Official Depression thread

Yall stay up yo

Smoking and drinking won't solve anything . Being depressed it'll make you feel more like **** and that's what, 20-40 bucks outta Ya pocket. Have to fill that void of those vices doing another activity to better yourself .

Folks with money problems in here I've been there too . I t remember whe I couldn't afford 1.19 bread. Had the cashier lookin at me like I slapped her twice . Blowing all my cash on weed then deciding if I'm gonna put all my cash in the tank to get to get to work or taking that ten to the weedman . It had to stop .

Save . Save till it hurts . Just met a dude today delivering shingles that had a BIG *** house . I asked him what he did he said he just retired from ups. He said he saved every penny. him and his wife stayed at home ,didn't go out didn't spend any major money on her or nothing . I'm not saying that's what you have to do but I suggest (I know everyone's situation is different) you have enough saved to where an emergency happens you have enough to cover it and still have a decent amount (or more ) available .

If your going through hell ,keep going. Gotta make an effort though.

Be easy folks.
I was prescribed Adderall yesterday and I'm going to take my first pill in the morning and see how it affects my performance at the office (which is at an all time low).

If I'm not feeling it I'm immediately going to kick it and tell my doc it's not for me.

Im wary of meds but trying to keep an open mind. My life has been a disorganized, unfocused mess as of late.
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Yall stay up yo

Smoking and drinking won't solve anything . Being depressed it'll make you feel more like **** and that's what, 20-40 bucks outta Ya pocket. Have to fill that void of those vices doing another activity to better yourself .

Folks with money problems in here I've been there too . I t remember whe I couldn't afford 1.19 bread. Had the cashier lookin at me like I slapped her twice . Blowing all my cash on weed then deciding if I'm gonna put all my cash in the tank to get to get to work or taking that ten to the weedman . It had to stop .

Save . Save till it hurts . Just met a dude today delivering shingles that had a BIG *** house . I asked him what he did he said he just retired from ups. He said he saved every penny. him and his wife stayed at home ,didn't go out didn't spend any major money on her or nothing . I'm not saying that's what you have to do but I suggest (I know everyone's situation is different) you have enough saved to where an emergency happens you have enough to cover it and still have a decent amount (or more ) available .

If your going through hell ,keep going. Gotta make an effort though.

Be easy folks.

Real talk.

Take the advice.
I wasn't even eating significantly more than usual either despite the incredible hunger at night. If I had a little less willpower I would've probably devoured anything on sight

Me neither. I just felt like it slowed my metabolism down so no matter how little i ate i put on weight.

Yall stay up yo

Smoking and drinking won't solve anything . Being depressed it'll make you feel more like **** and that's what, 20-40 bucks outta Ya pocket. Have to fill that void of those vices doing another activity to better yourself .

Folks with money problems in here I've been there too . I t remember whe I couldn't afford 1.19 bread. Had the cashier lookin at me like I slapped her twice . Blowing all my cash on weed then deciding if I'm gonna put all my cash in the tank to get to get to work or taking that ten to the weedman . It had to stop .

Save . Save till it hurts . Just met a dude today delivering shingles that had a BIG *** house . I asked him what he did he said he just retired from ups. He said he saved every penny. him and his wife stayed at home ,didn't go out didn't spend any major money on her or nothing . I'm not saying that's what you have to do but I suggest (I know everyone's situation is different) you have enough saved to where an emergency happens you have enough to cover it and still have a decent amount (or more ) available .

If your going through hell ,keep going. Gotta make an effort though.

Be easy folks.

Cosign the no smoking no drinking. I dont drink and i havent smoked bud in almost 2yrs. I think it def helps being sober, plus u right about the cost. Im just tryna prep myself mentally and physically for this next step...hell (the slammer lol). Got on the workouts serious and been reading a lot of books.
I was prescribed Adderall yesterday and I'm going to take my first pill in the morning and see how it affects my performance at the office (which is at an all time low).

If I'm not feeling it I'm immediately going to kick it and tell my doc it's not for me.

Im wary of meds but trying to keep an open mind. My life has been a disorganized, unfocused mess as of late.

Dr. Tried Adderall with me, made me so freaking paranoid like everyone knew I was on amphetamines... wasn't for me.

Me neither. I just felt like it slowed my metabolism down so no matter how little i ate i put on weight.
Cosign the no smoking no drinking. I dont drink and i havent smoked bud in almost 2yrs. I think it def helps being sober, plus u right about the cost. Im just tryna prep myself mentally and physically for this next step...hell (the slammer lol). Got on the workouts serious and been reading a lot of books.

My hunger was insatiable for about 4 months on mirtazipine, then it just stopped...and I went back down to my normal weight shortly after.

Smoking helped me sometimes my Dr. Actually kind of encouraged it. ahat20 try and get into medical if your going away, they'll just feed you seroquel and time will fly.
Smoking helped me sometimes my Dr. Actually kind of encouraged it. ahat20 try and get into medical if your going away, they'll just feed you seroquel and time will fly.

Ima look into that. Thanks for the info!
I'm happy the first antidepressant I tried worked. Can't imagine being at the end of my rope and being tested on with different meds like a guinea pig.
I think this post has been a long time coming.

I've been battling depression for a while now, but things have been on a slide more recently. A quick background: I grew up in an immigrant family, had nothing, and worked incredibly hard for everything I have now. So let's take a look at the major factors:

Family = good -- everything's going along okay, a couple of divorces lately, but overall good

Relationships = decent -- have a main girl who I like, but don't really have any major feelings for

Friends = okay -- everyone's on their grind and really busy -- less time to get together

Career/life goals = okay -- could be a lot better, not where I want to be at 24yo, honestly not completely sure if this is the right field

Money = okay -- no debt, no major issues, still pretty frugal

Social life = okay -- could be better; I meet a lot of people, but it all seems very transitory/somewhat fake

Alcohol = I'm nearly a high-functioning alcoholic

I feel as if I'm watching myself live my own life, sorta like an out-of-body experience. More recently, I've been thinking a lot about suicide, different ways to do it without creating a mess, potential plans of how I would carry it out, and I've been teaching my family how to do certain things as a preemptive measure just in case. It is incredibly frustrating and unsettling. At the core of it, I feel empty and am really aimless in my life.

I was having dinner with a close homie recently and he made a comment that although I speak very enthusiastically and seem engaged in convo, he notices that I have sad eyes/demeanor and talk as if I'm just responding for the sake of convo with no investment/interest/as if I'm not "all there." I hadn't noticed it before, but I've found this to be true when I look at it further. Until I truly figure it out, I'll do what I've always done: plugging and chipping away.

To be honest, I go to sleep every night and hope that I don't wake up the next day.
I'm gonna get in touch with a few therapists next week.
Mother Nature had the answer all along.

A hallucinogenic drug derived from magic mushrooms could be useful in treating depression, the first safety study of this approach has concluded.

Researchers from Imperial College London gave 12 people psilocybin, the active component in magic mushrooms. All had been clinically depressed for a significant amount of time—on average 17.8 years. None of the patients had responded to standard medications, such as selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs), or had electroconvulsive therapy.

One week after receiving an oral dose of psilocybin, all patients experienced a marked improvement in their symptoms. Three months on, five patients were in complete remission. 
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i think about death/dying at least once a day and then try to get that thought or other negative thoughts out my head. the source of my depression is my homelife.
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i think about death/dying at least once a day and then try to get that thought or other negative thoughts out my head. the source of my depression is my homelife.
That's pretty unhealthy fam. Are in any sort of treatment? What is it about your home life/
That's pretty unhealthy fam. Are in any sort of treatment? What is it about your home life/
I feel like there's many contributing factors. regarding my homelife, I stay home with my parents, my home was broken into for the 2nd time of us living there. That contributes to anxiety and paranoia. I can't really communicate with my parents due to language barrier, we're Asian. I also never had much support growing up as well so my home life was not always the healthiest. I live in quite a crime ridden area and feel like it's the source of my depression. I used to have a healthy life and felt fine mentally until sometime recently. After a low back injury and having a trapped nerve I felt like things has gotten worse for me. My goal is to move out which I'm working towards but its hard to envision a future because I have these weird thoughts and anxious feeling of not making it. It's hard to describe.
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C'mon man - it's well known that the US has terrible mental health care - it certainly can't look down on other developed countries.

How so? If you have the right care and are willing to fund help, there are tons of psychiatrist/therapist in the US you can talk to
Yeah, there are tons of therapists willing to listen to the first world problems of those with money - but that's not helping those in the most need.

Access to mental health care is worse than physical medical help - but that's common to many developed countries.

Terrible was maybe slightly too strong a word - but I wouldn't be proud of current mental health care - it could be much better.
Holidays were horrid, I don't know how I made it thru. Felt like dying. Happy now that they are over.

Serious question, is depression like a self induced disease or something genetically programmed in to eat your brain is wired?

A lot of people that deal with depression seem to have all the tools needed to win but the perception seems confusing.

If there's really a diseases that causes people to feel sad and there's nothing that can be done to fix them that's kind of weird and depressing essentially.
Serious question, is depression like a self induced disease or something genetically programmed in to eat your brain is wired?

A lot of people that deal with depression seem to have all the tools needed to win but the perception seems confusing.

If there's really a diseases that causes people to feel sad and there's nothing that can be done to fix them that's kind of weird and depressing essentially.
You know it might be self induced. In the past I've sulked in negativity, it has taken me work to change.
You know it might be self induced. In the past I've sulked in negativity, it has taken me work to change.

Appreciate your response. I didn't want to come off as condescending but always wondered.

Everything I see online points to "use medicine"

That's like a professional way of telling someone to smoke a blunt, run some laps, make some music, or have some drinks.
Holidays were horrid, I don't know how I made it thru. Felt like dying. Happy now that they are over.

Sorry to hear that man, what is most important is that you made it through! If you need someone to talk to, feel free to reach out.

Serious question, is depression like a self induced disease or something genetically programmed in to eat your brain is wired?

A lot of people that deal with depression seem to have all the tools needed to win but the perception seems confusing.

If there's really a diseases that causes people to feel sad and there's nothing that can be done to fix them that's kind of weird and depressing essentially.

Its a bit of both. Genetics play role in whether or not someone is predisposed to depression. Environment factors such as a dysfunctional home or other traumatic events can contribute.

The way in which you internalize traumatic events or daily stressors IMO does play a role.
Holidays were horrid, I don't know how I made it thru. Felt like dying. Happy now that they are over.

And for the record I don't think there's nothing wrong with not wanting to be social. It takes a realistic person to mention that being around multiple personalities and forced communications due to the holidays is draining.
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