Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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I always feel its different when a male passes down their genes vs a female because a male will always be above a female in the social hierarchy
Kill the men and smash the women, isnt that what conquers do?
A child by Sansa and Ramsay will have the Bolton name but will have stark blood
A child by Edmure and Roslin will have the Tully name, and the tully are traitors.

Wouldnt it be more beneficial if the heir to river run is a girl instead of a boy?
The girl can be married off to Frey heir and thus ending the Tully line for good while still having tully blood to keep people in check.
In this case, because the Freys are hated by a lot of people, having a Tully under their control is an advantage. It gives them legitimate control over Riverrun, not just throught conquest. And it helps restore some good will to House Frey because they're continuing the Tully line via Edmure's kid. But House Frey has bigger problems than the Tully's. Once Walder croaks, all of his children are going to be at each other's throats for control over House Frey.
Nah she was being extra though :lol: It was basically giving Jaqen the finger.

"I killed the flunky you sent. Eff you, her and your religion. Here's her face"

Jaqen outta pop up on her one day wearing the Waif's face, like what's good.

I swore I seen Jaqen smirk at the young daredevil as she walks off.
-I think that Edmure cut a deal with Jaime. Something along the lines of, you give me your uncle and I'll have the Freys free you and you can have your titles back. If not for that, then why would he let the Lannisters in? Remember Frey looking at Jaime and telling him that this better not backfire? Well it easily could have and Edmure could have stayed in his castle and fought them off with his uncle. Instead he let them in because he is tired of being held captive and couldn't care less about his uncle who told his captors to cut his throat if they pleased.

Jaime also threatened to launch Edmure's kid from a catapult. It's not in the Freys best interest to restore Edmure's titles. They already have the Riverrun heir via Edmure's son. At this point, they can just have Edmure whacked.

The kid is still a Tully tho.

Edmure has never seen the kid, how does he even know if he exist

Biggest mental collapse in the whole series
So Edmure calls Jamie's "bluff" on the chance the child doesn't even exist? :lol:

I think you forgetting Edmure's character from a few seasons ago. He's ***** made and then there's the whole thing Jamie mentioned about doing things for the love of your children.
I mean she was working in that temple that had thousands of cut off faces on display. Cutting off one ain't no thang to her.
Now that I think about it I hope she stole a couple dozen faces on her way out. If not she even more at a disadvantage getting that training.
he was definitely proud. i tend to forget the whole backstory and how the two of them have been helping each other for a while. ultimately he wanted to train her almost more than anything. in the waif he probably saw someone who could be relentless with arya but still under his thumb.

so i have to make a small mental leap when it comes to jaqen telling waif to kill arya and just accept that he knew all along that arya would win out. and i guess he knew his intervention wouldn't matter since death would take whom it wanted.

to which arya said "not today." which the show should've tried to tie into more during the whole braavos training.

putting all this behind us, will arya make it to winterfell? will she reunite with jon? i know grrm loves to mess with us, but it's getting predictable. can we just let her have a moment of happiness?

i hope the future twist will be that she's happily reunited but then someone from her family is now together with someone on arya's list.
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Him sending the waif after her definitely seemed like another test for arya. Killing is what they do. It sort of reminded me of the sith in the og star wars trilogy. There was a master and an apprentice. In rotj you had the emperor telling Luke to kill his father and become the new apprentice. Where the hell are all the other faceless god temple members? No way in hell they carry out all those contracts with only 2-3 people. Now j'aqen is by himself.
Her commanding him to go find a cure and return to her was so cringe. It's like shut up, lady. Dude loves you and is dying. He doesn't need to hear pity from you.
Where's Jorah?
Danny sent him to go find a "cure" for Grey Scale die alone. 
laugh.gif was her way of saying she loved him back but didn't want to give him mixed signals
She loves him like a brother, or a dog, or anything else she wouldn't want to have sex with. 
Her commanding him to go find a cure and return to her was so cringe. It's like shut up, lady. Dude loves you and is dying. He doesn't need to hear pity from you.
That scene was hilarious. She builds it up like she's about to profess her love for him. Then she basically tells him that he needs to find the cure so the Friendzoning never ends.
Maybe sympathy. All I know is I don't want yambs that I can't have being all nice to me.
Yeah the Jaime/Brienne scene was mad weird. Like an unwanted break up. They gon **** next season.
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