Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Didn't say they were the same at all. Said their reigns would be the same for the common people.

I'm not going to get into a semantics debate with you but this is exactly what you said.

Cersi does absolutely horrid things to her enemies but what would make Dany a better queen for the people?
She's just as power-thirsty as Cersi if not more so. I haven't seen anything in the show that indicates the people would have different experiences under different rulers except for that brief bit about Joffrey the gawd wanting to raise taxes on the North.

Cersi isn't really cruel to anyone except her enemies and Tyrion. She even treated Sansa decent. Yeah, she stole the throne for her son. So what? Isn't Dany trying to steal the throne as well?

In Essos Dany made a difference because she freed slaves (even though she did it for self-serving reasons IMO). In Westeros slavery has been forbidden for generations. How is she going to actually govern differently?

You're clearly trying to make an equivalency, which doesn't work when you actually contrast the characters and actions of Danny and Cersei.
Then show me one thing Cersi has done to hurt the common people in general and how Dany would do it differently.
Then show me one thing Cersi has done to hurt the common people in general and how Dany would do it differently.

Dawg you watch the show right? :lol:

Your request doesn't even make sense.

Just because Cersei's sadistic nature generally manifest itself in acts of bestiality committed against people of influence doesn't make her some champion of the common people.

It's a function of her place in high society, she hasn't directly harmed commoners because she has no direct interaction with them, not because of some sense of morality that does not even exist in her.

Not to mention there have been numerous scenes with Jamie/Tyrion/Tywin/anybody where she's actively pushed for or condoned the slaughter of "common people," to acquire whatever selfish personal gain she desired.

This is a nonsensical stance bro, Cersei and Danny's temperaments are not comparable.
Cersei is literally ruling on pure fear right now.

Wat Missandei said regarding Dany wouldn't be thought of in regards to Cersei
Messandei would talk about Cersi that way if Cersi was the one that freed her. Messandei doesn't understand Dany's true motives. Dany wasn't speaking up against slavery while Drogo was still alive. It wasn't until she lost the majority of the Khalisar that she freed and recruited the slaves. Then freed them wherever she went as a means to gain power over the nobles. She doesn't actually care about them. She murdered all those top Dothrakis just to make a big display to get the Khalisar to follow her. Dany is trash.

:lol: My mans bout to come home to an angry Ygritte.


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Messandei would talk about Cersi that way if Cersi was the one that freed her. Messandei doesn't understand Dany's true motives. Dany wasn't speaking up against slavery while Drogo was still alive. It wasn't until she lost the majority of the Khalisar that she freed and recruited the slaves. Then freed them wherever she went as a means to gain power over the nobles. She doesn't actually care about them. She murdered all those top Dothrakis just to make a big display to get the Khalisar to follow her. Dany is trash.

Your reaching.

She's partially to blame for Drogo being dead seeing as she saved the Women who eventually killed him. Dany ain't the best no ..but she sure as hell isnt Cersei
And I have to agree with most, I think comparing the inentions and actions of Cersei and Dany is a complete stretch. We're talking about one who just pretty much said well my son the king killed himself in a horrible way because I cooked everyone in the middle of a town, most of whom were completely innocent, better become queen! And the other risked her life to pull a ginourmous spear out of her dragon's wing(ish area) in the middle of battle. So yeah. My thoughts condensed.
If all the Stark children have learned a skill along the way I would say Sansa has learned how to play the game of thrones. She's been around to witness Cersi's defeat of Ned and Joffrey's reign, Margery's play for queen, Olenna's savagery, LF's ascent at the Vale, Ramsay's coup at Winterfell, and Jon being named King of the North. I still say we get a Sansa heel turn eventually and it's a good bet she ends up on the iron throne.
It isn't appealing to me at the moment but a Sansa reveal/heel turn piques my interest.

Her personality is just a bit bland for me to see that as a possibility let alone probability.

But if the acting is on point and the writing is immaculate that could be a great and entertaining turn in the story this late in the game.

I think Theon will redeem too.
I was shocked to see them write him back to a coward who ran. My heart sank a little bit tbh, I've developed a soft spot for his pitiful face.
I mean I can almost get why you'd assume that but when did they ever really stop writing Reek as a coward?

I feel that would be happened as redemption if it was him who stopped Ramsey from fleeing/escaping and then beat the **** out if him (if written right that would be worked spectacularly). Whatever sense of caring or spark in him died and seems to never be coming back.

People talk about Sansa being useless and just there but Reek is worse. He has nothing going for him. Like he has Ls in common with several other characters (Varys, Bran, etc.) but no positives.

And the thing is his death probably won't matter. It'll be sad (obviously) but its like nobody is rooting for his death the way some want LF or Cersi to die. And if he lives, its like who here can see him as Lord of the Ironborn? Even if its forced on him due to Yara's death? The nutless warden of the seas?

Team Reek/Theon show yourselves and let me know whats good.
How are ppl saying Sansa and Theon the worst characters when you have the sand snakes and Ellaria Sand as well as the way they did Doran Martell and Areo Hotah in the show
About to start the series on HBO on demand...everyone talking about it finally pushed me over the edge...not really into fantasy **** but people I know aren't either and they still telling me to watch
About to start the series on HBO on demand...everyone talking about it finally pushed me over the edge...not really into fantasy **** but people I know aren't either and they still telling me to watch

Pepper your angus b
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