OFFICIAL FOOTY THREAD ⚽️: Spain wins 2024 Euro Cup and Argentina wins the Copa America

Who wins the Euros?

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Albanian girls are hot bro. No denying that.

But you start wifing them up and you have an army of ****ing cousins and uncles watching your every move.

You actually have to be loyal to them.
There were a handful of Albanians at my highschool and they were probably the last people you'd ever want to mess with :lol:
Friendly dudes but the guy who seemed to be the leader figure always walked around playing with a butterfly knife on school grounds. Dude was like 5'3 and built like a starving child, walking around with a bunch of massive other Albanian friends who could've passed as bodyguards.

Even the son of an notorious local Italian maffia family avoided them.
Captain Eriksen :pimp:

World of a difference between this opener and the last opener at the Euros for him man, great moment
Impressive first half from Denmark, they dominated.

Elite half from Eriksen, he was creating everything for them along with his goal. Could easily have been on a brace at least right now too.
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