OFFICIAL FOOTY THREAD ⚽️: Spain wins 2024 Euro Cup and Argentina wins the Copa America

Who wins the Euros?

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Think you've missed my point. As said before, don't begrudge him the move to a bigger club. Happy with the fee and hopefully we can re invest because yeah, we're terrible and I've made no effort to hide that.

Didn't expect him to stay at Leicester forever, but when you sign a five year deal in March and then refuse to turn up to training 5 months later, leaves a bit of a sour taste in your mouth. Suppose supporting Liverpool you don't really have that problem, but it's annoying.
Torres, Suarez, Sterling and Coutinho all wanted out. Each of those transfers helped further build our squad. They left and we got better.
whos mans.gif

We need Haaland to learn from a true PATRIOT like Christian "LeBron James" Pulisic. Until we know he can play for the RIGHT teams, he won't be invited to the UNITED WORLD CUP OF AMERICA 2026, to be hosted by the true King Elect Targaryan of Westeros, Donald J. Trumparyan.

Haven't been more pumped to be a NT footy fan as I am right now. Can't wait for our true KING WITH WHITE HAIR AND DRAGONS ROLLS THROUGH.
Saw the PSG highlights, that front 3 crowd the same space in front of goal a lot, got no width to their attack.

Better teams are gonna counter them to death
The London derby today was pretty entertaining. Masterclass of managing by tactician Conte vs EPL legend Moyes. The second half never dropped tempo
Mate. A nine year old girl was shot dead in her own home, in Liverpool, literally last week.

They can't be that ******* out of touch.
Mate. A nine year old girl was shot dead in her own home, in Liverpool, literally last week.

They can't be that ****ing out of touch.
Yes, I saw it in the news, but these guys were playing a match and just snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. Andrenaline flowing etc. It's highly unlikely that said incident is on their mind AT THAT MOMENT. If you want to say it's poor timing, then yes, but to call them brain dead, etc. It just seems excessive and being mad for the hell of it. Last week we laughed when said player hoisted the flag and pretended it was an MG after scoring, this week we move the post and say it's brain dead.
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