
there is a resell market for moissnaite, you just gotta known where to sell your product

check this out, If I can get a stud chain or something sick that looks dead on to the real mccoy for under $2,000 then maybe. but still that's $2,000 gone, strictly to stunting and really fronting.

you gotta stop lookin at a moissanite as a fake diamond and more as its own gem in its own right..

and lets put it this way, for da prices cats droppin on lil baby princess cut BS you find in da hood and gettin raped 10X for, you get something that u know looks better and your gonna get a better money's worth...

Man Ninjahood your posts are dropping alot of info. I haven't researched it at all, but just from what you posted, it sounds like the future of diamonds is wide open.

oh its wide open my friend...da diamond cartel by DeBeers is being assaulted by 3 fronts

-100% real yellow/pink/blue/etc. diamonds being man made by da company gemesis

-100% colorless real diamonds being man made by da company apollo diamonds

-moisannites that out shine and refract light better then diamonds being made for a 1/10 of da price by da company called Charles & Colvard, Ltd.

its gonna get alot more interestin as technology keeps going

team platano
lol, sounds like Ninjahood is creating his own diamonds in his secret lab in the Heights. :lol:

From Keynes to Schelling, we know what's up.​
truth ninjahood.

I knowin about them. there was an article like the one you posted a few years ago. Homicide hipped me to it. I just forgot they was called Mossanites. and I'm not bad mouthing them at all. they said that this piece could be the future.
and it's still not a diamond, whether it being a nice gem in its own right or not.
they are shaped and perpetrated to look like a diamond.
someone could paint a dead on replica of the mona lisa and use better longer lasting paint, but it won't be the same homey.

again, i'm not mad at it. I might F wit it a little..... I don't need anymore research either.

as for finding the market, that's exactly it. finding the key word. I dont have to find a market to sell my diamonds. thats why I said loose diamonds are like cash.
whether i know where the market for mossanites is, it's not down the street or everywhere just yet. I think it'll hit, it's on the verge. but I doubt it will replace an engagement or wedding ring. straight up.

if I make a nice piece flooded out with small chips in it and colorful, i'mma see what these mossanites look like.
DJ Homicide, DJ AM, DJ Ben Baller = A M C
Dyrt clothing coming soon worldwide!
someone could paint a dead on replica of the mona lisa and use better longer lasting paint, but it won't be the same homey.

you hit it right on da know why people are so stubborn on da issue? perception..

if you ask a regular joe what makes a diamond a diamond..he's gonna say "da way it blings"

now if u ask him why you think diamonds cost so much? he's gonna say "cuz they rare"

problem with these statements is that one is untrue,

Debeers has tons of diamonds, so much that in stock that they could be littered on tables on your local neighboorhood corner..BUT they control da supply so stern that it perpetuates a false aura of rareness....

and as far as bling factor...i like spendin money on something that performs, so if moissantes bling 2x as much as a diamond does, and at a cheaper price cuz of a free market..then why cop a diamond..cuz of "sentimental reasons" >D

team platano
oh and man made diamonds (which are 100% real diamonds) are also noticeably cheaper then da mined variety..why? cuz they not controlled by da diamond cartel

and on da low, thats where all these rappers gettin all these PINK, BLUE, GREEN, BLACK, BROWN, ETC. diamonds :smile:

they all man made diamonds wit differnet types of boron, to tint it a when u see pink & yellow diamonds, think of da company gemesis...
team platano
Man, i know absolutly nothing about diamonds and jewelry but maybe ya'll could help me out.

I'm going out tomorrow or today actually to invest in a round diamond stud earring for my left ear only. I dont want to look like these dudes out here in Staten Island though :lol:
so im expecting to pay about 500 for a piece with good clarity is this an accurate estimate for some @#%$ that shines?

I gotta go back later today to read your post ninja @#%$ is interesting.
yeh, I ain't heard the diamonds are rare thing. they def. aint. jesus christ, you can find diamonds easier then prolly finding good food in most cities.

and ninja, manmade or not, ask any cat who went to gemology school. blue diamonds are the most expensive. but I don't know why.

all this talk and you ain't got a piece with moss in it? damn you did a lotta research, you should have an ICE AGE piece homey.
DJ Homicide, DJ AM, DJ Ben Baller = A M C
Dyrt clothing coming soon worldwide!
Ben it wont let me snd an ezinbox or w/e so hit me up [email protected]

Tell me what the deal is and send a credit app and lets talk bout distributing it. If I see some designs I can show it to stores in philly/nyc/MD/VA I F with.

ninja, I know the boy from gemisis personally. The diamonds are all created in saratosa, FL. Whats pretty interesting to me (I'm Russian), is that they make them w/ the help of a machine that was sold to him by the Russian gov't invented like 30 years back. Official cost is 1/8 diamond price (natural) and distributor pricing is absurdly cheaper. I can get them wholesale 470 (prox) a ct.



Blue is only expensive cause of the movie titanic. Dont believe the hype.
This post is crazy thanx to everybody learnin me some new ****...

I have a question easy and costly would it be to turn one of my earrings into a pinky ring...I only wear one and the other is just sitting there...kind of want to set the blue ice into a ring and let em have the white gold backing...

as the earrings stand now it's 4 rows of 4 blue...and 14K white gold backing... want ti add some from white white ones too...but thwn maybe not...
as for finding the market, that's exactly it. finding the key word. I dont have to find a market to sell my diamonds. thats why I said loose diamonds are like cash.

word ^^^ diamonds & precious metals--more gold+platinum and silver, are COMMODITIES. you don't have to find a niche market or target a certain demographic to pimp them off. they're bought+sold+traded almost around the clock all over the globe.

moissanites might take off and gain popularity w/the hip-hop/rap+related crowds/fans because, let's be real, most of the people from those groups just want to floss, but deep down, they don't want to pay the cost (or can't) least to the degrees that they try to portray to the public.

On the flip side the true purveyors of diamonds will never buy into Moissanites............wealthy socialites, businesspeople, and other celebs buy REAL diamonds because they not only want the look, but, mostly, they are not content w/settling w/second best or imitations no matter how closely they mimic the real deal. It doesn't matter that no one else might not know they'll have fugazis, THEY'LL KNOW.

What's more, regular joe women that buy diamond jewelry or get them as engagement/wedding and other gifts from dudes, ARE NEVER GOING TO SETTLE FOR MOISSANITES or anything else but real diamonds either. Yeah, it might just be a marketing slogan to some of you, esp the dudes, but to the majority of females that dig rocks, "A Diamond IS forever". They dig those things not only for the bling+how they look but how they make em FEEL & what they represent. Don't believe me, go ask around. Better yet, give your girl a fake or even run the idea by her, and see what happens.

^^thanx, that aftermath chain wasn't posted yet :pimp:

now to da topic...

5 bucks a carat? Whats the mark-up then ninja? thats too good to be true...

they get they prices from da diamond market themselves...its kinda like nike makin 150-200 jordans for 5 bux...if they price em low they'll be look at as cheap which they aren't.

and ninja, manmade or not, ask any cat who went to gemology school. blue diamonds are the most expensive. but I don't know why.

its cuz in nature its da rarest cuz da type of material that has to aborb into da diamond to make it me, man made diamondc ompanies can make a 100% real blue diamond too..its just not mined..

ninja, I know the boy from gemisis personally. The diamonds are all created in saratosa, FL. Whats pretty interesting to me (I'm Russian), is that they make them w/ the help of a machine that was sold to him by the Russian gov't invented like 30 years back. Official cost is 1/8 diamond price (natural) and distributor pricing is absurdly cheaper. I can get them wholesale 470 (prox) a ct.

yeah i got da article post a page back. but god damn u got that mean connect wit da gemesis diamonds....we definately gonna holla in da near future

They dig those things not only for the bling+how they look but how they make em FEEL & what they represent. Don't believe me, go ask around. Better yet, give your girl a fake or even run the idea by her, and see what happens.

thats da problem....i dunno bout you but i ain't payin rape price for a false perception of aura a diamond has...thats why people like DeBeers are in business..cuz they captialize on people's ignorance and naiveness...

before this post i bet 8-10 of ya probably didn't even know a diamond could be man made, or that a moissanite actually shines harder then a diamond.

team platano
KT ninja is right fam. From reading some of your posts i see that we have some mutual peeps and some of them have already started copping moissanite for engagement rings, earings etc... I'm talkin some heavy dudes wit 9 figures in the stash..

De Beers run of terror will come to an end very soon.. There was now way their way of doing business and exploitation of the lives of people would last forever though anyways. Karma always prevails. It won't be something that happens by like this summer or anything crazy like that because they have done a phenomonal job in brainwashing all of us into believing that a diamond is rare and therefore extremely costly when in actuality they cost damn near nothing to mine and cut. It's just they have a monopoly on the supply because they've literally killed everyone who didn't outright agree to give them the land that the diamonds are found on.. Kinda like if i found a way to find all the places in the world where white sand was indigenous to and monopolized the supply, then marketed it for over a century as rare and expensive. It's gonna be the same effect as everyone who was buying $50,000 natural pearl necklaces.... It's now to the point that you'd be a fool to buy one because they absolutely can't compete with the man made ones. Now granted the market for pearls doesn't have the strength of the diamond market, and DeBeers has spent billions on marketing diamonds so it's gonna take longer for people to wake up. But like I said many people already are because they didn't wanna be left holding some studs they paid 100 K for that are will be worth 20K in 10 years. It's not a game...
you though this was gonna die?

heeeel naw!


95+ cool points to whoever posts that swizz beatz LRG ad.

Are those real KTown? theyre friggin' huge. Get at me fam.
are there any spots in NY where u can get moissnaite. i wanna compare it to real diamonds
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