Official: FIFA '10 Thread... Vol. eek

i beat this one guy LIV 2 - 1 manu. he messaged me, "rm urr $@+#" then another one "lmao ur horrible"

so what do i do, rematch that fool, 5 - 0. i made him watch every single replay too, robot celebration...
he was pissed. i loved it
I got pretty lucky, if you hit it weak foot, its impossible to make anything in this game. You had a couple sitters that your players inexplicably biffed.
Nah, I was just joking about the referee. It was a good game. I lost fair and square. Some of my finishing reminded me of Cesc Fabregas circa 2005-2006.

Its funny, I have like a 4.5 goals a game average.
Im a defensive stalwart. I only score 2.5 a game i think. That freekick was the coolest thing i've done on the game so far, but Iker should have stopped itreally.
Good tips
Still trying to find a team...currently using Juventus but idk if I'll stick with them.
Also, I seem to struggle to keep the ball. The opponent always over powers me. Even their fowards just jockey the ball away from my defenders. (I keep the ballclose to me. I'm not pushing it forward.) Any advice or are my players weak
Once you can master shooting its actually very realistic and that is one of the reasons I really love this game.

Something to think about- Alot of my friends who are first time players don't understand that just like in reallife this
game takes into account physics and gravity. My friend would be running full sprint and then try to pass the ball
directly behind him or when hes about to shoot he would do a weird movement or something. Being in full stride and
not doing awkward movements before shooting will help your shoot alot.

Also- Once you become fairly good at this game try shielding the ball. This is my favorite move because it allows you
to step on the ball while shielding away a player and then move to space. Plus its very realistic and I love doing stuff
like that in real life.
Damn... I feel all left out and +$+! coming into this thread.

Seems like all the people who copped aren't complaining that much?... right?
Originally Posted by tony23retro

Damn... I feel all left out and +$+! coming into this thread.

Seems like all the people who copped aren't complaining that much?... right?
nba 2k10 makes this game look like god came right out of the fifa 2010 box

I havn't had any issues with fifa yet. Best videogame purchase since nhl 09
I havn't played Manager mode yet because I'm waiting for the patch since I've heard bad bugs coming up in that mode.
Originally Posted by Lokillo40

Once you can master shooting its actually very realistic and that is one of the reasons I really love this game.

Something to think about- Alot of my friends who are first time players don't understand that just like in real life this
game takes into account physics and gravity. My friend would be running full sprint and then try to pass the ball
directly behind him or when hes about to shoot he would do a weird movement or something. Being in full stride and
not doing awkward movements before shooting will help your shoot alot.

Also- Once you become fairly good at this game try shielding the ball. This is my favorite move because it allows you
to step on the ball while shielding away a player and then move to space. Plus its very realistic and I love doing stuff
like that in real life.

how do you shield the ball? and anyone have any tips on headers? i have had trouble with corners since 09, in 08 i would score most of the time. also i readsomewhere that players fight can push each other for the ball, is that just L2 (ps3)?
Seems like the only way you can score 1 on 1 with the GK is on a chip shot. I only used that sparingly last year but it seems like it's the only way I canscore now.
Patch #2 is out

Here are a few of the issues that are being addressed

FIFA 10 Game Update (X360 and PS3) - The Details

Online and Connectivity

PlayStation 3
Feedback : Players disconnected from PS3 matches too frequently in the development teams opinion, usually during the first half with a connection-lost message.
Update:tongue:layers will be able to complete online games with minimal disconnections.

PlayStation 3
Feedback:tongue:layers disconnected too frequently in the development teams opinion, from the PlayStation Network when playing online with a profile with many FIFA friends.
Update: Players will not see any unexpected behaviour relating to having many friends on their profile.

Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3
Feedback: No teams in Div 3 or below on world standings
Update: All Divisions will have stats listed once there are enough teams to fill the divisions above them (50 teams per division, so Division 3 should start having stats listed once there are 101 teams in the standings).

Xbox 360
Feedback: Occasionally, no users could be found during a Pro Ranked match search, while there were users available to play.
Update: Pro Ranked match search will always be successful when there are users available to play.

Manager Mode

Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3
Feedback : Player form changed too dramatically while playing through manager mode.
Update: A player's form is now more subtle and does not affect physical attributes.

Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3
Feedback: Occasionally loaned players from the first transfer window would be sold by teams in the second transfer window.
Update: AI teams with players loaned to them will not sell these players in the second transfer window.

Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3
Feedback: Occasionally players would disappear that were bought in the first transfer window when simming matches in the second transfer window.
Update: The players team will not lose players during the second transfer window without any action on the user's part.

Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3
Feedback: Goal Keeper Clean Sheets were being tracked as assists in the Top 20's screen.
Update: Assists will only be awarded to players that passed the ball to the goal scorer immediately before the goal was scored.

Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3
Feedback: The game occasionally crashed when entering gameplay, team management, or transfer lists during the first season after loaning out players and filling the roster to full. There were too many players at the club.
Update: Loaned players will now still count towards one of the 42 roster spots so the player cannot have more players than the maximum belonging to their team.

Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3
Feedback: Rarely, the player could progress past the end of season with a negative club budget after signing and, later, choosing not to re-sign players during a season.
Update: Choosing not to re-sign players will not cause the team's budget to decrease further.

Live Season 2.0/My Live Season.

Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3
Feedback : Changing the squad at the central hub of My Live Seasons to include invalid players would make the game hang if substitutions were later attempted during gameplay.Update: The player will be informed that the player cannot be substituted into the lineup.

Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3
Feedback: Too many match events, for example yellow cards, were being tracked incorrectly which would occasionally make My Live Seasons hang.
Update: The user will be able to use Live Season mode without any hangs, and all match events will be tracked correctly.

Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3
Feedback: Youth players were shown with incorrect ages.
Update: The Youth Players' ages will be correct.


Xbox 360
Feedback : Some ranked Head-to-Head matches did not update on some leaderboards.
Update: All ranked matches are now tracked correctly on the leaderboards.

Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3
Feedback: Stats did not track correctly if players turned off their console during a Clubs match.
Update: A player quitting / disconnecting from a game after five minutes of game time have elapsed will always be assigned a DNF and Loss.

Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3
Feedback: After a completing Clubs game online, Last Match stats were not updating correctly.
Update: All match stats are updating correctly.

PlayStation 3
Feedback: FIFA Interactive World Cup stats and points were not always reporting correctly
Update:FIFA Interactive World Cup stats and points are now being reported correctly.

Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3
Feedback: Regional league stats were being reset too frequently.
Update: Regional league stats will now be reset on a monthly basis.


Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3
Feedback: Players teammate AI in online Clubs games was not equivalent to World Class AI.
Update: Teammate AI while playing in clubs is now World Class.

Friends Leagues

Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3
Feedback: One User's team becomes invisible after following a set of specific, unusual invitation steps.
Update: Both teams will be visible during gameplay.
I think this is the best soccer game I've ever played. The more I play it, the more I'm appreciating this game. My only beef is how ridiculously hardit is to finish easy chances. I'm literally missing chances from 6-7 feet out and I need to take like 15 shots to get 2 goals.

My list of best soccer games ever:

1. FIFA 10
2. FIFA 09
3. Winning Eleven 2006
4. Winning Eleven 2005
5. FIFA Road to the World Cup 1998

I've been playing soccer games annually since FIFA International Soccer (from 1993) and this game is the most complete.
Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

Seems like the only way you can score 1 on 1 with the GK is on a chip shot. I only used that sparingly last year but it seems like it's the only way I can score now.

1 on 1 guarenteed: body feint either side and move to that side and shot. Goal everytime 1on1. Skills moves are in the game for a reason. Practice in the arena
For one on ones just use RB and shoot lightley and it bends it round the keeper also you might want to use semi assisted shooting so you have more control
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I think this is the best soccer game I've ever played. The more I play it, the more I'm appreciating this game. My only beef is how ridiculously hard it is to finish easy chances. I'm literally missing chances from 6-7 feet out and I need to take like 15 shots to get 2 goals.

My list of best soccer games ever:

1. FIFA 10
2. FIFA 09
Easily the best game i have played. one thing i noticed while i was playing was when you are running with turbo just shoot normal with O if you aren't running hold L2 and R1 to get balanced and place the ball. makes it easier to shoot for me. 3. Winning Eleven 2006
4. Winning Eleven 2005
5. FIFA Road to the World Cup 1998

I've been playing soccer games annually since FIFA International Soccer (from 1993) and this game is the most complete.
forget soccer this is one of the best sports games ever. This and hockey are tied.

I used to like winning eleven much better on ps2 but don't remember what number I had.
this game is def just great's def as said one of the best sports games ever..the gameplay is just extremely realistic...the crowd the commentarywhen you put it on spanish is the best tho

PSN name is DruCheeX
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I think this is the best soccer game I've ever played. The more I play it, the more I'm appreciating this game. My only beef is how ridiculously hard it is to finish easy chances. I'm literally missing chances from 6-7 feet out and I need to take like 15 shots to get 2 goals.

My list of best soccer games ever:

1. FIFA 10
2. FIFA 09
3. Winning Eleven 2006
4. Winning Eleven 2005
5. FIFA Road to the World Cup 1998

I've been playing soccer games annually since FIFA International Soccer (from 1993) and this game is the most complete.
yea right...pes2010 kills fifa 10, and ive hated pes since 2008 came out.
real best soccer games ever:
1. Winning Eleven 2007
2. Winning Eleven 2006
3. Winning Eleven 2010
4. Fifa 2010
5. Fifa 2009
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