better than they actually are

Originally Posted by mrtramericanjr

Originally Posted by yAyToNyO

mexico is not the better team,, when wa sthe last time a team won in the azteca?

how often has it happened?

this game could of been played anywhere in the world and usa would of won

So you're telling me team USA was the team out there attacking and controlling the time of possession today? Get off your high horse and admit team USA just doesn't have "it" right now. Maybe in the near future when they either grow a pair or another set of lungs to actually compete for an entire soccer match, not the first 20 minutes of each half. I would agree with you if it was team USA who was on the attack throughout and just couldn't put the ball in the net the same way Spain did with the US, but this was not the case here. The better team won today, no ifs or buts about that.
the usa A team is better than mexicos A team, and it aint no high horse or biasness

how they dont have it when the last real game before this was against brazil in the final and spain in the semi finals so if they dont have "it" after not playing together for a month then thats not a correct statement

mexico should be happy that they play in high altitude

the thing is mexico could only beat the us in mexico, and that will change soon, everywhere else in the world that doesnt have high altitude the us will/would win,,,,, every where!!! and if u dont agree with that then you're full of it
[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Every team in the World uses a stadium that will give them HOME advantage. U.S picks cities in the east where it's cold/windy all the time. U.S is not the best team in CONCACAF as has been shown in the Gold Cup Final and yesterdays match... or was this their A- squad?[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]And you say no bias LOL[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]The U.S team is not better than Mexico, how a mix of Gold Cup and "A" Squad defeated your "A" squad (or "A-"??) squad says it all.[/color]
[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]

how much teams actually win in the azteca?........im waiting.................

your argument makes no sense cause its rare that mexico losses there cause of the high altitude us A team plays mexico then mexico lose
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by elevenairs

Mexico plays at the Azteca for a reason..

you could say i guess that both teams are breathing the same air so theres no excuses, but the truth is nobody but Mexico ever plays good there, its definitely an advantage..yeah it could be the environment (100k+ fans) but its got alot more to do with the altitude and smog, you would be crazy to think these things dont matter...i still think the US has a better team and i agree if El Tri played their home games at a reasonable altitude, their home record would surely not be this good...but thats not going to happen anytime soon and I dont necessarily blame them for that...if the Us had that kind of advantage available I probably would take it

theres no secret why Mexico have played their best in Mexico City (Confed '99, WC '86,WCQ) and havent had nearly the same success away..its the same thing for a team like Bolivia that play their homes games at such an altitude (12,000 ft)..they have 3 wins in 14 qualifying matches for the next World Cup, not suprisingly all of their wins have come in La Paz...against the likes of Argentina, Paraguay and Peru no less...their best placing in a tournament? Copa America '63 and '97, both hosted in Bolivia

all i'm saying is Mexico has a distinct advantage playing their home games at 7,000 ft, probably making them look better than they actually are

Riddle me this. If Mexico is only good at el Azeca how come Mexico consistently get's out of the group stage at every WC? And how come the U.S. didn't get out the group stage last WC?Hmmm..I guess Mexico had been playing their WC group matches at Azteca too huh?

it all depends on the groups ur in, i wont say that mexico is trash cause the team is good(real talk) but when the us played mexico in the wc in germany , whowon?
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by DC1323

I wanted to quote about 5 different posts, but I'll save you the extra reading.

bottom line for me.... AND PLEASE BELIEVE THAT I AM A US SUPPORTER ALL THE WAY THROUGH. Mexico won! congrats. BUT, for me, the game WAS decided by the referee. And before everyone says... ANOTHER US supporter is blaming the referee, please read this.

As a defender, you start EVERY single game like NO one, NO MATTER what the situation, is getting to the goal through you. RIGHT? So, when the ref gives a yellow card for a foul committed in the 26th and RIGHT away 2 mins later, it sends a message to everyone on that team that the game is going to be tight. that is something i am sure we can all agree on.

Now, when you make those same 2 calls on fouls made 2 defenders, IT CHANGES THAT (AND EVERY OTHER) DEFENDER'S MENTALITY. I don't know why all of you soccer experts and mexico supporters dont see this. WHen you're a defender and you KNOW you're on a yellow card, you are likely not to make that slide tackle, commit a professional foul, question a call, stand over the ball, etc. As a referee, if you change that mentality of a defender, you are DIRECTLY impacting the game.

My other complaint was that SIMILAR calls were NOT being cautioned when mex was committing the foul. I did NOT say the same fouls... I said SIMILAR fouls. If he was SO quick to caution the US players, as a FAIR referee, he NEEDS to caution BOTH teams for the same degree of foul committed.

Do i sound like I'm bitter... HELL Yeah I'm bitter. I am actually upset. Not because of the refs. Not because of the US's poor display... not because of the loss... but ALL of it.

With that said, I FIRMLY believe that mexico was the better team on AUG 12, but they are NO way a better team than the US. It doesn't take a soccer expert to know that. Mexico played in their ideal setting, in their ideal conditions, at home. They were more comfortable w/ the conditions and it showed. That's a HUGE reason they won. (and the fact that US played bad) But like I said, an AUG 12 victory when US NEEDED the points WAY more than US did does NOT make Mexico a better team. Be real... talk about naive?

The ONLY good thing about this whole situation is the fact that what was supposed to happen... happened. Mexico was supposed to win and they did. Other than that... congrats to mexico.

Regardless of what happened in mexico city yesterday, I really don't care. I would LOVE to see US beat Mexico in mexico city, but I would LOVE to see US beat England in England, China in China, and Russia in Russia. You get the point. The ultimate goal in the CONCACAF regionals is NOT about beating Mexico at Azteca, its about finishing in the TOP 3 to get an automatic birth to South Africa next year. So far, we're alright.

Congrats to Mexico once again.... but don't forget this was SUPPOSED to happen.

Of course the mentality of a defender changes when he gets a yellow, and even more so when three of your starting defenders get carded. But who's fault is that? Every yellow card the U.S. got was DESERVED and to say it wasn't then you're being a homer. Don't blame the ref, blame your players for making stupid tackles. I can only recall one play in which a Mexican player deserved a card and that was the Guardado foul. Other than that, there were questionable calls that were in favor of Mexico but nothing game changing. Did the yellows affect the way they played? Yes, but like I said they were all good yellows and none of those are in question so you're blaming the wrong person. As far as U.S. being better than Mexico, that's debatable. Other than the WC win (which I give you props for) Mexico wins in Mexico and the US wins in the US. Until they play on neutral soil again it's debatable who's better. Let's take a look at the last few US matches.

- 3-1 Loss to Italy
- 3-0 Loss to Brazil
- 3-0 Win vs. Egypt
- 2-0 Win vs. Spain (A game in which you guys got outplayed all game and capitalized on two horrible uncharacteristic mistakes by Spain)
- 3-2 Loss to Brazil (Huge choke job)
- 5-0 Loss to Mexico (It was your B/C (or F teacm accoding to some NTers) but played a terrible game)
- 2-1 Loss to Mexico (Got outplayed for 90 minutes and bunkered the WHOLE game)

A 2-5 record doesn't really show me you guys are a good team, just very opertunistic. Take youre homer glasses off.

i dont give a crap about the gold cup but its funny you mentioned it yet u left out all the games they won in that tournament
Originally Posted by mrtramericanjr

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by DC1323

I wanted to quote about 5 different posts, but I'll save you the extra reading.

bottom line for me.... AND PLEASE BELIEVE THAT I AM A US SUPPORTER ALL THE WAY THROUGH. Mexico won! congrats. BUT, for me, the game WAS decided by the referee. And before everyone says... ANOTHER US supporter is blaming the referee, please read this.

As a defender, you start EVERY single game like NO one, NO MATTER what the situation, is getting to the goal through you. RIGHT? So, when the ref gives a yellow card for a foul committed in the 26th and RIGHT away 2 mins later, it sends a message to everyone on that team that the game is going to be tight. that is something i am sure we can all agree on.

Now, when you make those same 2 calls on fouls made 2 defenders, IT CHANGES THAT (AND EVERY OTHER) DEFENDER'S MENTALITY. I don't know why all of you soccer experts and mexico supporters dont see this. WHen you're a defender and you KNOW you're on a yellow card, you are likely not to make that slide tackle, commit a professional foul, question a call, stand over the ball, etc. As a referee, if you change that mentality of a defender, you are DIRECTLY impacting the game.

My other complaint was that SIMILAR calls were NOT being cautioned when mex was committing the foul. I did NOT say the same fouls... I said SIMILAR fouls. If he was SO quick to caution the US players, as a FAIR referee, he NEEDS to caution BOTH teams for the same degree of foul committed.

Do i sound like I'm bitter... HELL Yeah I'm bitter. I am actually upset. Not because of the refs. Not because of the US's poor display... not because of the loss... but ALL of it.

With that said, I FIRMLY believe that mexico was the better team on AUG 12, but they are NO way a better team than the US. It doesn't take a soccer expert to know that. Mexico played in their ideal setting, in their ideal conditions, at home. They were more comfortable w/ the conditions and it showed. That's a HUGE reason they won. (and the fact that US played bad) But like I said, an AUG 12 victory when US NEEDED the points WAY more than US did does NOT make Mexico a better team. Be real... talk about naive?

The ONLY good thing about this whole situation is the fact that what was supposed to happen... happened. Mexico was supposed to win and they did. Other than that... congrats to mexico.

Regardless of what happened in mexico city yesterday, I really don't care. I would LOVE to see US beat Mexico in mexico city, but I would LOVE to see US beat England in England, China in China, and Russia in Russia. You get the point. The ultimate goal in the CONCACAF regionals is NOT about beating Mexico at Azteca, its about finishing in the TOP 3 to get an automatic birth to South Africa next year. So far, we're alright.

Congrats to Mexico once again.... but don't forget this was SUPPOSED to happen.

Of course the mentality of a defender changes when he gets a yellow, and even more so when three of your starting defenders get carded. But who's fault is that? Every yellow card the U.S. got was DESERVED and to say it wasn't then you're being a homer. Don't blame the ref, blame your players for making stupid tackles. I can only recall one play in which a Mexican player deserved a card and that was the Guardado foul. Other than that, there were questionable calls that were in favor of Mexico but nothing game changing. Did the yellows affect the way they played? Yes, but like I said they were all good yellows and none of those are in question so you're blaming the wrong person. As far as U.S. being better than Mexico, that's debatable. Other than the WC win (which I give you props for) Mexico wins in Mexico and the US wins in the US. Until they play on neutral soil again it's debatable who's better. Let's take a look at the last few US matches.

- 3-1 Loss to Italy
- 3-0 Loss to Brazil
- 3-0 Win vs. Egypt
- 2-0 Win vs. Spain (A game in which you guys got outplayed all game and capitalized on two horrible uncharacteristic mistakes by Spain)
- 3-2 Loss to Brazil (Huge choke job)
- 5-0 Loss to Mexico (It was your B/C (or F teacm accoding to some NTers) but played a terrible game)
- 2-1 Loss to Mexico (Got outplayed for 90 minutes and bunkered the WHOLE game)

A 2-5 record doesn't really show me you guys are a good team, just very opertunistic. Take youre homer glasses off.

i dont give a crap about the gold cup but its funny you mentioned it yet u left out all the games they won in that tournament

You're right I didn't even think of that so take out the Mexico/USA gold cup game since that wasn't their full team. You're still left with a2-4 record.
What I don't understand is why there are people saying Bob should be fired. Why? He took you guys to the Confederations Cup final and almostbeat Brazil. The USMNT took a few steps foward and firing him will be like taking another step back. Plus we're real close to the WC you don't want togo through what Mexico has gone through.
Random Thought - Oh and D, You said that this result was "supposed" to happen but if you guys knew that why did every US supporters and their mommassay "wait til the 12", "wait til we get out A team"? That didn't sound like a group of people who expected to lose, that sounded likequite confident supporters who thought they were going to win.
You guys didn't deserve a tie. You got outplayed the whole game and you're lucky we didn't score more. And please don't use the altitude excuse either. Is it a big factor? Yes it is but it affects both teams equally.
it affects both teams equally? i didnt know the US was used to playing games at over 7400 ft on a consistent basis...you dont think its easier forMexican players to acclimatize at all? like my comments earlier, can you truly believe Bolivia would beat a team like Argentina 6-1 anywhere but 12,000 ftabove sea level? Bolivia isn't 1/10th the team Mexico is, but yet the altitude wasnt a factor in that match either? please...the Fifa body has talked aboutnot letting them host international matches there anymore

you are absolutely right the US didnt deserve a point from this game, because they played a horrible match, just like in the Gold Cup...but the altitude is away bigger factor than what you're making it out to be...of all the competitive games that have been played at the Azteca, i think Costa Rica and Paraquayare the only teams to ever win there? and Costa Rica being the only one in Concacaf qualifying....that is an astonishing record, insane really...im certainlynot taking anything away from that but the point i've been trying to make this whole time is Mexico is not nearly as good a team away from the Azteca..

i know to Mexican fans you think im making excuses or being salty, whatever...all ive been doing is pointing out the obvious..to sit here and say that thealtitude affects both teams equally and discredit that its not a factor doesnt make sense...i know you can't believe that Mexico would have such an amazingrecord in home qualifying if it wasn't for the altitude

if it truly affected both teams equally would your record at the Azteca be as ridiculously good as it is? somehow i think not
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