OFFICIAL FOOTY THREAD ⚽️: Spain wins 2024 Euro Cup and Argentina wins the Copa America

Who wins the Euros?

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Miles offside :smh:
Still don’t know how that first Liverpool goal was ruled offside though
Even that yellow wasn’t deserved imo
Salah was just a bit frustrated, not more than that

It’s “dissent” now to throw your hands up in frustration?
If that’s the case, Bruno would get a red every match in the first half
It’s really us against the world. The referees are out to get us within the prem. We see it week in and out.
Idk about other matches but y’all are getting absolutely shafted this match by the refs

The offside, the Salah yellow and now this arguably soft double yellow
If Spurs can't win this 3-1 with Liverpool being down and with these calls going the way they are, we should just be relegated
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