Official HBO's The Newsroom Thread Vol: Season 3

Not much of a backlash imo or anything to cry foul about. They're basically criticizing Sorkin for not writing a perfect evenly balanced discussion about that topic. I think ppl reacting aren't clear on the intent of Don even engaging in a debate as opposed to what the victim's stance was.

While I agree Don's argument for whether or not she was right was weak and she basically destroyed him with his every point he was still right about accusing your rapist on tv and facing your rapist in that medium being a horrible idea. It was really a twofold reason for him even talking with her. He didn't want her to say yes so he tried to toe the line and argue her sense of right and wrong with creating the site. He's mainly discouraging so she says no I won't go on your show not to make her feel bad about the site and question whether she got raped. I think that's supported by the fact that in the end he lied to Charlie anyway.

The biggest foul though was at the start insinuating that someone else should be present so she wouldn't accuse him of rape. That had me like the ****? Who starts off any convo like that? especially with a rape victim but again I kinda just roped it back in to the idea of him possibly wanting her to just kick him out the room so he could tell Charlie she bugged out on him.
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Why was Kimmel on CNN?
He filled in for Larry King.
Damn Charlie... RIP to a great character.


I can't believe the last episode is next week. Crept up on me & slapped me in my grill. Didn't expect it so soon.
That 2012 Letterman appearance though :evil



NT is hating won't let me upload more :{

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Finale didn't feel like a series finale at parts but it was a good ep and I guess a good enough ending. It was cool to see some of these interactions in flashbacks.
Finale didn't feel like a series finale at parts but it was a good ep and I guess a good enough ending. It was cool to see some of these interactions in flashbacks.
This is exactly how I felt. Thought it could have been better/was expecting better, but it was good enough.
R.I.P. The Newsroom.

Finale was just aight. S2 finale felt more of a series finale :lol
I will concede that Aaron Sorkin punked me last week. I felt like Mac from Always Sunny when I learned that Will's cellmate was an hallucination of his father. I had to learn this fact from reading an Atlantic Magazine article the next day. I also feel ashamed that, I only recently learned that Olivia Munn is dating Aaron Rodgers in order to conceal the fact that he is gay. If this were an Aaron Sorkin movie, this oversight would compel me to kill myself but only after exchanging snappy but robotic dialogue with my friends and name dropping various blue chip universities on the East Coast.

The Newsroom will always be second tier, the backup, the B team, the auxiliary, the role player to HBO's star programs. It was solid, it entertained but it will never be majestic and it will never prompt questions beyond "why does Olivia Munn waste her time with Aaron Rodgers?" Olivia, tell Aaron to come out of the closet. Olivia, hook up with me and then Clay Mathews and I can be Eskimo brothers.

Jokes aside, I will miss seeing the liberal version of Charleton Heston. Just as it is hard to question Moses on the NRA, we liberals got to enjoy George Washington and Joshua Chamberlain as one of our own. The show elicited a few laughs and it was an enjoyable bridge between Game of Thrones and Game of Thrones. We shall miss you Newsroom.
Wait so Charlie wore the same bow tie in every episode???
I didn't get that part
Or was that the bow tie he died in???
Definitely not its strongest episode
Specially how they just DROPPED the whole government coverup storyline
Didn't even mention it :{
Neil showing up was prolly the best part of the finale
Also anyone notice Mac didn't have as much jiggle boob this season
Her boobs usually jiggle a lot and she usually had 1 less button buttoned on her shirts
But that didn't happen this season
watching the finale right now...sad I'm gonna hear the opening score for the final time, maybe i can find it on iTunes or online somewhere
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