Official June 2011 WDYWT post: Vol Summer's here! No pic quoting!

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 how most dudes on here work at call centers 
I'm not gonna lie, I am really confused about this 'planking' thing. I guess it's kind of funny...
Is the next trend that roots from exercise going to be the the 'bench press' where people take a barbell and stack weights and do it out in public like at a restaurant and/or local park...?

Wore these last night....

To watch this with the significant....I must say by far better than the 2nd part....
First I wanna say this server is a PIECE OF %@@* and that I would pay a monthly fee for one that works properly.

Damn yall went in on Pg92... Dope stuff

True blues last night

to catch this at the IMAX


Good overall movie.......i recommend you see it and all movies in IMAX(if available). the experience is
picked these up earlier- A little snug but happy to find some VVNDS close to my size this long after the initial drop- Have Fred t21d to thank for giving me the "itch"
apparently pics arent working yet.  Will revise once they are.
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