Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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HBO Now rn :stoneface:


*edit* nvm we live :pimp:
These dudes really going pull a 'lost' and sink under the weight of their own expectations
This might actually be worse given the shortened season, longer eps, and the hype they took part in generating.

Lost fell off in the final season when ppl began to realize they were not going to deliever. They came off a season of time traveling with all the hype intact and fandom behind them. Then it became clear creators/showrunners did not have the ending planned out like they been claiming since like s6.

Got ran out of book material and we all saw a dip in quality but it aas said even though GRRM was nit as deeply involved he told them a few things to at least guide them to the ending they would create and their ****ting the bed.
This might actually be worse given the shortened season, longer eps, and the hype they took part in generating.

Lost fell off in the final season when ppl began to realize they were not going to deliever. They came off a season of time traveling with all the hype intact and fandom behind them. Then it became clear creators/showrunners did not have the ending planned out like they been claiming since like s6.

Got ran out of book material and we all saw a dip in quality but it aas said even though GRRM was nit as deeply involved he told them a few things to at least guide them to the ending they would create and their ****ting the bed.

Once the internet figured out what was happening, they were quick to get defensive and try to throw people off.. and just kept digging with zero plan of how the hell they would inevitably get out

And to make matters worse they, like what is now happening with GOTs, set their own finish line

This isn't like some other shows, like say Rome, where you get cancelled and are forced to wrap shh up quick because you know you are only given X amount of episodes to tell your story
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