Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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I only brag about forgetting 97% of what I read in the books. But I do always tell people to try and read the books because they made me love reading again. a feast for crows and adwd made my love diminish a little bit though.
Hopefully she dies in the most brutal scene we've ever seen on the show. Being torn apart by WWs would be pretty dope. She gonna get a light death though by Jamie's knife :smh:

I hope for the same thing. I told a friend it sucks she can only die once, because they should have a whole episode dedicated to all the people she's screwed over just brutally killing her in the most inventive and horrible ways possible. But I agree, the only one that can make any sense is Jamie killing her. Think about it, he's been on an arc where he's trying to do better(mostly), and he's probably the most complicated character they have. That is probably the one thing that makes his arc come full circle in regards to truly righting the wrongs he still can. I think it's no doubt the only way the show does it, with maybe a deleted scene showing Arya getting hers just for fan service.
I wonder if Arya and Jon will reveal what has happened to them to the other Stark kids (becoming a faceless assassin and coming back from the dead). Obviously Bran knows, hopefully he spills it
I hope for the same thing. I told a friend it sucks she can only die once, because they should have a whole episode dedicated to all the people she's screwed over just brutally killing her in the most inventive and horrible ways possible. But I agree, the only one that can make any sense is Jamie killing her. Think about it, he's been on an arc where he's trying to do better(mostly), and he's probably the most complicated character they have. That is probably the one thing that makes his arc come full circle in regards to truly righting the wrongs he still can. I think it's no doubt the only way the show does it, with maybe a deleted scene showing Arya getting hers just for fan service.

Ideally they should have Melisandre or Thoros of Myr on deck. After she's killed, bring her back so she can continuously be killed over and over.
I hope for the same thing. I told a friend it sucks she can only die once, because they should have a whole episode dedicated to all the people she's screwed over just brutally killing her in the most inventive and horrible ways possible. But I agree, the only one that can make any sense is Jamie killing her. Think about it, he's been on an arc where he's trying to do better(mostly), and he's probably the most complicated character they have. That is probably the one thing that makes his arc come full circle in regards to truly righting the wrongs he still can. I think it's no doubt the only way the show does it, with maybe a deleted scene showing Arya getting hers just for fan service.

It's been being foreshadowed for awhile now. She'll ultimately do something so nefarious he'll have to kill her.
It's been being foreshadowed for awhile now. She'll ultimately do something so nefarious he'll have to kill her.

I thought that nuking the High Septon and causing their last son to kill himself would be the tipping point, but I guess not :lol: I'm curious to see what will end up being worse than that
I thought that nuking the High Septon and causing their last son to kill himself would be the tipping point, but I guess not :lol: I'm curious to see what will end up being worse than that

It's Cersei, she'll top herself
She probably still thinks he's dead so he must not be on her list anymore. Plus I think the waif made her realize that she really didn't hate the hound so if they do run into each other, I don't think there will be beef. Hound might still be mad, but after his last ep I think he'll be more forgiving.

No, she took him off the list and left him injured on a rock after Brienne fought him.
I think they both gained a soft spot for each other after awhile, which is why she spared his life.
She probably thinks the Hound is dead somewhere. I'm hoping they meet, though. It will be interesting.

I want Arya and the Hound to be a two piece, tag team combo so bad, but easy to forget that The Hound is riding for Beric Dondarrion now, and Beric is also on the list.

Hound might not get that pass he deserves if he and Beric together cross paths with Arya.

Hound x Arya still my favorite dynamic between two characters in the entire series.
Based on the next episode's title, hopefully we get to see more Tormund. Dude is one of my favorite characters on the show these days
Cersi does absolutely horrid things to her enemies but what would make Dany a better queen for the people? She's just as power-thirsty as Cersi if not more so. I haven't seen anything in the show that indicates the people would have different experiences under different rulers except for that brief bit about Joffrey the gawd wanting to raise taxes on the North.

Cersi isn't really cruel to anyone except her enemies and Tyrion. She even treated Sansa decent. Yeah, she stole the throne for her son. So what? Isn't Dany trying to steal the throne as well?

In Essos Dany made a difference because she freed slaves (even though she did it for self-serving reasons IMO). In Westeros slavery has been forbidden for generations. How is she going to actually govern differently?
Just respect for the actor from me. Easily the most hateable character on the show and it's not the same without him.
:rofl: come on man.

Danny has her faults but it's made deliberately clear that there is a moral barometer there.

In more recent seasons it's also been made very clear that she is susceptible to her emotions and irrational thinking, implied through her family history and shown directly on screen through her actions.

Now that she has amassed serious power it's also been made pretty obvious that the strain that power puts on her judgement and morality are to be key themes to close out the series, but to play the "they're both the same" game with Cersei and Danny is hilarious. :lol:
And honestly Dany's inclination is always to slaughter everyone but she lets her advisors talk her down. At least Cersi was going to let Ned go to the wall.
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