OFFICIAL: HOH: HOUSE OF HOOPS THREAD the dudes that are here bashing dudes bcuz they got the chance to get multiple pairs...if anybody knows me, then they know how I got my pairs...Iworked the system as did a lot of ppl. All u have to do is know the right ppl...I know HoH employees that got multiple pairs!
yo , they were really trying to enforce the 1 per customer rule they have , but we all know there's ways around things like that...
all i can say is if there is a will there is a way. if i couldnt down there to get mine, i'd easily drop 500 to get these just for the
luxury of not having to waste a whole day to get them...
Originally Posted by roebee94

yo , they were really trying to enforce the 1 per customer rule they have , but we all know there's ways around things like that...
all i can say is if there is a will there is a way. if i couldnt down there to get mine, i'd easily drop 500 to get these just for the
luxury of not having to waste a whole day to get them...
Same here man........
searchn- no one is bashing u or anybody that "managed" to get multiple pairs but more on those who were told they could not get but one pair
f the whole " I know HoH employees" line
others had loot ready to cop for themselves or others and were turned back
Time for the return to online releases
ive been to several HOH releases and havent had any complaints until now. although most of the staff members are clueless as far as sneakerculture is concerned, it seems as if they are starting to catch on to the whole business aspect of it.
this particular release of mr basketball was weird for me. i couldnt go to the HOH early because of work. i had conflicting information but i felt that itwasnt going to be as "limited" or hyped. most people who have seen me post know that i am a big fan of the lebron line and that i usually try tohelp people out if i can. but this mr basketball shoe itself wasnt doing anything for me. the box was what sold me and made me want to cop. i mean, it IS atribute shoe.
anyways, i know HOH has a one pair per person policy, but ive been there for several releases where you can purchase more than one pair. it depends on whichemployee you talk to, but ive never had any "connects" or "hookups" but still managed to get doubles of the pairs i wanted. it was funnyto me that when i called HOH at 5 pm, they told me they only had small (6,7) and big (12,13) sizes left. the employee (who shall remain nameless) offered tohold a size 12 pair for me for 30 bucks.
i agreed but felt ridiculous on my way there. im thinking..why am i travelling an hour and a half, for a 250 dollar pair of shoes whose box is moreinteresting than the pair itself..and it wasnt gonna be my size? and im paying 30 bucks extra on top of it because i happened to have had work, couldnt lineup and i lived somewhat farther than most cats who went? i felt cheated.
in any case, i went, and when i got there, i asked for what sizes they had..and heres what i got..MY SIZE!!!

i just hope this place doesnt end up as shady as some of the footlockers in the NYC area. i cant get mad at the people who got multiplepairs, i just hope they got em for the love of the shoe or the player and not the love of raping their fellow sneakerheads' pockets.
damn thats crazy fiance wanted a pair, she wears 6 or 6.5 in men. i got there at 130pm and the smallest they told me left was 8.5 and when i called at10am they said the smallest run was 7.5

too much different !%# being said.

Thanks to this buyer.

Once I get the money order the shoes will be on there way.

It goes to show there are still serious buyers(chica4freaky
) on nt andnot everyone is a low baller
People walking out with 5 pairs, now most all pairs will be double the price or higher. Gimme back my onlinereleases! At least people who don't live in ny or surroundind areas would be able to cop without crazy markups. Bad bad business movesnike. By the way there are still pairs there, called not to long ago. Quick, someone go snag me a pair and chanrge me $800, please. Gimme a break.
I'm glad I'm not a savage for releases like these. Some of you guysneed to realize that as long as hoh releases anything limited someone is gonna be disappointed. It might be someone from California who doesn't haveaccess, or a sneaker head from harlem at the end of the line who didnt get a pair. To the people stating we need releases online, think about it. Ebay crashesall the time for GR jordans, can you imagine 100 pairs of so called limited lebrons on a web site for sale? Stop complaining about the practices of a storeyou never been to, if you never seen cats camping out for 3days plus calling the store every 15 minutes you don't know what they (HOH) gothrough.
Bruh... I am neither a Savage nor a fan of the Mr. Basketball shoe itself. Too much goin on IMO.... Without the Print all over, its a nice colorway....but Imyself aint' into Busy shoes. However the Locker Concept which I've seen over a Month ago is brilliant and the guy who came up with it (LebronsBusiness Manager) did it right with that one.

Hoever, my gripe is with what I call Buzz which equates to Limited Releases Destroying The Business which I relate to General Release stuff.

The Buzz is supposed to HELP the Business NOT Hurt it.

When Buzz is done correctly, your consumer base FLOCKS to the Retailer to get ANY release because they have been blessed with Releases that are limited yetaccessible... Sans the Birthday Releases II and III.

I obviously understand the reason HoH was created, and there are more to release, but when ONE store is basically KILLING the Buzz for Future stores to openAND some folks are losing their Loyalty for the Lebron Line... something isn't right.

I am ALWAYS about using Buzz to drive the Business and HoH was on track for a while, but I think with folks being allowed to walk out with MULTIPLE pairsbefore others have the chance, thats crap.

For those who got Multiple Pairs. I applaud them.. Do you, cause Lord knows I would have done the same, as I have in the past with Jordan Releases with nominimum purchase. But you implement a rule, break it, and lose Customers. People think one or two customers dont affect the Line.. but a few customersrepresents a few thousands....

I will agree MANY Lebron Fans don't even know about these sort of releases, but the Internet is a serious thing. Word gets out. I think Im done rambling.Time to fall back cuss I know I will get cussed out Monday.... lol

Oh well. Thats what happens when your passionate about stuff. Oh well... I can't worry about it... Its not my area to make a difference..
By the way.. did anyone see Bron play last night.. Holy Crap!!!

Damon Jones better hope NO ONE passes their Physicals.. lol.. He may NEVER get that much time again!! lol
these are not Jordans ... The GOAT will have sales period these are Lebrons previous online releases did well with no online site crashes And if HoH is"overwhelmed" by shoeheads lining up early or calling the store to bring business then stop using NT and as a FREE advertising medium forsaid releases After all, HoH is doing well in Harlem WITHOUT the Internet buzz, right? riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiightttttttttt Cant wait to get to OR.... :/ Bron wasa beast last night thought a third straight Triple Double was in the bag
Hoever, my gripe is with what I call Buzz which equates to Limited Releases Destroying The Business which I relate to General Release stuff.

The Buzz is supposed to HELP the Business NOT Hurt it.

When Buzz is done correctly, your consumer base FLOCKS to the Retailer to get ANY release because they have been blessed with Releases that are limited yet accessible... Sans the Birthday Releases II and III.

I obviously understand the reason HoH was created, and there are more to release, but when ONE store is basically KILLING the Buzz for Future stores to open AND some folks are losing their Loyalty for the Lebron Line... something isn't right.
I agree, So how would you execute a limited release at the HOH? When i thinkabout it, i cant come up with a single way to please the hypebeast & the general consumer.
I think Limited releases turns the general consumer into a savage (
). Iwas even beasting for those PE 8's. When i missed out i didn't lose any sleep. That's the beauty of the game in my opinion. Its impossible to geteverything you want.

Forget lebron, did you see what my knicks did to those raptors
Got 1 to rock & 2 to make sure I basically got my pair for free.

Im tight I know a girl who works in HOH, if I would've known that I wouldve got my ray ray 8s
willing to take those 10s from you if you're willing to help a nter out?lol...But to be on topic
I obviously understand the reason HoH was created, and there are more to release, but when ONE store is basically KILLING the Buzz for Future stores to open AND some folks are losing their Loyalty for the Lebron Line... something isn't right.

I may be in this category...I applaud LeBron and his talent, and yes watching some his games reminds me of the times when MJ played, the one man show isjust unbelievable. When I was a young MJ fan, I bought AJs with ease. Go to the store drop the money and get your size. As a LeBron fan, all the good stuffused to be so limited that if you didn't know somebody, you were looking at pics just like me on NT.
BUT now that they want to release the good stuff to people like me, theyrelease it to A store in NY like we all live there. IMHO I think nike didn't do a online release is due to the "vinyl bundle" mishap. I could bereaching but if it is so, they are stupid for thinking that releasing the good stuff to one store is going to help them. If anything, I'm going to stopbuying LeBron products cause why buy them if I can't get the stuff I like? As a fan, I will always seek opportunities to purchase items that I want, butas a consumer I'm tired of getting shafted by a company that doesn't think of the REAL fans.
Originally Posted by iceY Heat

willing to take those 10s from you if you're willing to help a nter out?lol...But to be on topic
I obviously understand the reason HoH was created, and there are more to release, but when ONE store is basically KILLING the Buzz for Future stores to open AND some folks are losing their Loyalty for the Lebron Line... something isn't right.

I may be in this category...I applaud LeBron and his talent, and yes watching some his games reminds me of the times when MJ played, the one man show is just unbelievable. When I was a young MJ fan, I bought AJs with ease. Go to the store drop the money and get your size. As a LeBron fan, all the good stuff used to be so limited that if you didn't know somebody, you were looking at pics just like me on NT.
BUT now that they want to release the good stuff to people like me, they release it to A store in NY like we all live there. IMHO I think nike didn't do a online release is due to the "vinyl bundle" mishap. I could be reaching but if it is so, they are stupid for thinking that releasing the good stuff to one store is going to help them. If anything, I'm going to stop buying LeBron products cause why buy them if I can't get the stuff I like? As a fan, I will always seek opportunities to purchase items that I want, but as a consumer I'm tired of getting shafted by a company that doesn't think of the REAL fans.

not sure yet. im still deciding if i should put em up on ebay so i can cop a sz 10.5. since 200nikesdeep said theres nothing but 6-7.5 and 13+ i cant go inexchange it so i dont know yet.
Originally Posted by Starrysoles

^^^^ Put your 10 on eBay and just buy the 10.5 on eBay with that money. It should even out.

the sz 10.5 is going for 600+ and i want at least 400 for mine cause i know i aint getting that 600+
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