::[OFFICIAL] FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014 Thread:::

been keeping up with world cup but not much of transfer rumors , seems like balotteli to gunners talks back on.

- Seems like a lot of Mexico fans in here, what happened to Gio Dos Santos , dude seemed like the next rising youth star in Barca then fell off ?
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I believe that Mexico will lose

I believe that Mexico will lose

I believe that Mexico will lose

been keeping up with world cup but not much of transfer rumors , seems like balotteli to gunners talks back on.

- Seems like a lot of Mexico fans in here, what happened to Gio Dos Santos , dude seemed like the next rising youth star in Barca then fell off ?
not enough playing time at barca, shined at the gold cup and was loaned out due to inconsistent play and playing time

same could be said for a lot the younger players over seas but a lot have grown into steady players for their clubs ( gio, vela, aquino, guardado) 
Come on guys I gotta hate on Mexico.
I was born in the US so we rivals
Im half guatemalan so theirs the central american / mexico rivalry
Im half argentino so theres the Argentina Mexico rivalry. Plus all mexicans like brazil. So we cant have that either. LOL

Its not personal
As if the stakes didn't already fill Monday's do-or-die Mexico vs. Croatia World Cup clash with intrigue, Croatia star midfielder Luka Modric just upped the ante.

With some classic pre-game trash talking.

"I think if there's someone who's knees should be shaking in this moment, it's them and not us," Modric said of the Mexican side in the pregame press conference on Sunday. “I think Croatia is a better team than Mexico, and player for player we have better individuals than Mexico and we will show that tomorrow."

PREVIEW: Mexico vs. Croatia for a ticket to the Round of 16
But wait a minute, Luka. Mexico have superstar 'keeper Guillermo "Memo" Ochoa who'll stop everything that comes his way.

"He had a lot of luck and he had a great game vs. Brazil but we'll make sure that this doesn't happen again on Monday," Modric said. “With full respect to Ochoa, [Mario] Mandzukic has scored on better 'keepers than him."

How about the crowd factor? Mexico have had thousands of fans at the stadium and will probably outnumber Croatians at the Arena Pernambuco on Monday (4 pm ET, ESPN).

"I don't see it as an advantage for them," Modric said. "We've played against in front of these types of crowds plenty of times in the past and it was never an obstacle. It motivates us to disappoint them and make our fans happy."

After Modric and Croatia head coach Niko Kovac, it was Mexico's turn to face the cameras and while manager Miguel Herrera tried to hold back -- "Here sitting down we can say 20,000 things, but the important thing is to show it on the field" -- he still had his go.

"Whether we had luck or not in our draw against Brazil, we did it. But [Croatia] couldn't do it. They lost," said Herrera, who also announced he's keeping the same lineup for the third match in a row. "Mexico hasn't given up a goal, we've played well and we haven't had the support of referees like [Croatia] did against Cameroon," in reference to Alex Song's red card.

WATCH: Did Ochoa make the best save of the World Cup vs. Brazil?
"On the field we're going to fight to the death. We're going to get stuck in so that they know that Mexico can also be feisty," Herrera continued. "These words motivate me and tomorrow in a packed stadium the fans are going to make themselves felt."

And after the media heard what he had to say, Herrera made sure to let the fans know as well via Twitter.

"Tomorrow we have to make sure that the Mexican national anthem is heard like never before, so that the Croats know from that moment who we are."
After Modric and Croatia head coach Niko Kovac, it was Mexico's turn to face the cameras and while manager Miguel Herrera tried to hold back -- "Here sitting down we can say 20,000 things, but the important thing is to show it on the field" -- he still had his go.

"Whether we had luck or not in our draw against Brazil, we did it. But [Croatia] couldn't do it. They lost," said Herrera, who also announced he's keeping the same lineup for the third match in a row. "Mexico hasn't given up a goal, we've played well and we haven't had the support of referees like [Croatia] did against Cameroon," in reference to Alex Song's red card.

WATCH: Did Ochoa make the best save of the World Cup vs. Brazil?
"On the field we're going to fight to the death. We're going to get stuck in so that they know that Mexico can also be feisty," Herrera continued. "These words motivate me and tomorrow in a packed stadium the fans are going to make themselves felt."

And after the media heard what he had to say, Herrera made sure to let the fans know as well via Twitter.

"Tomorrow we have to make sure that the Mexican national anthem is heard like never before, so that the Croats know from that moment who we are."
piojo gon piojo....gotta love what he brought to the team
Croatia 3-1

Yo what if cameroon wins :lol:


How many times have you been wrong with mexico predictions fam?

i'm here for those tears when mexico comes out on top :smokin

People think Mexico is running with that 2013 team. Fools gonna learn whats really good once the gold cup rolls around :pimp:
Mexicans don't have anything against argentinians brah. Mexico gives your people jobs etc... The soccer rivalry is there cus you Argentina is such a bad sport when they play Mexico. They get son'd by the mexican squad and what do the butthurt argentinians do? Start playing dirty as hell. Fouling the players, kicking them when they're down. The only time that hasn't happened has been with the most recent squads you guys have had, other than that ya'll some sore *** players.

AJIIII, aren't you 2 for three on your predictions for mexico?lol

proven wrong twice already, today will be another day where you're wrong again :pimp:
 Its true bro. Thats who mexicans have when mexico gets eliminated. Some of the fresas root for Spain but most root for Brazil.
Lulz at fresa.

I'm a fresa 


How many times have you been wrong with mexico predictions fam?

i'm here for those tears when mexico comes out on top

People think Mexico is running with that 2013 team. Fools gonna learn whats really good once the gold cup rolls around
They don't want us to be great 
Good luck to Mexico. As much as I hate most of your fanbase I like your style of olay at this WC and I want our region to look good. A lot of foreign press has praised Concacaf :pimp:
only mad at mexico cause we helped them make it and they get blessed w/ a not so hard group 
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