***Official Eagles @ Patriots on NBC SNF vol. largest spread in NFL history***

Dec 25, 2005
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[/td] [td]NFL.com:[/td] [/tr][/table]Gamecenter


Real | Windows Media

Uniform Jersey: White Pants: Green [/td] [td] [table][tr][td]

[/td] [td]Nov 25, 2007 8:15 pm ET
Gillette Stadium
Game Preview
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[table][tr][td]Sun 8:15 PM[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]3[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]F[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Eagles[/td] [td]
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[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Patriots[/td] [td]
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TV: NBC Local radio: 94 WYSP SIRIUS: 122 Forcast : 6abc

» Injury Report » Starting Lineups


7:30 PM: Kickoff Show | 11:15 PM: Post-Game Show

Stallworth Conf. Call | Belichick Conf. Call
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Not much to say about this game. Everyone expects a blowout and rightfully so. The Pats are a juggernaut team that looks like one of the greatest of all timewhile the Eagles are nothing more than mediocre as their record indicates. McNabb's status is uncertain right now as well so expect AJ to get the start.This game has all the makings of a massacre but I can see it not being as bad as people expect. I think we can surprise some people and cover the largestspread in NFL history.

This goes against everything I ever stood for, believe in, and hold sacred...but please...win, Eagles...if I hear/see/read another story on 'Pats Pursuitof Perfection', I'm seriously gonna consider eating my own head. Ill go back 2 hating the Birds with a passion the minute the game is over...but 4 3hours...ugh, I can't even say it...
is the spread really 22 points!? man, i thought the 9 point spread for the Ravens/Steelers game was big... this is just ridiculous.
the spread for our local lottery betting is -23.5, LOL I'd still take it tho.
Originally Posted by goldNboi7

if I hear/see/read another story on 'Pats Pursuit of Perfection', I'm seriously gonna consider eating my own head.

Amen to that. I love watching this team play because they are unreal, but holy crap... the media will just not hop off these guys. It's like this everyyear with a sports team though, they get SO MUCH airtime on Sportscenter that you just get sick and tired of them. With the wife being a Colts fan, she lovedto watch Sportscenter during Peyton Manning's 49 TD year... I wanted to throw myself off the balcony.

Anyways, back to the game-
AJ Feeley is starting. He knows the offense and is a capable QB - against most defenses. Not this one... I see LOTS of rushing, blitzing and special packagesbeing thrown around out there. I expect Westbrook to carry the offense (what else is new?), but they'll have to air it out once the Pats get ahead and whoknows what will happen then.

Patriots - 45, Eagles - 17
I took NE to cover the spread.

There gonna focus on Westbrook so the WRs better get open which i dont think will happen and the Pats are playing at home.
Westbrook could do some damage, he could find some holes in our defense. I think the Eagles might be able to cover the spread, but I don't think they canwin this game.

Pats 45
Eagles 24
^Ay bruh...I'm not a Pats fan in the LEAST bit...yeah they were caught cheating and like it or not, they're always gonna be suspect because of it.(what happened 2 the 'evidence' BTW? Destroyed never 2 be seen or heard by the fans who finance the sport 2 begin with?! I don't like it...separatepost tho...) And there's NO amount of points scored that's gonna change it...flame me if you gotta...is what it is...I'm jus sick of hearin aboutthe whole damn thing...and its like its being shoved down my throat...eff it tho...ima stay in my lane. Go Cowboys.
Destroyed never 2 be seen or heard by the fans who finance the sport 2 begin with?! I don't like it...separate post tho...) And there's NO amount of points scored that's gonna change it...flame me if you gotta...is what it is...
Nah no doubt, I'm not picking on YOU per say, I'm just pointing out the double standard that I see. There's a certain currentbaseball player that has been purposely destroyed by the media and fans, and he hasn't even been found guilty. On the other end, you got a coach that wasfound guilty of cheating but he gets a pass. I wonder why that is?? Anyway like you said, we'll save that for another thread, you dudes carry on.
people realize the cheating didnt affect this season right? they were caught in week 1 of this season. this season really has nothing to do with cheating.

There's a certain current baseball player that has been purposely destroyed by the media and fans, and he hasn't even been found guilty. On the other end, you got a coach that was found guilty of cheating but he gets a pass. I wonder why that is?? Anyway like you said, we'll save that for another thread, you dudes carry on.
^ look im a bonds fan and i feel for him...but he got destroyed for LYING about it. the pats didn't lie, they got caught, and were punished.bonds lied, and so thats what destroyed him. if he admitted it like others have done, he'd be fine right now. lied under oath, too
Originally Posted by Deuce King

if I hear/see/read another story on 'Pats Pursuit of Perfection'
Perfection........weren't the Pats caught cheating??
We still salty about this? It's the damn Pats, does it look like they actually need to cheat? Youre 49ers should start cheating.
Originally Posted by goldNboi7

This goes against everything I ever stood for, believe in, and hold sacred...but please...win, Eagles...if I hear/see/read another story on 'Pats Pursuit of Perfection', I'm seriously gonna consider eating my own head. Ill go back 2 hating the Birds with a passion the minute the game is over...but 4 3 hours...ugh, I can't even say it...

i completely agree
^ awww cmon guys...i was rooting for the cowboys when they played the jets!

hahah jokes
people realize the cheating didnt affect this season right? they were caught in week 1 of this season. this season really has nothing to do with cheating.
I don't know why people forget this

go Eagles (ahhh, I don't say that often)
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