Official DECEMBER 2013 Pick Up Thread Vol. Let's see your gifts

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Heh, I saw the mention of headphones and thought myself, "Just watch, I bet it's gonna some Beats, just watch. *Scrolls down* Oh, Momentums, that's actually some legitimately nice stuff, does jerkstore know what's up? Prop worthy either way. *Keeps scrolling* Oh, Martin Logan? He knows"

Anyway, onto some more pickups. After nearly 6 years my soul has been cleansed of a great mountain of salt.

Shout outs to the Windy City Sole Summit and attendees
Cement print on the wedding ring box is 
 Good luck @JerkStore  
Nice brotha congrats and good luck to ya!

Heh, I saw the mention of headphones and thought myself, "Just watch, I bet it's gonna some Beats, just watch. *Scrolls down* Oh, Momentums, that's actually some legitimately nice stuff, does jerkstore know what's up? Prop worthy either way. *Keeps scrolling* Oh, Martin Logan? He knows"

Cement print on the wedding ring box is :smokin  
 Good luck @JerkStore

Thanks Guys!

and odysseus odysseus , Thanks for the props. If you're going to do something, do it right. :smokin
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my recent pickups. Finally got the matching wtk shirt, will wait til christmas to wear it (or after, dont want to rock the kobes in this nyc snow) also copped gta v. both the game and shirt are getting wrapped under the tree so will wait until christmas to play that too. oh well. at least i got to drink this nice coca cola today :lol: the rest will have to wait though

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Great group shot, XII's are my favorite sneaker. Still waiting to find a pair of French Blue's at the right time and the right price.
Waiting for my Taxi's in the mail but you guys have seen plenty of pictures already.

Got super lucky on those--found 'em in pass for DS condition on Kixify for $125 earlier this year.
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