OFFICIAL Hypebeasts Thread

Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916


lol this was taken at Arden Mall in sacramento,
Guy in the way back on the right must be thinking+!+# is going on I better get the hell out of here.
^^^And this coming from a kid who used to be on the site. Come on fam, you know better.
Originally Posted by quWESTlove

so i got this friend request on myspace today
and I look through the pics...
not really beast, just CORNY

first person i thought about when i saw the chick/dude/creature on the left..
95% of the people in this thread are hypocrites and Hypebeasts no matter what you have on your one.Look in the mirror before you look at someone else.....

thats real deep man, thank you...u r so wise

Who the hell wakes up and coordinates what their gonna wear with their crew??? Those **#** in the aquas and dudes in jason hoodies should all be ran over by asteam roller
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