Official EA Sports College Football 25 Thread || Available Now

When is devthadude gonna get online so we can get this SEC championship poppin?

[COLOR=#red]You shoot him a message?

I know he is at work right now though. I'll text him.[/COLOR]
this game is a ******g joke. D lineman are faster than hell and can dive 5 yards to ankle wrap you as you run away. :x
this game is a ******g joke. D lineman are faster than hell and can dive 5 yards to ankle wrap you as you run away.
Do you like this one better than 13 overall?
[QUOTE url="/t/531778/official-ncaa-football-14-thread/300#post_18482488"]
this game is a ******g joke. D lineman are faster than hell and can dive 5 yards to ankle wrap you as you run away. :x

Do you like this one better than 13 overall?

never played 13 but 12' was way better. this new acceleration burst is flat out stupid as **** also.
never played 13 but 12' was way better. this new acceleration burst is flat out stupid as **** also.
12 was my favorite out of all on this gen...but my dynasty messed up. 

I can play every mode except dynasty, after so many seasons it just stopped. I can't even log into it. It may just be the game. 
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this game is a ******g joke. D lineman are faster than hell and can dive 5 yards to ankle wrap you as you run away.
My biggest gripe right here... I got DL chasing down my stretch run or w.e with a 90+ speed RB and they keep pace then right when I'm bout to break it upfield and take off they dive from way back and untie my shoes.
never played 13 but 12' was way better. this new acceleration burst is flat out stupid as **** also.
12 was my favorite out of all on this gen...but my dynasty messed up. 

I can play every mode except dynasty, after so many seasons it just stopped. I can't even log into it. It may just be the game. 
12 was horrible...  gameplay was the best on either 09 or this one overall but the dback coverage is terrible in this.  cpu receivers are wide open on every play unless i cover them myself.

aside from that everything else about thi game plays the best of any 360/ps3 gen game.  if passing is easy you can fix that with sliders.  i havent figured out how to make cpu cover better in man though.  i can get them to do it a little but people would complain the ai is cheesing too much.

dlineman speed can be fixed with the speed threshold slider.  you guy are playing on default sliders so of course those things are gonna happen.
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In my offline dynasty I have the slider for speed threshold at like 30 (favoring greater speed difference...) and Its still a little wack.
In my offline dynasty I have the slider for speed threshold at like 30 (favoring greater speed difference...) and Its still a little wack.

I set mine to 0. I watched DB's back peddle and keep up with Deanthony Thomas :x :smh: when i had it at default
Maybe it's time for a second concurrent dynasty

do it airmaxin
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I'm about to step out, don't sim it.  I should be back around 10:30-11.  i still have a shot at that Natl. Championship
He has clients. I'm not advancing until you guys play for the chip. East or West coast?
He said 11 pac time.
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i'm creating a big 10/pac12 dynasty. shoot me your info if you're interested or i'll just open it up to xbox live in general.
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