OFFICIAL FOOTY THREAD ⚽️: Spain wins 2024 Euro Cup and Argentina wins the Copa America

Who wins the Euros?

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Jota needs to not be called up anymore with Neto taking his spot.

This is getting ridiculous now.
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You would think after the chaos and failures of the last 6 years they'd try something new. Damn Dutch arrogance is only rivaled by French arrogance. Except the French are good at this game.

They don’t produce top talent anymore. What can they really do?
You would think after the chaos and failures of the last 6 years they'd try something new. Damn Dutch arrogance is only rivaled by French arrogance. Except the French are good at this game.

Got a massive game against Greece coming who are currently 3 points ahead and 2nd in the group in the last qualifying spot

Kind of insane to think about when Griez has been one of the most prolific performers ever for France and especially of the last 20-30 years while Platini (3 B'Dors in a row and helped win their first major tourney) was considered the French 🐐 for decades before Zidane and Henry came around.

Kind of insane to think about when Griez has been one of the most prolific performers ever for France and especially of the last 20-30 years while Platini (3 B'Dors in a row and helped win their first major tourney) was considered the French 🐐 for decades before Zidane and Henry came around.

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Any memorable smug attitudes during your stay?
Only that the nicest people we interacted with were the ones furthest from any tourist traps. Some of the places we went acted like they were doing us a favor by letting us sit in their restaurant. Most people refused to converse in French even though I tried (knowing my French is terribly limited I'm kind of glad they didnt call my bluff). All in all the people were nicer than when I visited 5 years ago.
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