Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Dude was such a boss. Been growing my hair out. I want a cool Dothraki braid and beard :wow:. I still mourn his death. Sometimes Ned's execution overshadows that we also loss Drogo's awesome character.
Reading the first Cat was so brutal towards Jon's kind of a you reap what you sow feeling I have towards her....she Loved bran the most...bran lost his ability to walk...Robb lost his life...arya, Sansa and Rickon are all separated (also bran) and pronounced dead to the world...dead to her...and Jon snow is alive and well
I think he's good. He's officially married into the fam so I don't see them getting rid of him.

real talk what happens to him now? Do they wait for him to finish bedding his new wife, or what? I have this image in my head of him putting in work then gets a sword straight up his ***. Walder is that cold blooded so it doesn't seem strange to me.

That is one lucky guy if they don't kill him
You got: House Targaryen
All you want is a quiet, peaceful life, but that and any other chance at happiness you ever had has been ripped away from you. So you’re of a mind to just go murder everyone for it.

I thought I'd be a Clegane, if that's even an option.
Watched it with my brother today... when they started playing Rains he said "I guess that's supposed to be a bad sign" :lol: Then when Cat saw Bolton's chainmail he said "Oh you bastard" :lol: then **** hit the fan and he popped up and just said "No, no, no". I'm sure because my brother's wife is pregnant it hit him especially hard but yeah. Then when it was all finished he got up, went to the bathroom muttering "I hate this show, I can't believe it, why why why" then he came out and screamed into a pillow :lol:

Then we talked about it and watched "Inside the episode" and Red Wedding on Youtube from the executive producers and he calmed down and saw how it made sense.

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I got House Stark...FML. I thought I was gonna be a Lannister because of the vacation question (I picked Vegas) and a few others :lol:
[QUOTE url="[URL][/URL]"]
[h1]Oh ****, I Totally Forgot That Happens![/h1]

CommentaryOpinionISSUE 49•23 • Jun 3, 2013
By George R.R. Martin


  • Sure, I’m an executive producer on the show and they send me all the scripts on these things, but I never read them. Those things are full of spoilers.[/SIZE]

    At any rate, holy ****! I almost don’t want to see what I do next week. All I know is Tyrion better not get killed, because if he dies I’m done with this show, man. Done.

  • :lol:

    [/quote]George really reaching those master troll levels. On some did I write that ****? forgetfulness :lol: He aint know my ***
    Yo I knew that ending was a shocker and everything, but damn do people take things way too seriously, look at this twitter: [URL]
    :lol: :wow:

    if this was posted already my bad but just saw this collection of the reactions, some are damn near overboard :rofl:!
    That girl in the middle @ 1:14 is dead inside :lol:

    :rofl: @ the reactions, it's definitely the shanking to the belly that gets them.
    if you had a choice to join a house.. which one would it be?. well before what happened in the last episode :lol:
    Every time I think about this it ends up changing each ep :lol: I gotta say right now if it had to be a house, I'd choose House Targaryen and being Dany's sex slave :evil:

    If I could choose though I'd just roll with Tyrion :pimp:
    I guess I'm the only one who feels bitter sweet about the Starks bad dealings...I love the of the few houses who are actually noble...but I would be lying if I said I wasn't happy about the noble family getting dealt a bad hand...

    I'll keep saying it, the only Starks I like are Arya and my ***** Ned if they all died except them I'd be good.
    The only likeable Starks. That's why I posted earlier and kept wishing there was one likeable older Stark brother like you had Aarya if you wanted nothing to do with Sansa. Right now Bran and Rickon are too young. I remember in the first ep when I thought Theon was one thinking there'd be choices but that switched quickly. I can't even imagine how he was treated by others not counting Ned.
    have anyone posted or did the what house are you from quiz?
    I feel screwed I picked the 300 poster cuz it was cool (and better than the other posters) forgetting how honorable Leonidas was in it, blood blood kill them all for revenge, vacay in Las Vegas, black and white square, dragon for animal, and YOLO so I ended up with House Stark


    real talk what happens to him now? Do they wait for him to finish bedding his new wife, or what? I have this image in my head of him putting in work then gets a sword straight up his ***. Walder is that cold blooded so it doesn't seem strange to me.

    I think he's good. He's officially married into the fam so I don't see them getting rid of him.
    Ignoring the books they should have him plot for revenge, poison Frey and any of his sons and then become the lord of that manor.

    Of course he isn't that smart so he'd need a lot of help.[/url]
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You got: House Targaryen
All you want is a quiet, peaceful life, but that and any other chance at happiness you ever had has been ripped away from you. So you’re of a mind to just go murder everyone for it.

I thought I'd be a Clegane, if that's even an option.

That does not sound right. The Targaryens are conquerors with Dragons. How is that wanting a quiet and peaceful life?

These things are so bad.
Man just saw that Red Wedding episode last night and that was AWESOME! Only a few TV shows has made me go :wow: and seeing all that brutality will be something I remember forever!

"Lanisters send their regards" :nthat:
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[QUOTE url="[URL][/URL]"]
[h1]Oh ****, I Totally Forgot That Happens![/h1]

CommentaryOpinionISSUE 49•23 • Jun 3, 2013
By George R.R. Martin


  • Sure, I’m an executive producer on the show and they send me all the scripts on these things, but I never read them. Those things are full of spoilers.[/SIZE]

    At any rate, holy ****! I almost don’t want to see what I do next week. All I know is Tyrion better not get killed, because if he dies I’m done with this show, man. Done.

  • :lol:
  • George really reaching those master troll levels. On some did I write that ****? forgetfulness :lol: He aint know my ***
    Yo I knew that ending was a shocker and everything, but damn do people take things way too seriously, look at this twitter: [URL]

    hahahaha i think thats from the onion.[/url]
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