OFFICIAL FOOTY THREAD ⚽️: Spain wins 2024 Euro Cup and Argentina wins the Copa America

Who wins the Euros?

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Looks like the 18 year old will finally make his debut today.

Edit: speaking of RM youngins

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Arsenal all up in arms over a good no call, but were totally fine winning against City when the BALL WENT IN OFF AKES FACE!!

How are those even related :lol:
Yall should have had a red that game just like Newcastle. Oil checks were cashing tho
Life's funny! A month ago versus spurs Arteta said mistakes happen. Yesterday you make a similar statement as Klopp and today your club followed up.
Would've held more weight if they had this energy when it happened with us. But now, it's kinda every man for themself!
I turn on the game for a quick sec earlier and first thing I hear is “and now the ball has left the stadium” :rofl:

Love it.
Trent, every midfielder, every forward (except diaz) should walk back home tonight.

Wasteful and arrogant bums today.
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