::[OFFICIAL] FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014 Thread:::

Random soccer blowout story:

Canada lost a world up qualifier to Honduras 8-1.

but it was in Honduras during the 60's, and the Canadian team got the word that they wouldn't make it out alive if they even tried to win.
wtf is going on. turned on my computer and they are down 5-0. are they playing without a dayum goalie.
Are people going to allege Brazil throwing this game?
I tell you this, the spacing when Germany was on offense was just :wow: but at the end, but we'll probably never know for sure.. Let the slaughter continue :pimp: :pimp:

Every time the German counter attack started there was like one midfielder for Brazil left and the German attackers were at the goal 2 seconds later :lol:
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It's amazing to see how the fans won't leave. So many of the yambs that will need consoeling tonight. The influx of kids being born six months from now :smokin
Dizam Germany playin' FIFA out there. At least we (USA) made them boys work a little.
We were just doing practice with you.
Mannnnnn this is a total ****show for Brazil especially on home soil, unprecedented what Germany is doing to them. I understand no Neymar and silva but this is laughable, worst beat down of the entire tournament so far. Argentines better be careful celebrating after this one [emoji]128064[/emoji][emoji]128064[/emoji]
Brazil the type of person to throw a party and throw up on themselves & goes to sleep before it even pops.
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