Nice santa hat
My God that was embarrassing. I wrote dland12 twice and I missed What up. It was after I picked Andrew's name, the next one I opened the index card and it was dland again. SMH @ me. The 2nd time I picked dland's name will be What up.

So the draft order is:
11. Luong1209
9. dland12
8. acidicality
7. offbad
6. Andrew630
5. What up
4. NothingToL0se
3. dont be a menace
2. Paul Is On Tilt
1. daprescription

I know, I know. *

Thanks acid. I had it all planned out with the Santa Hat and everything. I just wrote dland's name twice.

In before the "that's how dland got the last pick in last year's draft."
I was about to say, I don't remember trading away my first round pick.

You're slippin', Paul. This reeks of David Stern.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Just the lottery. I messaged NTL. Hopefully we can get everything in order for Monday to begin the draft.
Phew, thought it was today. I'm down for Monday...Who CAN'T do Monday? Hopefully we can accommodate to everyone's needs.
i doubt i can do the lottery, my phone is stupid and wont be able to do it from work :/
Dude, he put your name in twice! You should have clarified the picks were from first to last. Maybe have your name in there 3 times next year?
so DP has first pick? or is it GSDOUBLEU?

and no menace rule this year

got tomorrow off and not planning on going anywhere else.

let us know when the spreadsheet is up, either here or email us since you already got it from last year.
DP got the 1st pick. Just like in the NBA Lottery. The last name picked has the 1st pick.

When the spreadsheet is up, I'll notify you guys through this thread and through PM.

why don't we just used the same SS from last year...and i'll wipe out all the info to start fresh.
So go to your google docs. and it should alrdy be there.
NTL, is there something we can do for GSDUB? An alternative since he can't view the spreadsheet on his phone? Have you encountered this before in your other times you did the spreadsheet format?
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