Official FIFA Soccer 15 Thread

I wouldn't want to risk it. EA has been banning people caught buying/selling coins. I mean they can't totally stop everyone but the risk outweigh the rewards for me. You get a warning, club reset and then a vacation to banned camp.
Great game but what's up with so many shots hitting the God damn post. I hit the post 3-5 times a game while playing online.... especially when it's open net gets me heated just want to smash my controller through the tv.
It's impossible to score outside the box in this year's FIFA. All my goals I had to finesse them inside the box
No lie.

If my player doesn't have a high accuracy rating and shot power, I'll just try to score from inside the box.

The goalies stop all the outside goals from me, so I don't even bother anymore.

It almost feels like I have to walk in the goal.

Pro-tip, if you run diagonally when the goalie comes out, you will run past him and have an open shot at goal.

I don't think a lot of people realize bringing out the golies doesn't really work in this game as of now.
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Interesting YouTube video to see EA's scripting in full force. The 2nd goal he conceded wasn't really scripted though, he just got countered on really well. You can see missed fouls, ghost auto tackles, missed passes, shots on cross bars and easy put ins that miss wide. Also Toni Kroos out running Ashley Cole :lol:
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yo, I don't want to believe in the scripting thing... but **** me if the game doesn't suddenly play in the favour of my opponent out of nowhere.

Yesterday, I was wrecking this dude. I went up 3 in the first half. Second half comes he scores two goals, I play defensive now.

My defenders go full ****** or they stop trying, he ties the game.

Okay, I've been making chances but for some reason I keep missing... hmmmm

Its the 80th minute, my dude Musa is outrunning fools out chea. I run diagonally past the keeper, its an open shot!

the heavens have answered my prayers, not even religious.

I tap circle and hold R1 just to make sure nothing stupid happens.

What does my striker do?

He kicks it over the goal :stoneface:

Open shot goal, he kicks it over the damn goal.

I lost the match. Dude went through my players, which was weird because I was playing pretty good D, not good enough clearly, through pass to Sturridge who happens to have his back facing my goalie, only to do a one 180 and net it under my ******ed goalkeeper.
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Yo anyone know how to fix the search settings for FUT? Kid you not I played 6 straight dudes from out of the country ranging from Australia, France, UK and Poland. Lost all but 2 and tied twice. Players were all out of whack and reactions were trash.

Went from 34-12 the other day to 37-20. **** YOU EA. **** YOU.
i thought It was me sucking went from division 3 to 7 lost almost all my games last night couldn't play defensive. My defenders were just getting blown out and just standing......L1 FTL.....
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yo, I don't want to believe in the scripting thing... but **** me if the game doesn't suddenly play in the favour of my opponent out of nowhere.

Yesterday, I was wrecking this dude. I went up 3 in the first half. Second half comes he scores two goals, I play defensive now.

My defenders go full ****** or they stop trying, he ties the game.

Okay, I've been making chances but for some reason I keep missing... hmmmm

Its the 80th minute, my dude Musa is outrunning fools out chea. I run diagonally past the keeper, its an open shot!

the heavens have answered my prayers, not even religious.

I tap circle and hold R1 just to make sure nothing stupid happens.

What does my striker do?

He kicks it over the goal :stoneface:

Open shot goal, he kicks it over the damn goal.

I lost the match. Dude went through my players, which was weird because I was playing pretty good D, not good enough clearly, through pass to Sturridge who happens to have his back facing my goalie, only to do a one 180 and net it under my ******ed goalkeeper.
Nah B. It's just you.
Not for nothing but, the defence on this game is SOOOOOOOO TRASH. OMFG every single game I have played has had atleast one kick off goal, where the dude gives the ball to the fastest player shifts slightly past 8-9 players and scores. No way in hell is Lucas, Ibarbo, Oscar, or Welbeck doing that in real life. WTF
How the hell do you guys win against squads like that?
In my experience guys with squads like that are usually terrible, bunch of dudes who dropped stacks on players and packs. I usually have problems with dudes who run with a mediocre team.
Not for nothing but, the defence on this game is SOOOOOOOO TRASH. OMFG every single game I have played has had atleast one kick off goal, where the dude gives the ball to the fastest player shifts slightly past 8-9 players and scores. No way in hell is Lucas, Ibarbo, Oscar, or Welbeck doing that in real life. WTF
the last update made it real bad imo
In my experience guys with squads like that are usually terrible, bunch of dudes who dropped stacks on players and packs. I usually have problems with dudes who run with a mediocre team.
Also there's heavy scripting involved sometimes too. Play a squad with all silvers and 1 out 3 games are gonna be sweaty as hell where their 70-74 rated players are passing and shooting like 90 rated players. Makes an expensive team feel like ishh sometimes.
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