Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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I enjoyed the scene where the high sparrow broke down to cerci what he was going to do.
Not once has he lied to her.

This. IDK what the **** Cersei thought would come of empowering the faith militant. What the **** was her long game? I seriously can't make sense of it.

Y'all tahm bout how dumb Sansa is but she aint as dumb as Cersei. Truly the dumbest ***** on the show, and her death is overdue.
Cersi has no long game :lol:

She's not some schemer or manipulator. She's short sighted. She out here setting ppl to fall for being gay and covering it up while she steady in to incest. From the jump I knew that would bite her in the ***.

Jamie is next to get what's coming to him for all the foul **** he's done.
They should have played Warren G and Nate Dog "Regulate" when Ghost showed up
we regulate any stealing of his property
and we damn good too
But you can't be any geek off the street,
gotta be handy with the steel if you know what I mean, earn your keep!
We all knew cersei was dumb as hell..

But where the show runners disappoint me.. It wouldn't/shouldn't have taken lady olenna finding out from little finger.. Lancel should/ would have confessed that information already

They making shhh unnecessary now to get certain characters involved

Like the scene with home boy telling on loras.. That could have easily been described away.. Just because he has knowledge of the birthmark don't mean anything.. As a high born he would have a ton of people who would have worked for him that would have that knowledge.. Also as a knight he would have a squire who would dress him who would have that knowledge
Theon snitchin on Sansa was 
 and while I hate how much of a victim she is, all that bastard ether to ramsey made me smile.

Stannis gotta helluva choice to make, his throne or his kid 

Is it wrong I find jail cell Margaery sexier then Queen Margaery? 

Cersi...seeing the exact moment she realized what was happening was beautiful 

That sand snake chick
We all knew cersei was dumb as hell..

But where the show runners disappoint me.. It wouldn't/shouldn't have taken lady olenna finding out from little finger.. Lancel should/ would have confessed that information already

They making shhh unnecessary now to get certain characters involved

Like the scene with home boy telling on loras.. That could have easily been described away.. Just because he has knowledge of the birthmark don't mean anything.. As a high born he would have a ton of people who would have worked for him that would have that knowledge.. Also as a knight he would have a squire who would dress him who would have that knowledge

That has always been a problem with shows that catch up to source material. Filler content that dont make no sense.

Naruto fans go on about the same thing, entire sections of DBZ taken out of canon, etc. All that GRRM approved of the script bs is useless drivel for the masses
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Anyone else think Sam was going to go Bruce Banner and murk those dudes with his bare hands?

Ghost being a lvl 99 bro was cool though
No lie I was expecting him to go Super Saiyaness when he saw Gilly in distress.
That has always been a problem with shows that catch up to source material. Filler content that dont make no sense.

Naruto fans go on about the same thing, entire sections of DBZ taken out of canon, etc. All that GRRM approved of the script bs is useless drivel for the masses

But stuff just either doesn't make sense.. Or is completely unnecessary

Like watching lady olenna talk with little finger and the high sparrow made me sad.. A lot of things that didn't need to be sad.. Both individuals would be smart enough to know certain things and they can remain unsaid

Makes me weep thinking about the convo she had with Tywin.. Two big hitters going at it
Only halfway through, but Ghost sighting....:nthat:

And Sofie Turner is breathtaking now. Even with minimal make up.
I wonder if they're gonna to make the Snowman and Ramsey Savage start beefin. Since he brought me up

Jon will definately be rustled when he hears the Bolton's have Sansa and Jon is on of the few that know Bran is still alive. And therefore, is the heir to Winterfell. Even over a RamseyXSansa callabo baby
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Much better episode than last week, not just because it moved the plot forward a lot for a few stories, but it was just more interesting, better acted, etc. The show covered a lot of ground and I'm interested in seeing where they go from here. I know there's been a lot of talk of the show maybe having some trouble with moving past where the books are and just suffering from a lack of focus and plotting, so it's nice to see them recover from a down week. Hopefully this season ends strong.

Cersei's plan backfires which we all should have seen coming. Someone with that much dirt in her past probably shouldn't have aligned herself with a radical religious group. A great display of acting throughout the episode for Lena as well... her reactions to Tommen's frustrations, her gloating over Margaery, her fury at her imprisonment... just a job well done.

R.I.P. Aemon... I always liked him. Excited to see Ghost pop up just to save the day. Direwolves are just ******* cool.

Poor Sansa... probably not the smartest idea but her short-sightedness is understandable considering what she's going through.

Stannis facing the question of sacrifice for the greater good, how much do you trust the Red Woman... giving up your daughter? Very interesting twist.

I would have been so bummed if Bronn died. So not only did he survive, but we got totally unnecessary nudity. I turned off the critical part of my brain and just appreciated that body... god damn.

And Ser Friendzone stepping up, putting the fights to a stop, then revealing himself and Tyrion was awesome. Can't wait to see how that plays out. 
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