Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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I enjoyed season one of Vikings.

Especially the scene where Ragnar and his wife was going at it rough and asked the Friar to join in :evil:
Book Jorah is actually interesting, more so because he's told through 2/3 other character's POV.

Long *** review no mention of Stannis......:invalid

Yall keep thinking battle of the bastards was the best scene on TV ,
Vikings doing that damn near every week with their battle scenes.
just for this comment ... im checking out vikings...

everytime i try to get people to watch GOT i dont send them to season 1 episode one , i send them straight to BoB
Started Season 6 ... so Melissandre is basically a witch with that choker round her neck.

Cersei body double had them cheeks bouncing on that walk of shame. Cant stand that B though

Whats the purpose of Arya going to the many face god dude? Wasnt he the dude in Kings Landing that said he'd kill anyone she wanted?

Stannis just gonna have his baby girl burned alive as an offering only to get washed hours later :smh:

Jora a simp

Why they had to force a gay relationship in to the show .. just like every other show these days

Short hair Sand girl nice
That's not true. It was hinted/implied only once. But the scenes in the show. Never happened in the book.
Yeah I don’t remember him being in any relationship in the books. Once you read his kingsguard had rainbow cloaks then you know he had zest pride.
This is my first real foray into this thread. I finally sat down from just before the holidays til last night and got thru it all.

I don't know if marathoning it helped, or hurt my viewing, as it was somewhat easier to stay on track vs waiting week to week/year to year for results in the storyline to play out, but I know I also missed out on tons of small info nuggets that I would have picked up on the web much like how we all fan theoried Breaking Bad for 7 days until that next hour began.

That said, I was more than happy to catch up. In a lot of ways, it reminded me of Breaking in that slow burn start, picks up steam, gains momentum, S2, S3, S4 etc etc until it appears it's going to just break the internet when the grand finale drops.

I don't know how to spell half these names, so forgive me, but I really loved Arya's storyline more than I expected, I thought she was just some little girl from jump, and never realized what/who she would become. She became a great damn character.
The little guy is AMAZING as a damn actor, and his scene in "court" where he's flat out growling at the other people was TREMENDOUS. God he was so great in that scene.
I had zero idea Lena lasted so long. I thought she was going to die earlier, ala Ned, I had no clue she'd still be around at the end. She is such a ***** :lol: But she too does an amazing job. That walk of shame tho.......
Jamie I flip flop on. One minute I hate him, the next I kinda like him. He's actually not bad, and here at the end, looks like he rides off to face the Whitewalkers. If he does, I will really like him for that.
Hound was great. Liked him more than I thought I would.
Jofferey needed to be brought back to life, so they could kill him again. I hated that ************ **** you you ***hole.

Ravens are faster than my internet connection. *****es be havin info on the other side of the globe same day & **** :lol:

Loved the Faceless God character, did he get found, literally, in a cage for Arya to break him free? He's so skilled, how'd he get locked up to begin with? :nerd:

The scene when the Whitewalker come ****in **** up for the first time, when Snow escapes on the boat and the Night King puts his hands up in the air and raises his new dead, holy ****. THAT was yet another Breaking Bad moment for me, I was out my chair with my jaw on the floor like W T F is happening????????? :lol:

Nothing, NOTHING, beats Snow pullin his sword out against a charging army tho. THAT **** had me ready to run thru a wall. Gorgeously shot scene. That was just pure ridiculous filming. Incredible.
I had of course heard/scene all the Jon Snow references, everyone loves him, etc etc, I knew goin in he'd be a good character, but I didn't realize I too would enjoy his role so much. He put up with so much, endured so much bs, and it never controlled him. So well done, and I guess the payoff is he gets to bang his hot aunt now........ :lol:

I def could see there was "something" there, the way the dragon seemed to.....know him, sorta? When he pet it, I had a feeling something was going on, especially when I thought I heard his mom call Ned brother in one of Bran's visions. I knew something was up, but I didn't know it was that.

I did not like Bran's character, or storyline. It bored me, but, I guess I do understand the need for him to fill in story and show us things to connect the larger story. The Hold Door scene was fantastic. Really good storytelling.

Littlefinger........Baelish, Carceti, whatever his name is, that guy was greatness. What a piece of **** :lol: I damn near smiled every time he was on screen, he was so damn dirty. Loved the flip at the end with red head in court.

Blue fire dead *** dragon takin down the wall, bruh.......

Red wedding was crazy :wow:

The grandma might be one of my absolute favorite characters. Her humor was outstanding. :lol:

I truly, truly, truly lifted my eyebrow when Dany said "all of our fathers left this world worse than they found it, we will not do that" I loved that scene so much just for the possibilities of what could come.

My dude Friend Zone almost died fifty times, turned into a rock, traveled the world multiple times over in a row boat and somehow still kept coming back to watch the hot Queen bang other dudes was quite the adventure.

I will actually try to rewatch a lot of stuff in the next year and try to read up and learn on things I know I have missed, but off the top of my head, these were the things that stood out to me.
Nice watch this show for the first time in its entirety must have been great to binge-watch

Any scenes with the white walkers were epic

which villain did u hate the most?
Doreah......Was the goods.
We already know Melisandre #1
2 a toss up between home girl who Sat on the Titans bastard lap and Ros
#4 Dany Stunt double.
#5 Margery.

only because of Iron fist. the asian sand snake girl climbed up. she got a little fatty on her.
Doreah......Was the goods.
We already know Melisandre #1
2 a toss up between home girl who Sat on the Titans bastard lap and Ros
#4 Dany Stunt double.
#5 Margery.

only because of Iron fist. the asian sand snake girl climbed up. she got a little fatty on her.

Start over. Tell me that wasn't a stunt double getting out the tub tho :frown:
Nice watch this show for the first time in its entirety must have been great to binge-watch

Any scenes with the white walkers were epic

which villain did u hate the most?

Who are all the options?

Searcy, Jofferey, Ramsey, Jamie????

I kinda liked Jamie........I think Ramsey is the one I hated most. Cut off dudes peen, raped Sansa, killed his pops, and just a royal douche.

Searcy def up there tho. She was def the Best villian, she was great. (But I hate that friggin haircut. Ugh :lol: )

As for chicks......Dany, Fast and Furious chick, Little man's chick he choked to death.....the deadly island chicks.
Ser Loras Fist and Rimly was strongly implied in the books but never shown. Jaime used to roast Loras with that and Loras also went berserk when he found out his boy was killed, killing two guards in the process out of rage if I'm not mistaken.
There’s a new amazon show called Britannia starting on the 18th. Looks like it has potential.

Ragnar (Travis Fimmel) should be in the last season of GOT. The guy is a really talented actor. Dude could be Aegon The Conqueror or some other blonde guy.

This would be awesome. Or better yet, feature Travis Fimmel in the forthcoming GOT prequel. :nerd: Fimmel as Aegon the Conqueror. :nerd::nerd:

I'm a huge GOT fanboy, but Travis Fimmel as Ragnar > Any character portrayal in GOT.
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If y'all ain't watching Vikings. Especially those who have nothing else to watch for a year but love the genre of old fighting and story. I don't know what you doing.
VIKINGS is amazing.
Season 6 is way better than I could have even imagined

It's my screen name's origin story.

It's a very good show but the historical inaccuracies can get annoying because they border on being racist. Why do they have to show chili peppers (which didn't arrive into Europe and the Mediterranean until the 1500's) in the market in Moorish Spain? It's as if its a big bright like that says "foreign" and by extension the white Vikings are familiar. In te market place, they could have shown whole cloves, nutmegs and pepper corns being sold and it would have been a subtle and historically accurate way of showing that our Viking characters are now in a different and much wealthier place. the same is true for Bjorn's trip through the desert, a great Arab ruler would be in a massive city, a city that would dwarf Paris and it would likely be accessible by sail or by one of the major roman roads. Bjorn coming into Cairo or Damascus and and remarking that it makes Paris look like a tiny settlement would be much truer to history and it would have served the same dramatic purpose as meeting the Emir in a desert camp.

Despite those issue, I love how the show has found new life this season and it has deftly built things up for the final episodes.

If you like GOT, you'll probably really like Vikings.

This would be awesome. Or better yet, feature Travis Fimmel in the forthcoming GOT prequel. :nerd: Fimmel as Aegon the Conqueror. :nerd::nerd:

I'm a huge GOT fanboy, but Travis Fimmel as Ragnar > Any character portrayal in GOT.

I think that the performances of Cersei and definitely Tywin are up there; but, overall, Fimmel has given a better performance than the performances behind most of the GOT characters.
He's not the only good actor on the show which makes it even better. Winnink Ecbert, most others were/are beast.
GoT got its acting royalty too
Cersi, tywin, Tyrion, catelyn, Davos, jamie
even lord friendzone.
But I always feel like I'm in the story too with Vikings I'm glued to the TV set.
The historical stuff doesn't bother me since I never studied Norse history.
He's not the only good actor on the show which makes it even better. Winnink Ecbert, most others were/are beast.
GoT got its acting royalty too
Cersi, tywin, Tyrion, catelyn, Davos, jamie
even lord friendzone.
But I always feel like I'm in the story too with Vikings I'm glued to the TV set.
The historical stuff doesn't bother me since I never studied Norse history.

I also think for GOT Stephen Dillane (Stannis) & Iwan Rheon (Ramsey) did their thing too acting wise.

On Vikings Gustaf Skarsgard (Floki), Jonathan Rhys Meyers (Bishop Heahmund) & Alex Høgh Andersen (Ivar) have also been doing some pretty good acting.

I've always loved reading about Norse History since grade school. I'm no expert but, with Vikings the only big things that bother me historically, is HalfDan was supposedly a son of Ragnar. He was also pretty close to Ivar, as was Ubbe who supposedly carried him on his back into battles. I'd really like to know why they changed that (Hirst is normally pretty on point with historical stuff). The rest is kind of up for debate, as the Vikings didn't really keep too many historical records. Some even believe they discovered America first, but nothing really proves that. I enjoy both shows a lot either way.
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