Official FIFA Soccer 15 Thread

Got Agüero in a pack the other day. Literally screamed in joy!!!!!

And im tired of those 35 yard drop goals where the keeper just watches the ball go over his head....
Does anyone play co-op? That sounds like it would be fun as hell.

Add me on PSN. same name as my NT screenname.
I'm gonna start yelling "scripting" when I lose...

it'll be the new "lag switch" yell whenever I mess up in Halo 
to celebrate my name day, kindaill in collaboration with RAF CORP present


Gamertag - Alternate Contact Method

1. AlfredoSantana
2. AnthonyOsei
3. AustenH92
5. Barack Odrama X
6. Boney Starks
7. caligrown37
8. DatPersianGuy
9. DonLesh
10. EzVirus
11. FalconPunch09
12. GonzoX41510
13. henz0
14. hoosiergunner
15. insektahdeck86
16. IStealKills
17. Kemoszsohood
18. malikroley
19. MARCOpwns
20. Megatran1127 http://niketalk.com"online roster" instead of default / custom roster.
* Please record your scores. It will be important with the 2 leg match up format.
* The final championship match will be a one game elimination match. Home/Away will be determined with a coin flip.
* There will be a third place game between the teams that lost in the semi-finals.
* Communication is key. We all have Internet access, smart phones, Xbox Live, etc. There should be little issue in terms of communication.
* If there's a problem within the game, it should be noted at the beginning. For example, If the soccer ball is invisible... Don't wait till the 88th minute to raise that point or the result stands.
* report your scores to me, xblaze23 so that the bracket may be updated.
* Twitch is cool as long as it doesn't compromise the latency of the match for both players.

Which teams are available?
The only banned teams are International teams, Adidas XI, World XI, All-Star XI, Real Madrid, Bayern Munich and FC Barcelona. This will lead to a more level playing field and more variety in terms of teams used. Pick your team before each match.

If Both competitors tend to use the same team...
I don't mind you guys playing each other with the same team but I would prefer you guys come to some sort of compromise. For example, if y'all both prefer to use Juventus.. You can do Juve versus Juve OR take turns using that team.

Which mode do we play our matches in?

Online friendlies. The settings should be:

Team Level: Any
Half Length: 6 Mins
Controls : Any
Game Speed: Normal
Squad Type: Online

My opponent was assigned to me, what now?
Add your opponent to your Xbox friends list. Use one of the many communication avenues: Niketalk PM system, their twitter handle, Xbox Live messaging to organize the match up. I will help with the process.

Add your opponent as a friend
From the FIFA 15 menu select Online Modes
Select Online Friendlies
Find your opponent from your Friend's list
Choose the correct game settings then Invite to Friendly **When it's your turn to send invite, that makes you the home team.**

How was the bracket determined because the region I am in looks stacked?
We will utilize intense randomization techniques including but not limited to names in a Yankee hat to determine the bracket. A mixing app may also come into play.

How do we determine a winner in every match up?
You're assigned an opponent. You will play 2 matches vs. your assigned opponent. One home game in which you send invite first. One away game in which your opponent sends invite. The scores of both matches will be added together to determine a winner.

#%!&, we drew 5-5 on aggregate, what now?
Away goal rule is in effect. Whomever scores the most away goals wins and advances to the next round. This is the same system used in the UEFA Champions League knockout. For more information on the Away Goal Rule, visit

Game 1: PlayerA (3-1) PlayerB
Game 2: PlayerB (2-0) PlayerA

The winner is PlayerB because despite the 3-3 draw on aggregate, he scored one away goal to PlayerA's 0.

Damn man, we're tied up on aggregate and away goals.
Unfortunately, online friendlies don't lead to penalty kicks so you'll play a third and final game. The winner of this third game advances. Determine who sends invite first amongst yourselves. If you can't agree on this, communicate it to me. I'll flip a coin to determine who is the home team.

Why did you guys choose playing over 2 legs instead of one game elimination?
This format is better because it reduces flukes. Bad uncharacteristic outing in the first match? it's cool, try to redeem yourself in the second leg. "Underdogs" can strategize to win the match up.

No love for PS4 bruh?
I may have something for you guys in the future depending on the success of this. It was just a logical first step to host a Xbox One tournament.

First place. $20 Xbox Credit Code

Got a question not listed here? still confused? contact me.

If the response to this tournament is positive and problems are limited, I will organize more in the future.

I thought I was part of this :stoneface:

Twitter tag is @ryanyoung88
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if someone starts a ps4 tourney juicy cant participate :lol: dude tearing up division 1 with that nice record he has :smh:
Im on Liverpool default until i'm down a goal.  Then I'd go Attacking, Team Pressing, and High Pressure.  After equalizing or going up  a goal, ill go back to neutral but keep the pressing and pressure.

I wanna play JuicyJu, you're Div 2 with a great record, best in my friend list.
ill try this out. I think hes the best on NT :nerd:
Jumanji Jumanji you should stream so I can watch and learn. not wasting my time or yours playing a match since ill get destroyed :lol:


Could not get it to HD :smh: Not sure why it looks so :x in the thumbnail either :lol:

Will try again later this week
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When you don't choose a direction, it's a fake shot into a complete stop. Works really in the box if you have a defender running on the side you, then you can just cut in for an easy finish.
second goal on juicyju's video was 

on that third goal, is that a go to move for you in that situation? to dribble off to the side and then finesse it?
they had a update on release day. this should be the 2nd one.
Jumanji Jumanji
how long have you been playing fifa? id imagine since the early-mid 2000s :nerd:
second goal on juicyju's video was :smokin

on that third goal, is that a go to move for you in that situation? to dribble off to the side and then finesse it?

it didnt work out as well as I wanted, but sometimes if the keeper comes out I'll dribble off to the side or around the keeper if I feel like he closed down my shooting angle and the best bet is to change it

they had a update on release day. this should be the 2nd one.
Jumanji Jumanji
how long have you been playing fifa? id imagine since the early-mid 2000s :nerd:

I played for a bit in 04 when I didn't know anything about soccer, then i started playing heavy in 08-09 when I learned more about the game
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My first FIFA was 06, but I hate when people say that I'm only nicer than them because I've been playing longer. I got fifa 06 on ps2 during the 06 World Cup, and a few months later copped 07 on the times next gen (360) and on that game was beating people in the top 10 and I was ranked in the top 250.

Obviously I've learned a lot more from my experience playing, and a counter argument can be that there were less FIFA "veterans" playing online at that time years back for me to compete against.

One thing that I think I should start to do is try learning from other players. I avoid tutorials and YT vids because I want to always play a game that's true to myself where I can play free and fun. But maybe it's time to implement new things from others to take my game up another level.
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