I can't stand ESPN. Bunch of hacks who just spew nonsense for their own agendas. So yeah, I'm not surprised with what they're doing here.
yeah it is pretty odd. even outside of ESPN, i feel like no one is really talking about it. not sure how TSN in canada is handling it, but i'm assuming there's been more coverage.

maybe once he's charged (or has he formally been charged?) we'll here more.
They've talked about it a few times since NHL season never ends over here 
. As mentioned,it'll probably be headline news once the investigation moves along. Bomani Jones from ESPN actually joined TSN radio the other day and had some pretty on the money things to say about the whole situation and the perception that NHLers don't get in trouble compared to their other major NA league counterparts

It's here if you guys want to have a listen,pretty intriguing convo imo
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The thing that makes it even more weird is if you just go to ESPN's NHL page - a page that is JUST for all things NHL - there is literally almost no mention of it.

So again here - on the home section for your NHL news your possibly hottest player and current champion is recently accused of rape and it is not a story.
I don't watch ESPN but has it been mentioned at all?
yeah it is pretty odd. even outside of ESPN, i feel like no one is really talking about it. not sure how TSN in canada is handling it, but i'm assuming there's been more coverage.

maybe once he's charged (or has he formally been charged?) we'll here more.
this is what they're waiting for I think

[h1]Canucks to celebrate 20 years of Rogers Arena[/h1]
Vancouver, B.C. – The Vancouver Canucks are pleased to announce that the club will celebrate the 20th anniversary of Rogers Arena in the 2015.16 season. The celebration will include many fan-favourite athletes, artists and iconic moments on select nights throughout the season, including the return of the retro black skate jersey on February 13th when the Canucks face off against the Toronto Maple Leafs


Have an authentic Bure one already, but will pick up another one. Vrbata most likely.
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[h1]Canucks to celebrate 20 years of Rogers Arena[/h1]

Vancouver, B.C. – The Vancouver Canucks are pleased to announce that the club will celebrate the 20th anniversary of Rogers Arena in the 2015.16 season. The celebration will include many fan-favourite athletes, artists and iconic moments on select nights throughout the season, including the return of the retro black skate jersey on February 13th when the Canucks face off against the Toronto Maple Leafs


Have an authentic Bure one already, but will pick up another one. Vrbata most likely.

sick! top 3 jersey of any hockey team for me
It'd be cool if a Warrior got into apparel Nd did it but one of the 'Giants' would just overbid and take away
my ice team is deciding on a jersey. i was pushing for the old canucks (pavel bure/cliff ronning era) style as the color way and base. got nixed. we're going with the minnesota wild colorway as a base, which i don't mind at all. like their colors. our logo is an egg with a day of the dead style face on it, wearing a sombrero, and shooting off a couple of six shooters in each hand. team name: los huevos rancheros de los muertos


excited to see how the final design and jersey comes out. will def post em up in here
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I'm really not looking forward to Adidas bringing "Soccer Kit inspired" jerseys to the NHL... plastering huge corporate logos on everything will ruin (in my opinion) the most wearable jersey.

Good news for Mitchell and Ness though
wait...they're going to put ads on them? that can't be...
Theres rumors around
 "If you’re already deciding on a major NHL jersey overhaul, maybe with Adidas striping on the jerseys, then it seems like it would be a good time to introduce the ads, if you plan to do it anyway,” a source told TSN.
much like man united kits
if so
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****.THAT. :stoneface:

that'll change quick once jersey sails tank...hopefully :lol:

unless ad revenue outweighs the dip in jersey sales
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