What are your beefs? I've had some as well.
I wouldn't say most gyms have terrible programming, it is mainly catered to work for those interested in getting fit, however if you want to progress in the "gainz" department it will be detrimental or non-beneficial. Some trainers are literally in a box when it comes to thinking.
Tried Paleo, didn't work, I've seen it work for some though. Are they strict? No, they load up on carbs (measured) before their workouts. Personally, can't do it, I exert too much energy, the one time I did I just felt gassed every single time. IIFYM seems to work just fine for me, I try to stay clean for the most part.
I still have a good 15 lb's to lose to get to my goal weight (200-205), once the calendar flipped to 2014 I started focusing on strength and challenging myself with "competitor" WOD's, even going heavier than Rx at times.
"American" kettle bell swings
Sumo deadlift high pulls
Light weight high rep olympic lifts
Unknowledgeable trainers whose only background is doing CF for a while and then deciding to go get their Lvl 1
Already said the way they teach the olympic lifts
Excessive focus on metcon and high intensity
Pushing people to go 100% every workout
Teaching the kipping pull-up to people without the proper shoulder girdle strength built up from strict pullups
As far as programming goes, I just see a lot of excessive focus on metcon, met con done in a WOD before strength work, overly complicated workouts, stuff like that.
I know a lot of the soccer mom types and girls love all the met con stuff and don't like strength work, and some guys too, because they don't feel like they get a work out if they aren't killing themselves. There's a good balance between strength and cardio that has to be found, and most CF gyms, IMO, put too much focus on met con.
Look at Grace (30x 135lb C&J for time).
That workout is a whole lot easier when your 1RM C&J is 250 vs 185 or something like that.
Same thing with Fran. More strength makes the met con movements...I won't say easier...but more efficient and with better form.
Anyway, enough ranting. If you guys have questions about form on lifts or learning skills or anything about CF or olympic lifting, hit me up. I'm also a USAW Club Coach.