Official: Jordan Retro IV Oreo Thread 2/21/2015 (UPDATES ON PG 1)

Sure it's probably yellowing/showing age. It's kind of a non issue though. They wont get any worse than that and also they look fine and I personally can hardly notice much of a difference. Enjoy the shoes and wear them more often if aging concerns you is my best advise.

Thanks for the reply, I don't mind if its yellowing. I was just concern if I might have gotten a defective "shade of grey" on the lace tab and back jump man logo since it doesn't seem to match with the lighter grey midsole. Like I said I forgot if its suppose to be like that or if its from yellowing (haven't looked at these shoes in a long time). I wanted to see if anyone's pair was like that too for confirmation.
Thanks for the reply, I don't mind if its yellowing. I was just concern if I might have gotten a defective "shade of grey" on the lace tab and back jump man logo since it doesn't seem to match with the lighter grey midsole. Like I said I forgot if its suppose to be like that or if its from yellowing (haven't looked at these shoes in a long time). I wanted to see if anyone's pair was like that too for confirmation.

I’ll check my pair out when I get home but I’m sure it’s probably the same. The reason for it is because the tabs and jumpman are colored plastic and the midsole is paint coating. Plastic parts will show aging more than the painted parts. I hope this helps.
I’ll check my pair out when I get home but I’m sure it’s probably the same. The reason for it is because the tabs and jumpman are colored plastic and the midsole is paint coating. Plastic parts will show aging more than the painted parts. I hope this helps.

Makes sense, and if you can check your pair that'll be great. Thanks for the help appreciate it man.
From a few weeks ago but it's raining today and I'm gonna throw these on. Dope colorway, great rain sneakers.
Wore these for a 4 day international trip this past weekend. They still look amazing and are freak'n tanks. While not super comfy like more recent 4s, they were pretty good and more comfy than the '19 BC4s.

Mine suffer from a perfect right shoe with soft mat leather and the left shiny and kind of cheaper looking. i.e. Left shoe, right shoe factory syndrome. In 2015 this wasn't something I noticed until much later.

Anyway, would love to see these retro; would definitely grab a pair!
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