Official: Detroit Pistons vs Philadelphia 76ers - Game 1 Post

Haha @ Pistons. Newbs.

Rasheed wallace was still playing around when there was 1 minute left in 4th quarter.

good win for the 76er's
@ prince missing wide open jumpers
Yo from the beginning when the Sixers were keeping up with the Pistons i thought to myself... the 76er's might have a chance to steal one and they justdid. 76er's are probably the most underrated team in the playoffs.. people just dismiss them but they have a pretty good squad.

Amazing how they came back from a 15pt lead in the 2nd half...

Look for Detriot to crush them the next 4 games though.
The next game is key for Detroit. They either
A) get their act together and destroy Philly the rest of the way
B) play sloppy again and let the series get away from them

If it's another tight game but DET wins, Philly will still have the momentum and will take the series.

I couldn't care less about this series, but if it stops a Spurs-Pistons Finals from happening, I'll gladly root for the Sixers.
woooooooo!!!!!!!!!! lets go!!!!!!! let's win gm 2
Dre Miller

and jason smith played good D and rebounded well
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Unfortunately for the Sixers, it takes 4 games to win. They get props for this one though.

This won't be like the 2001 Finals.

I didn't think the Sixers would win this series, but now that they got this game, I'm feeling it.

Sixers in 6.

Fire it up.

Oh word? Don't get too excited yet. I know everyone hates Detroit, but usually that means you're doing something right. Time will tell, and my moneyis still on the Pistons to win this series. Do remember, they've been here many, many times.
Aren't u a Bulls fan and a Cowboys S4L?

Shocked that you would even use the word "Fraud" in a sentence....
Nice win by the 76ers... Pistons better get on they job, or else Flip's going to lose his.
Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

i'm rooting for Philly, Washington or Atlanta to win it all this year.

hoorah philly!

Looks like Trillapino Trapstar got a new SN
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