*********Official Internet Marketing Thread**********

Nov 9, 2008
This isn’t some lame get rich quick scheme. You’re not going to be rich overnight and you most likely aren’t the next Mark Zuckerberg but there is a very slim chance that I might be wrong so don’t hold me on that. The amount you make reflects the amount of time you’ve dedicated to your craft. You can make anywhere from beer drinking money to enough money to move out of your parents/relatives basement.If you’re not computer/internet savvy, don’t worry you don’t need to be. Making websites is so much easier with sites like Wordpress.

A few helpful resources:

See posts below for a few methods.
This isn’t some lame get rich quick scheme. You’re not going to be rich overnight and you most likely aren’t the next Mark Zuckerberg but there is a very slim chance that I might be wrong so don’t hold me on that. The amount you make reflects the amount of time you’ve dedicated to your craft. You can make anywhere from beer drinking money to enough money to move out of your parents/relatives basement.If you’re not computer/internet savvy, don’t worry you don’t need to be. Making websites is so much easier with sites like Wordpress.

A few helpful resources:

See posts below for a few methods.
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1- Create a site. If you don’t know how to, well, get someone to do it for you. It’s not that hard, hell, even I can do it and I am a ****** when it comes to tech/design stuff. So buy a domain, get a cheap hosting account for it, toss up a WordPress blog and theme (takes the hassle out of creating a site), and you’re in business.

2- Depending on what your domain theme is, if it has one, make the site around an affiliate marketing offer. It can be a product, a service, doesn’t really matter which. Just pick something! There are no bad ideas or good ideas, everything can work in it’s own right if done correctly. If you are being a lazy bastard and need me to pick one for you, then choose a product that is cheap for the end user and serves some type of beneficial purpose. Ad networks have a billion offers, I’m sure you can find one. But try and keep out of finance/mortgage and ringtones for now, because those take lots of research, time and cash.

3- Great, you have your product picked out, now make a blog post about it. If you don’t know all that much about it, do some quick research on Wikipedia or Google. It’s also a good idea to put a banner up or a full page ad for it if you aren’t going to write a blog post about it. Either way, make sure the theme of the blog is about the product you are promoting. Maybe make the color scheme the same as the page where the user will buy something or fill out the lead.

4- So let’s assume you have your domain, host, blog with the offer all setup. Alright, so now comes traffic, the fun part! Let’s use Google Adwords and MSN AdCenter for it. Take $100 and deposit it into each of the accounts. You probably won’t use all of it, but it’s good to have it in there. With Adsense we can begin right away, but with MSN you may have to wait 24 hours or so until their slow $+*$% get to approving the account. With both though, there are tons of free cash coupons and promo codes out there, and some on WickedFire.com that you can use and get some free cash to use.

5- Time for some keyword research. Before you start to use every keyword tool under the sun, let’s do a bit of manual work. First go and look at the advertiser’s page and pull keywords off there by hand. We want to focus on something called LONG TAIL KEYWORDS. We don’t want the one or two word keywords because they are very general, expensive, and usually being looked at for research purposes and don’t have many “buy now
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1- Create a site. If you don’t know how to, well, get someone to do it for you. It’s not that hard, hell, even I can do it and I am a ****** when it comes to tech/design stuff. So buy a domain, get a cheap hosting account for it, toss up a WordPress blog and theme (takes the hassle out of creating a site), and you’re in business.

2- Depending on what your domain theme is, if it has one, make the site around an affiliate marketing offer. It can be a product, a service, doesn’t really matter which. Just pick something! There are no bad ideas or good ideas, everything can work in it’s own right if done correctly. If you are being a lazy bastard and need me to pick one for you, then choose a product that is cheap for the end user and serves some type of beneficial purpose. Ad networks have a billion offers, I’m sure you can find one. But try and keep out of finance/mortgage and ringtones for now, because those take lots of research, time and cash.

3- Great, you have your product picked out, now make a blog post about it. If you don’t know all that much about it, do some quick research on Wikipedia or Google. It’s also a good idea to put a banner up or a full page ad for it if you aren’t going to write a blog post about it. Either way, make sure the theme of the blog is about the product you are promoting. Maybe make the color scheme the same as the page where the user will buy something or fill out the lead.

4- So let’s assume you have your domain, host, blog with the offer all setup. Alright, so now comes traffic, the fun part! Let’s use Google Adwords and MSN AdCenter for it. Take $100 and deposit it into each of the accounts. You probably won’t use all of it, but it’s good to have it in there. With Adsense we can begin right away, but with MSN you may have to wait 24 hours or so until their slow $+*$% get to approving the account. With both though, there are tons of free cash coupons and promo codes out there, and some on WickedFire.com that you can use and get some free cash to use.

5- Time for some keyword research. Before you start to use every keyword tool under the sun, let’s do a bit of manual work. First go and look at the advertiser’s page and pull keywords off there by hand. We want to focus on something called LONG TAIL KEYWORDS. We don’t want the one or two word keywords because they are very general, expensive, and usually being looked at for research purposes and don’t have many “buy now
Original Post

100$ a Day with Amazon.com

Step 1: Product selection

Head over to Amazon.com and pick a category of products to look at. Two categories I would avoid are books and music. They Pay less then an adsense click and I have had absolutely horrible conversions with them.

I usually take an hour or 2 to go through mutiple categories and really dig into picking winners.

Once you pick a category head over the the best sellers section.

You might be asking yourself why are we looking at the best sellers? I do it for a good number of reasons

1) These products are working well and are pleasing the customer. Returns are less likely to happen.

2) These products are converting well on amazon! (BIG)

3) They are likely being marketed well by the product creator.

4) Usually they have good reviews on the page which is a big key to influencing the given person to buy.

For my example I headed over to the best sellers section of the patio, lawn and garden category. I looked down the top 100 list and chose the Weber 6507 rolling cart.

Why did I chose the Weber 6507 rolling cart?

1) It has 35 reviews with a 4.5/5 rating. This plays a strong role in the psychology of buying.

2) It costs more then $25. I have rule that a product should at the very MINIMUM cost $25. The more your product is worth, the more comission $ you get.

3) Most importantly of all the name is simple yet highly targeted. It seems realistic to me that a person would search for “Weber 6507 rolling cart
Original Post

100$ a Day with Amazon.com

Step 1: Product selection

Head over to Amazon.com and pick a category of products to look at. Two categories I would avoid are books and music. They Pay less then an adsense click and I have had absolutely horrible conversions with them.

I usually take an hour or 2 to go through mutiple categories and really dig into picking winners.

Once you pick a category head over the the best sellers section.

You might be asking yourself why are we looking at the best sellers? I do it for a good number of reasons

1) These products are working well and are pleasing the customer. Returns are less likely to happen.

2) These products are converting well on amazon! (BIG)

3) They are likely being marketed well by the product creator.

4) Usually they have good reviews on the page which is a big key to influencing the given person to buy.

For my example I headed over to the best sellers section of the patio, lawn and garden category. I looked down the top 100 list and chose the Weber 6507 rolling cart.

Why did I chose the Weber 6507 rolling cart?

1) It has 35 reviews with a 4.5/5 rating. This plays a strong role in the psychology of buying.

2) It costs more then $25. I have rule that a product should at the very MINIMUM cost $25. The more your product is worth, the more comission $ you get.

3) Most importantly of all the name is simple yet highly targeted. It seems realistic to me that a person would search for “Weber 6507 rolling cart
how much you raking OP?

ive been wanting to getting into it but my dedication lately has been

too much real work / life.jpg
how much you raking OP?

ive been wanting to getting into it but my dedication lately has been

too much real work / life.jpg
I just started IM/AM a few weeks ago so i'm not ceo'in 10k a day (yet) but I've made enough to buy some workout supps/weekend beer drinking money.
I just started IM/AM a few weeks ago so i'm not ceo'in 10k a day (yet) but I've made enough to buy some workout supps/weekend beer drinking money.
I'm a copywriter for an internet marketing firm in Chicago. I mostly write ads/content, but a part of my jobs is to customize websites for SEO purposes. This sort of scheme is old and tired. Google's spiders will find any dummy websites with repeated content and anyone's who's blackhatting will lose Google ranks for 6 months to eternity. Be careful, you don't know what you're doing.
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