Official Eating Healthy Thread Vol No Fast Food...

Pardon my ignorance but what is Omega 3 good for? Im getting its good for brain function. What does that mean?
breakfast: oats and whey
snack: protein bar
lunch: chicken breast sandiwch with an apple
snack #2: banana
dinner: carbs,protein, fats

diet changes on different days of the week and what exercise im doing (lifting, HIIT, spin class, bjj, muay thai) but this is basically what im eating for thenext couple of but itll pay off in the end
See Thats My Problem, Im Stuck In School And Just Surrounded By Fast Food So I tend To Take the easier route to just go to McDonalds than actually do groceriesand get some healthy food...

Being Away From Moms Cooking FTL!

I'm a lil dude only 5'5 140 and have trouble trying to gain weight...Always been a picky dude so a burger was always first option...Guess im a just tryw.e now and see how long i can stay away from the fast food
i've went from 215 to 175 in about a year, although i'm not sure what i weigh now. basically, i started to work out 4-5 times a week (now it's 2-3because of a busy school schedule), and i eliminated soda+juice from my diet, and if i get soda i get diet, i know it's not good for you even if it'sdiet but the key is, anything in moderation is fine. it's really hard to eat super-healthy in college; you just have to make sure you don't excessivelysnack and get burned by the late-night munchies, and also make sure you keep a nice workout schedule. and try to stick to water+tea (whole foods has some nicetea thats 0cal+0sug, iced oolong tea for me is
) in my first two years of college, i'd constantly getPringles or Ben and Jerrys ice cream pints and snack late night
, that obviously was not good at all.
Coloring your diet is so important. It's a shame how America fails when it comes to dieting properly.
people also have to understand it's not always about the number you see on the scale. i find it funny when skinny kids think they can eat all the fast foodthey want cause they'll never get fat. they're probably gonna have hypercholesterolemia in the future as well as high blood pressure.

eating healthy will not only help you maintain your weight but it will also lower your cholesterol and blood pressure which in the long run is more importantthan being skinny.
man, I never realized how bad I really eat. What I ate today.

Nature valley granola bar few hours after i wake up
pizza, soda, ice cream sundae for lunch
vitamin water few hours after lunch
smartones hot pocket type thing and some water
rice crispies cereal x2
some whole almonds and more water
smartfoods popcorn with arizona ice tea as we speek

I'm actually very skinny, I don't put on weight at all for some reason. not yet at least. i have history of heart disease in my family though, and Ialways worry about that. i can cut out junk food easily but don't know what to substitute it with.
Originally Posted by sheistbugz

man, I never realized how bad I really eat. What I ate today.

Nature valley granola bar few hours after i wake up
pizza, soda, ice cream sundae for lunch
vitamin water few hours after lunch
smartones hot pocket type thing and some water
rice crispies cereal x2
some whole almonds and more water
smartfoods popcorn with arizona ice tea as we speek

I'm actually very skinny, I don't put on weight at all for some reason. not yet at least. i have history of heart disease in my family though, and I always worry about that. i can cut out junk food easily but don't know what to substitute it with.
if you have a family history i STRONGLY suggest you watch what you eat. that is one of the big risk factors. it is really hard to eat wellespecially if you are outside all the time from morning to night. 95% of the foods you can easily buy outside are not healthy and even if something is"healthy" it probably is expensive and not very nutritious (like those bs salads they sell). you should also regularly exercise like cardio that willhelp as well. also if you can bring your own lunch everytime. it was hard and annoying for me this semester but it saved me a lot of money and calories.

as for foods you can prepare easily: invest in a george forman grill and buy chicken breast. you don't even need to marinate it or anything, it comes outperfect. put some low sodium salsa on it and it's good to go. also buy a bag of those frozen vegetables that have peas, carrots, corn, and string that with every meal (only 2 min. microwave) and you can also eat refried beans and tuna cans in water. just pop it open and good to go. protein shake canalso come in handy as well. and instead of eating junk food like popcorn sub that with strawberries, blueberries, or some other berries. and none of that juicecrap, water only.
alrite man thanks for that. is it good to get frozen fruit though. and what are the best kind of nuts to eat. like almonds or cahews.
Originally Posted by ThuG LyFe

people also have to understand it's not always about the number you see on the scale. i find it funny when skinny kids think they can eat all the fast food they want cause they'll never get fat. they're probably gonna have hypercholesterolemia in the future as well as high blood pressure.

eating healthy will not only help you maintain your weight but it will also lower your cholesterol and blood pressure which in the long run is more important than being skinny.

real talk, my bro always says "if u cant see it on your body, its probably going to your heart"
Originally Posted by AllDay AllNight

Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

Good thread. In addition of my diet I take Whey, Superpump250, NO-Xplode, Nitrix, and Nitrotech protein but my diet usually consists of:

Breakfast: banana/vanilla protein shake (48g of protein) and Bagel or Muffin with water.
Lunch: 2 cans of Tuna with mayo on wheat with 1 serving of baked chips.
Dinner: 1 pound of Steamed vegetables with wheat bread.

2 Gallons of water throughout the day.

On my cardio days I burn about 700-800 calories. I run 2 miles and lift 6 days a week and I went from a skinny 154lbs in February to a lean 200lbs (although I have nice vascularity and definition in my arms I have a bit of a stomach
I find it hard to believe that you gained ~45lbs of lean muscle in less than four months. And you're not even on a bulking cycle, you're still burning about 1/3 of your calories through cardio, not to mention whatever's burned by your resting metabolism.

Those kinds of gains have to unsustainable, assuming that you're telling the truth.

Obviously it's not lean muscle but I'm trying to cut right now. I'm fairly new to this so I know i've probably made some mistakes. Thanks foryour input!
There's really lots of food to choose from when eating healthy, mainly because there are different ways to reflect your muscle tone through what you eat.Example is someone who's skinny yet eats nothing but green, and lacks on protein. Granted, dude is healthy but is he bulked? Nope. Eating healthy to me isfinding a medium where you calculate your cal intake, protein, carbs, fats, from your weight. It's not even that expensive, thanks to George F.

good place to get vitamins, supplements, non-perishable foods, other products at reasonable prices.

good to see so many people making conscious decisions towards better health.
As you get older you cant eat and go right to bed, its nasty. I try not to eat after 6pm. I got two full time jobs and they both require me to be on my feet.So I get my share of exercise. I eat light through out the day. I sleep pretty good now.
this is just the thread i was looking for. Im really trying to commit myself to a healthier diet.

Being 22, i keep hearing that what you eat now, determines your health when you hit your 30s
Originally Posted by MF Doomer

There's really lots of food to choose from when eating healthy, mainly because there are different ways to reflect your muscle tone through what you eat. Example is someone who's skinny yet eats nothing but green, and lacks on protein. Granted, dude is healthy but is he bulked? Nope. Eating healthy to me is finding a medium where you calculate your cal intake, protein, carbs, fats, from your weight. It's not even that expensive, thanks to George F.

QFT...It's all about balance.
Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

Originally Posted by AllDay AllNight

Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

Good thread. In addition of my diet I take Whey, Superpump250, NO-Xplode, Nitrix, and Nitrotech protein but my diet usually consists of:

Breakfast: banana/vanilla protein shake (48g of protein) and Bagel or Muffin with water.
Lunch: 2 cans of Tuna with mayo on wheat with 1 serving of baked chips.
Dinner: 1 pound of Steamed vegetables with wheat bread.

2 Gallons of water throughout the day.

On my cardio days I burn about 700-800 calories. I run 2 miles and lift 6 days a week and I went from a skinny 154lbs in February to a lean 200lbs (although I have nice vascularity and definition in my arms I have a bit of a stomach
I find it hard to believe that you gained ~45lbs of lean muscle in less than four months. And you're not even on a bulking cycle, you're still burning about 1/3 of your calories through cardio, not to mention whatever's burned by your resting metabolism.

Those kinds of gains have to unsustainable, assuming that you're telling the truth.

Obviously it's not lean muscle but I'm trying to cut right now. I'm fairly new to this so I know i've probably made some mistakes. Thanks for your input!

You drink 2 gallons of water per day??? Unless you are working out 5+ hours at a time, you are consuming WAY too much water IMO (if that's even thetruth)...
I figured I'd just throw some things out that I believe.. I think a protein heavy diet is best for men. For one, it keeps your muscles built and in the gymI've read you can see up to twice the gains if you consistently take in protein. More muscle means a faster metabolism and I read in Men's Fitness thatin a study where people replaced 2 meals with protein heavy meals, they saw a noticeable difference in their metabolism. It is also great to have protein whenyou wake up because your muscles are the most depleted of amino acids. If you can just drink water because most people don't drink enough. I take thebiggest cup in my house every morning when I wake up and fill it water. I know I'm not the first person to post all this information, but if anythingI'm just reinforcing the important points. I like taking a multivitamin and omega 3 daily along with a few other supplements, but I skip once in a while tosave money because I probably OD taking like almost 10 different things, but not workout supplements just ones for you health. Last thing I'll throw outthere, people who want to lose weight should workout their legs if they don't already. A full leg workout will break down the most muscle fibers, thereforeburning the most calories while rebuilding, even while your sleeping.
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