Official EA Sports College Football 25 Thread || Dynasty Deep Dive Trailer & Blog Out Now

Lex,didn't see your post before i made it, but i picked oregon
no other schools taken yet.

Ecook didnt buy the game so usc is still open.

sent out a couple of invites to the people on my friends list. dynasty name is NT B1G Pac12 password is NT
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sent you and lex (and psmith too, so tell him) invites to join.

waiting for roger to accept my friend request then i'll shoot him an invite too but with the dynasty info above league name "NT B1G Pac12" pw "NT" you should be able to search out and add the dynasty.

I'll advance it to week 1 tomorrow after people have joined up


Roll with Michigan or Wisco or Stanford or Or. St.  I also moved Rutgers and Maryland into the B1G ahead of schedule.  USC is still available too.
I picked Bama in the dynasty you're all in since i figured I'd have to start at level 0 but now I'm hearing I could have jumped in right off the bat with Saban as coach??
  why is that even allowed
I picked Bama in the dynasty you're all in since i figured I'd have to start at level 0 but now I'm hearing I could have jumped in right off the bat with Saban as coach??
  why is that even allowed
I dunno
I started at 0 and I'm at like 13 or something now but whoever has UG is like lvl 33 or some sht with Richt.
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I picked Bama in the dynasty you're all in since i figured I'd have to start at level 0 but now I'm hearing I could have jumped in right off the bat with Saban as coach?? :x   why is that even allowed
I dunno :smh: I started at 0 and I'm at like 13 or something now but whoever has UG is like lvl 33 or some sht with Richt. |I

[COLOR=#red]Yea I started at 0 as well. I didn't put any guidelines on the league coaching wise.

yea his is crazy high.

I hit my boy also, he said he messaged you through the xbox app. He had a family thing and was up until 3 am. He said he is on tonight for sure. If not I'll play it for him.[/COLOR]
I picked Bama in the dynasty you're all in since i figured I'd have to start at level 0 but now I'm hearing I could have jumped in right off the bat with Saban as coach?? :x   why is that even allowed

Yeah, I was complaining about this a few pages back. Real dumb move by EA. Started out my dynasty 18 levels behind.
Yea I started at 0 as well. I didn't put any guidelines on the league coaching wise.

yea his is crazy high.

I hit my boy also, he said he messaged you through the xbox app. He had a family thing and was up until 3 am. He said he is on tonight for sure. If not I'll play it for him.
He never messaged me.  i was messaging you around the time we were supposed to go on.  He signed into smartglass(?) for a hot sec then got off before I could message him.  
Smartglass is that app right? Yea he said he hit you. I went to sleep mad early. Sinuses have been killin.

Either way, playing today man.
cool, and I got no message.  I was up late too(Nako can vouch. ) when do you plan to be on?
[COLOR=#red]lol I believe you man, no worries. **** just happens sometimes. If he can't play, about 8 pacific time. If he is I'll let you know.[/COLOR]
Also Pete probably wont be on again until like monday... He had a fire in his apartment building and is coming upstate for the weekend from NYC.
I can play later at like 1045-11 EST.

OSU the first game of the year tho?
I've never even used stanford... boutta get smoked cause I know this dude airmaxin been @$*%in with Braxton Miller already....
I can play later at like 1045-11 EST.

OSU the first game of the year tho?
I've never even used stanford... boutta get smoked cause I know this dude airmaxin been @$*%in with Braxton Miller already....
i was trying to make out byes match up best they could and only way to do it while making us all play each other was to give u osu either week 1 or week 3. but i figured ud want to get it out of the way early since u were both ready to play tonight. i play osu week 2.

didnt even think that no one will have time to learn their offenses. im out here injuring my own guys trying to run the hurry up with oregon.
Quite possibly the craziest/most hilarious play i've seen on a video game. :wow: :rofl:

Fast forward to 2:14

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