Official: Lakers @ Blazers 4/8 7PM PST

shoulda took advantage of the NO loss...but i'm not surprised...we never win in Portland.

our defense

the officiating (both teams)

Originally Posted by tupac003

Now gasol is soft?


I think its time for bed because I don't think I just read that right....

One game and people need to be traded, people become soft and people just flat out suck...


He's definitely finesse. Bottom line is that he's not the answer defensively or on the boards, nor would I be confident in the Lakes' chancesif Bynum can't return. Vlade and Odom are not enough to help Pau out on the interior.
I didn't see the game, a boxscore or any clip, but I knew the Lakers caught an L by the number of pages in this post.
tupac003 wrote:

Originally Posted by knightngale

Kobe with the horrible defense on Roy. He was nowhere near him but he was probably tired from carrying the team
Brandon Roy rare shot one on one jumpers and Kobe was playing too close all game. Same with Jarret Jack. The only one who was shooting it from the outside instead of driving was Blake.

The lakers did not play offense that well but this was all on their defense. Perimeter defense and help defense was
. Gasol and Odom kept getting pushed around on the boards too so even if we got stops they got second shots

What happened to Odom?


Shooting conested jumpers in the playoffs will not get it done kobe

*spits on blazers franchise and refs*

Lamar had 11 5 and 3. Not his best game but damn we have seen worse.

I like how some of you guys really like to make excuses for kobe. He was carrying the team so thats why he didn't play d...SMH! Come on now.

To the laker fans complaining about the blazers fans. Stop the crying. This team wanted nothing more then to play spoiler and they did. Let them have their fun. Go to staples during a suns game and see if you don't hear nash sucks chants (with me leading them

All this team needs is somebody in the butt telling them to play D the whole game instead of sections. If we played D like this in the 3rd and 4th we would have won. But we waited to long and it cost us.

Kobe played his game and sometimes did a bad job of it. Sometimes the jumpers need to stop. Period. A fade away with 2 on you is not going to get it done.

Fisher was bad but come on guys he is hurt. Farmar I don't know what to say about him. But one thing I can say is its only his second year. Things can only get better.

Its a bad loss and I know some people are going to freak out about it but they happen. Just a real bad time for this to happen. Tomorrow I don't know who to root for. I would love for the suns to lose but I would love to be tied with the spurs for second again.

All in all


Damn bro.You picked the wrong day to ditch work just to watch the Lakers.
Laker fans on here aren't going crazybecause we lost to a team out of the playoffs again, it's because tonight was such a wasted opportunity especially with the Hornets losing tonight we could have been a half game behind them for the#1 seed.Now we basicaly have no chance at the # 1 seed even if we beat the Hornets on friday night.

Honestly at this point I just want the Lakers to finish with the #2 seed, so I will rooting for the Suns tommrow night eventhough I hate the Suns with a passion.I really dont't want to play the Suns in the 1st round this season, they will be a dangerous team in the playoffsthis year.Some Laker fan on here and forums like LG & CL are being foolish and are acting like the Lakers would sweep or eliminate the Suns easily in 5games.
Originally Posted by Long Beach Vincey

Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Some of you guys sound like little babies

Just take the L and move on

at the Laker fans crying about the Blazer fans. Grow some balls
lol yeah, big bad Portland is coming after poor lil helpless LA fans... Well we here in Portland aren't getting the playoffs, that was our playoffgame tonight haha.
Jordan Farmar played horrible

does this guy ever make threes? very inconsistent player he'll have like 2 good games and like 8 bad games
and i watch all the laker games
It's not easy to play point guard in this league unless you're taller than 6'4 and can shoot the three.

Portland's three point shooting really kill us tonight. Unless the Laker learn how to defend the 3 points, i don't see how they can get pass team likeSpurs, New Orleans or Phoenix in the playoff.

I'm sure other teams will review games like this and incorporate it into strategies to beat us in the playoff
. We need to come up with a better defensive strategy.
Kobe was fouled on by aldridge on that "strip" cmon now...

why didn't farmar pass it to kobe on that 2 on 1?


Blazers with Roy + Aldridge - problem. + Oden I dont want to know.
Originally Posted by JONFARR

lol yeah, big bad Portland is coming after poor lil helpless LA fans... Well we here in Portland aren't getting the playoffs, that was our playoff game tonight haha.

Growing up in L.O. word to Salim and Kevin Love, but born here in L.B., I absolutely hated Blazer fans.. especially my friends whenever they'd beatL.A. They gave me so much Hell back then.. I'll never forget Kobe to Shaq lob against Portland.. I was a Sportsnation.. now Club Sport.. up in therestaurant.. I threw the metal "wait to be seated" sign down the stairs. These days I love to hear fans so passionate.. especially since they'reeliminated already.
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

Jordan Farmar played horrible

does this guy ever make threes? very inconsistent player he'll have like 2 good games and like 8 bad games
and i watch all the laker games
It's not easy to play point guard in this league unless you're taller than 6'4 and can shoot the three.


Chris Paul - 6'0
Steve Nash 6'3
Deron Williams 6'3
Jose Calderon 6'3

Portland's three point shooting really kill us tonight. Unless the Laker learn how to defend the 3 points, i don't see how they can get pass team like Spurs, New Orleans or Phoenix in the playoff.

I'm sure other teams will review games like this and incorporate it into strategies to beat us in the playoff
. We need to come up with a better defensive strategy.
Yeah, we leave the 3 point line to help when someone frives because we don't have that shot-blocking, big body to hold down the paint.
No, Gasol doesn't count.

Once we get Bynum, we can stop worrying about helping out the slasher and gaurd the 3 point line better
Originally Posted by dyyhard

Kobe was fouled on by aldridge on that "strip" cmon now...

why didn't farmar pass it to kobe on that 2 on 1?


Blazers with Roy + Aldridge - problem. + Oden I dont want to know.

Don't forget they have Rudy Fernandez coming in.. "the best player in Europe right now"
Originally Posted by solesavage

BS aside, half y'all Laker fans sound like females.
You guys are so harsh on your players....
, when you winyou'll learn to love em again.
I don't know what it is with the Blazers, but the Lakers always seem to have a tough time with them.

On another note, I wanted use my Los Lakers T-shirt tonight for the first time. It's a good thing I didn't because if I did I would have told myselfthat that T-shirt was bad luck [since the Lakers lost] and I would have never worn it again.
What a wasted opportunity but when you don't play like yo uwant to win for about 45 out of the 48 minutes of the ball game, yo uwill lose even if you aretalented and you are playing a team that is out of the playoffs and is decimated by injuries.

The main goal to focus on now is at least getting the 2nd seed and being able to face the Spurs with that extra game in LA during the second round. If we canovercome the Spurs, we have a great chance at beating the Hornets without home court advantage. The Hornets are for real but we have a better roster whenhealthy and if Bynum can get back into the swing of things quickly, we have great change in a series against anyone.
Originally Posted by Long Beach Vincey

Originally Posted by tupac003

Now gasol is soft?


I think its time for bed because I don't think I just read that right....

One game and people need to be traded, people become soft and people just flat out suck...


He's definitely finesse. Bottom line is that he's not the answer defensively or on the boards, nor would I be confident in the Lakes' chances if Bynum can't return. Vlade and Odom are not enough to help Pau out on the interior.

Word. Pau's BEEN soft. I don't even like our chances in the first round unless Bynum can come back and play at least 20-25 mins a game.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

The main goal to focus on now is at least getting the 2nd seed and being able to face the Spurs with that extra game in LA during the second round. If we can overcome the Spurs, we have a great chance at beating the Hornets without home court advantage. The Hornets are for real but we have a better roster when healthy and if Bynum can get back into the swing of things quickly, we have great change in a series against anyone.

Agreed except, I don't think the Hornets will make it past Utah
I say Gasol is soft because aat the end he kept winning those loose ball rebounds but he did not play that hard the whole game
Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by solesavage

BS aside, half y'all Laker fans sound like females.
You guys are so harsh on your players....
, when you win you'll learn to love em again.

didn't you want to fire Don Nelson?
honestly, we just lacked aggression and focus throughout the whole game...another slippage however, we can't expect to win every game....we just need tominimize these loses....c'mon lakers let's come out on fire this thursday night
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