Official LEBRON 2010 Thread (The Decision: MIAMI HEAT)

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@nyc buc

You cant compare Kobe to Lebron at that time when he and shack were winning championships to what Lebron just did. Kobe was a rising star not an already established mvp. Lebron has been MVP for two years. andf Kobe had the luxury of playing alongside the league MVP. Check your facts b4 you speak garbage. And trust me wade will not have to change his game. Lebron wants to be apart of something and not be responsible for it. That is Wades team, that doesnt change regardless of how well someone plays. Jeter hasnt won an MVP since Arod has been there but whose team is it still? Jeters.

And to be honest who really needs who? Wade doesnt need any of them he already has a ring the other two dont. And I dont care what anyone says Lebrons team this past year had alot more talent then what Wae had when he won his first championship
Originally Posted by monstar

@nyc buc

You cant compare Kobe to Lebron at that time when he and shack were winning championships to what Lebron just did. Kobe was a rising star not an already established mvp. Lebron has been MVP for two years. andf Kobe had the luxury of playing alongside the league MVP. Check your facts b4 you speak garbage. And trust me wade will not have to change his game. Lebron wants to be apart of something and not be responsible for it. That is Wades team, that doesnt change regardless of how well someone plays. Jeter hasnt won an MVP since Arod has been there but whose team is it still? Jeters.

And to be honest who really needs who? Wade doesnt need any of them he already has a ring the other two dont.
And I dont care what anyone says Lebrons team this past year had alot more talent then what Wae had when he won his first championship
Wait...what?  Are you insinuating that Wade is CONTENT with ONE ring?  C'mon....all three guys are hungry for championships....that's why all three guys were on-board with this dream scenario in the first place.  If you can't see that these men want multiple rings, then I dunno what to tell ya.  Like Dre said, the pressure that's going to be on Lebron is going to be unimaginable.  He's put himself in a situation where if he doesn't walk away with MULTIPLE championships, this move will be criticized for the remainder of his career. 
I posted this in another board: As a fan and athlete, what he did was a disgrace to professional basketball. Having an one hour special for people to find out your "decision" when your mind was made up weeks if not seasons ago, is such a classless move. On top of that, you had the owner of the Cavs, who bent over backwards for you, building a 25 million dollar facility near your house, hiring your best friends to work for the team, hiring his personal shooting coach and making him an assistant coach for the team, free courtside seats to his friends and family (other players pay the full price) putting your boys on the team charter flight, doing all they can to surround them with good players (Mo Williams, Shaq, Jamison, firing Mike Brown (because Lebron didn't want him as a coach anymore) and hiring Byron Scott as a last attempt, etc) and for him not to even have the decency to say "Listen, I appreciate everything you've done for me, but I'm not coming back to the Cavs so yall can start making some moves." is a pure %+%%# move by a %+%%# player. And you gonna go on national tv and call yourself a man? Really? Men do not conduct business this way, and watching clips of Heat fans going crazy over Lebron as he was driving by makes me sick, he just walked right thru everyone and acted like they wasn't there. And they STILL continue to worship him and kept calling his name, cornballs. I have met both Kobe and Lebron in public and Lebron just has this attitude of "I'm too big to even acknowledge you're a human being." And then on top of that, to join D Wade and Bosh when he's on top of his prime is such an amateur move, the NBA is a players league being run by the AAU generation of ball players. These kids grow up going from one team of all-stars to another their whole lives. there's no loyalty. they dont want to beat each other. they want to play with each other. If you're better than me, then I want to play with you so we can beat everyone else - thats their mindset. It starts in AAU, + thats how they select their college teams and now thats how they are selecting their NBA teams, it's ****ery. And the decision to go to Miami to win "multiple championships" is fine and dandy, but a majority of the reason why Bron chosed Miami was because of the nightlife, the groupies, the parties, the drugs. Lebron is no angel, D Wade is no angel, it's known throughout that they cheat on their wife/gf on the regular, and I'll keep it shut about the drugs......I don't know or hear much about Bosh so I can't comment on that. They are remarkable athletes, yes. But they ain't all about basketball like Kobe is, maybe it's time people stop worshipping athletes like they're gods, they are human beings just like us with temptations, sins, and imperfections.
Personally I'm happy Bron did it this way. Finally a player sticking it to a team. If you pay attention to professional sports its nothing new for a team to jerk or stick it to a player quick.

The Ravens were thinking about cutting or trading Ray Lewis last year.
Jay Culter
Hakeem "the dream"
Bruce Smith
Brian Westbrook
Joe Montana

Teams will do players dirty and will show no loyalty.

Its sad that you cat and other people keep comparing this dude to kobe, jordan and magic. How can you when he hasn't won anything.

And the nonsense of "he shouldve stayed in cleveland" talk just sounds dumb. The guy wants to win, did anybody mention this when KG and Jesus was traded?

Shid clyde "the glide" left portand for houston to team up with hakeem to get a ring and he wasnt bashed by the media for doing so.

After watching the last super bowl, game 7 of the finals and this thing with bron. I realize sports fans will never be satisfied, people will find something to nick pick at.
Dan Lebatard has been going in on his radio show

"Double rainbow! A double rainbow!!"
Originally Posted by Informerx

I posted this in another board: As a fan and athlete, what he did was a disgrace to professional basketball. Having an one hour special for people to find out your "decision" when your mind was made up weeks if not seasons ago, is such a classless move. On top of that, you had the owner of the Cavs, who bent over backwards for you, building a 25 million dollar facility near your house, hiring your best friends to work for the team, hiring his personal shooting coach and making him an assistant coach for the team, free courtside seats to his friends and family (other players pay the full price) putting your boys on the team charter flight, doing all they can to surround them with good players (Mo Williams, Shaq, Jamison, firing Mike Brown (because Lebron didn't want him as a coach anymore) and hiring Byron Scott as a last attempt, etc) and for him not to even have the decency to say "Listen, I appreciate everything you've done for me, but I'm not coming back to the Cavs so yall can start making some moves." is a pure %+%%# move by a %+%%# player. And you gonna go on national tv and call yourself a man? Really? Men do not conduct business this way, and watching clips of Heat fans going crazy over Lebron as he was driving by makes me sick, he just walked right thru everyone and acted like they wasn't there. And they STILL continue to worship him and kept calling his name, cornballs. I have met both Kobe and Lebron in public and Lebron just has this attitude of "I'm too big to even acknowledge you're a human being." And then on top of that, to join D Wade and Bosh when he's on top of his prime is such an amateur move, the NBA is a players league being run by the AAU generation of ball players. These kids grow up going from one team of all-stars to another their whole lives. there's no loyalty. they dont want to beat each other. they want to play with each other. If you're better than me, then I want to play with you so we can beat everyone else - thats their mindset. It starts in AAU, + thats how they select their college teams and now thats how they are selecting their NBA teams, it's ****ery. And the decision to go to Miami to win "multiple championships" is fine and dandy, but a majority of the reason why Bron chosed Miami was because of the nightlife, the groupies, the parties, the drugs. Lebron is no angel, D Wade is no angel, it's known throughout that they cheat on their wife/gf on the regular, and I'll keep it shut about the drugs......I don't know or hear much about Bosh so I can't comment on that. They are remarkable athletes, yes. But they ain't all about basketball like Kobe is, maybe it's time people stop worshipping athletes like they're gods, they are human beings just like us with temptations, sins, and imperfections.

Informerx wrote:
"why Bron chosed Miami was because of the nightlife, the groupies, the parties, the drugs. Lebron is no angel, D Wade is no angel, it's known throughout that they cheat on their wife/gf on the regular, and I'll keep it shut about the drugs......I don't know or hear much about Bosh so I can't comment on that. They are remarkable athletes, yes. But they AINT ALL aABOUT BASKETBALL LIKE KOBE IS"

I def agree with you on the point of people putting ball players on petals, but please don't put Kobe on one either. Like he doesn't get goonish in his spare time.
I'm not. We know he cheated on his wife, but it seems like he's learned his lesson, I don't know what goes on in his personal life. But you will never catch Kobe at the clubs, he's been that way ever since he came into the league.
It’s all about competing, about trying to be the best. It’s also important to me to make the team I’m on now the best. I don’t want to go ring-chasing, as I call it; you know, going to a team that’s already pretty established and trying to win a ring with them. I want to stay with the Cavs and build a champion. And I feel like we’re on our way.— Lebron in 2006
As a fan, athlete myself and a brother in the league.

Trust me I'm very aware of the pro athlete life. I'm far from clueless, but you just speaking on stuff you basically assumed.

No disrespect but I'm pretty sure you don't know those guys personally.

So for you
1. To say bron had his mind made up last year is nonsense.
2. For you to believe he owes the owner of the cavs a apology is nonsense.
3. To say he chose miami bc of the groupies is nonsense, hes lebron james, dime groupies are everywhere for him.
4. To say drugs is nonsense.(if your talking about green, I'm pretty sure he didn't chose there for the grade of smoke)

Basically bruh you talking foolishness.
informerx wrote:

"I'm not. We know he cheated on his wife, but it seems like he's learned his lesson, I don't know what goes on in his personal life. But you will never catch Kobe at the clubs, he's been that way ever since he came into the league. "

I don't wanna sound like I'm on your back(pause)

But its a known story here on NT about kobe in Vegas two years ago when he spent 75k on bottles bc some dude who had a table beside him tried to keep up with kobe. So kobe still gets it in, during his social life.
So let me get this straight everyone is bashing LeBron for "The Decision" and broadcasting live what team he intended to sign with. Ask yourself this how could he make a spectacle out of something that was already a spectacle? You the fans, the media, the GMs, the executives, the owners have a heavy role in all of this too. Half the threads on the first page involve LeBron in some way. Most of the articles in the sports sections of newspapers involve LeBron. From the time LeBron signed that 3 year extension, everyone's focus was on 2010. News articles, blog posts, ESPN specials, owners clearing out cap space, all of this public exposure and talk was about "What Will LeBron Do in 2010." Bill Walsh bought a calender and circled July 1st, 2010 on his first day on the job. And folks really have the nerve to blame LeBron for running with the hype and using the media to his own advantage as they have done with him since he was a junior in HS. Does LeBron's one week of being in the outright spotlight, going from presentation to presentation, really outweigh the constant media attention of the past 3 years?
Originally Posted by Put em up

As a fan, athlete myself and a brother in the league.

Trust me I'm very aware of the pro athlete life. I'm far from clueless, but you just speaking on stuff you basically assumed.

No disrespect but I'm pretty sure you don't know those guys personally.

So for you
1. To say bron had his mind made up last year is nonsense.
2. For you to believe he owes the owner of the cavs a apology is nonsense.
3. To say he chose miami bc of the groupies is nonsense, hes lebron james, dime groupies are everywhere for him.
4. To say drugs is nonsense.(if your talking about green, I'm pretty sure he didn't chose there for the grade of smoke)

Basically bruh you talking foolishness.

1. I said weeks if not seasons ago, I didn't say directly "He made his decision last year." Who knows when he made his decision, but I'm damn sure it wan't thursday morning like he claimed.
2. I never said that
3. Right, dime groupies run rampant in Cleveland.
4. No, he didn't go for the grade of smoke. But the nightlife in Miami and green goes hand in glove. There's no nightlife in Cleveland.
Originally Posted by Put em up

informerx wrote:

"I'm not. We know he cheated on his wife, but it seems like he's learned his lesson, I don't know what goes on in his personal life. But you will never catch Kobe at the clubs, he's been that way ever since he came into the league. "

I don't wanna sound like I'm on your back(pause)

But its a known story here on NT about kobe in Vegas two years ago when he spent 75k on bottles bc some dude who had a table beside him tried to keep up with kobe. So kobe still gets it in, during his social life.

I didn't know about that. Was this during the season or off season? Just curious.
Honesty I'm not gonna lie, idk if that was during the offseason or not.

Pretty sure it was the off season. With the Kobe story.

Groupie are everywhere for bron, and why would he f with groupies in cleveland while his mother of his kids are there in cleveland.

I'm pretty sure he like every other normal athletes only mess with the other females while on the road.
Kobes a fkin fool - people be getting off sayig hes so righteousto the game now cus he managed to get away with rape - $*+%+ the dude wasthe worst at it back in he day....when he was young!

 When he got introuble the law he did a bit of growing up but he was still joking around atthe Olympics in the company of the other stars from the NBA. 

He ant no different and this BS abut hes allabout the business is a joke. It has a real preacher appeal when in fact hes probas much a celeb wannabe as the rest of em..... especially now that hes OLD andwont be in the NBA for much longer!

I wonder what his plans for retirement are...take up golf perhaps?or maybe motorsport, dam sure it any soccer anyhow cus MJ never played thatgame!
Another thing I don't get....a lot of folks wouldn't have bashed Bosh if he went to Cleveland to play w. Lebron...but now bron is playing with both Bosh & Wade, it's a problem? What's the object in professional sports? TO WIN CHAMPIONSHIPS!! That's why these guys play the game in the first place. Every GM REGARDLESS of sport tries their best to assemble a team that has a chance to compete for a title. Pat Riley worked some magic and made it possible for 3 of the best players in the NBA to be on one squad. There's a lot of boo-hooing and *****ing about this "new" Miami team. They were within the rules of the league to handle the signings, and CLEARLY Lebron, Bosh, and Wade value winning championships over critics opinions of what their legacies will be due to who they are now teammates with.

I am not defending Lebron, because I have been STRONGLY against the whole dog and pony show he had to announce his "decision." Where I will defend him is that he was well within his RIGHTS as a NBA player to do what he did. Lavar Arrington made an interesting point yesterday on his show....there are a lot of people upset at Lebron for not notifying Gilbert about what his plan would be prior to 9:30 on Thursday. Well, what exactly is a free agent? If you're a free agent, you technically have NO JOB. Lebron was not a member of the Cavs as soon as Kobe held up his trophy. The NBA season had ended and so had Lebron's official tenure in Cleveland. Could he have been courteous and told Gilbert what he was doing? Sure. But he didn't have to, because as #%#*%# as it may seem (but it's the truth), he wasn't any teams property at the moment. He didn't owe anyone an explanation, apology, etc....He lost a lot of fans and respect over how things went down...but all of this will be forgotten if he and the others stay true to their word and win MULTIPLE championships in Miami.

This NBA off-season while filled with drama, has exceeded my expectations and has been damn interesting. To me, this has overshadowed the world cup, Tiger Woods, or anything else that has gone down in the sports world this summer. I'm a Wizards fan first and a fan of the NBA obviously second...and as a fan of the NBA, how can you not be intrigued by this Miami team. This is great for basketball, and I'll be watching. The 2010-11 season can't get here soon enough....
Honestly at first I was very skeptical about this whole Lebron James to the Heat thing but now that I've had a few days to think about it I'm happy he took a stand for himself and did what he wanted to do. The whole post show debacle is helping me realize that fans and media personnel alike are some of the most selfish people in sports..He's agreed to take less money to go and win with who he's deemed to be his peers and friends and people have begun to hate him for it. All this talk about tainted legacy and comparison to other players is all opinion and opinion will not taint whatever these gentlemen accomplish on that team. If they win chips do you think theyre gonna give a damn about what anybody has to say about it? Do you think the opinions of sports writers and fans on the net will make them sad when they bust out those diamond encrusted rings? Cuz I dont think so. If your a fan of another team and you choose to root against them then so be it, thats all good. But whats been happening ever since the announcement has been downright disgusting. The countless jersey burnings, the disrespect to his mom and friends, all way too much. The whole spectacle of it was indeed a slap in the face to his former team but you gotta realize that all he did was make the announcement and defend his decision. The rest of the overwhelming hype has been supplied by the media and fans. After watching the conference last night Im just happy that those dudes are happy with their decision.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Why do people who are not Lebron care about his legacy tho?

because we are sports fans

people cared that barry bonds and Arod doing steroids hurt his legacy
people cared that kobe wanted to be "the man" and win championships not shaq's sidekick
people cared when shilling and that damn bloody sock expanded on his legacy
people cared when Tyson bit off an ear
people cared that maywhether ducked great competition and it hurt his legacy and still does

it's just what we do as sports fans. part of the fun. it hurts to see someone so nonchalantly throw their chance at being the best away at such a young age. remember who we are talking about. "chosen one
From reading through all of these responses it has become evidently clear that individuals bashing Lebron are simply afraid of what is inevitable. This Miami Heat team is going to dominate the NBA for years to come. I have no doubt that Riley will continue to put the right pieces in place to ensure that. Anyone saying Lebron can't be mentioned in the same sentence as Kobe and MJ is clearly speaking out of their $$@@. Funny how some of you fail to remember Kobe was a second option for 3 of the titles he claims.
There are a lot of different things to argue here, but maybe it all comes from the same underlying issue.

The 1-hour special was gross and I think (or hope) everyone sees that, especially given the fact that you're leaving your team of 7 years in that fashion.

He chose not to take on the challenge of single-handedly taking his team all the way. Granted, this is an impossible task. Allen Iverson almost did it. Scottie Pippen sort of got close. But to go all the way requires someone extraordinary.... Lebron could have been that guy. We've never seen anyone with that size and athleticism and skill and court vision before. I'm not saying he needed to do that in Cleveland, but he could have done it somewhere, and then he could actually justify the "king" moniker.


He is now on a team where you could probably exchange Lebron with about 30 other NBA players and get a similar result. Woohoo, Lebron, you're going to buy your team an extra 5 victories each season. Spectacular! Like a KING! Now "king" is a sarcastic insult.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

There are a lot of different things to argue here, but maybe it all comes from the same underlying issue.

The 1-hour special was gross and I think (or hope) everyone sees that, especially given the fact that you're leaving your team of 7 years in that fashion.

He chose not to take on the challenge of single-handedly taking his team all the way. Now, this is an impossible task. Allen Iverson almost did it. Scottie Pippen sort of got close. But to go all the way requires someone extraordinary.... Lebron could have been that guy. We've never seen anyone with that size and athleticism and skill and court vision before. I'm not saying he needed to do that in Cleveland, but he could have done it somewhere, and then he could actually justify the "king" moniker.


He is now on a team where you could probably exchange Lebron with about 30 other NBA players and get a similar result. Woohoo, Lebron, you're going to buy your team an extra 5 victories each season. Spectacular! Like a KING! Now "king" is an sarcastic insult.
Let me ask you...(hypothetically, of course) to "justify" his king moniker, would his legacy be the same had he remained in Cleveland for his whole career and either NOT won a title, or walked away with one championship....or go to Miami and lets 4 rings?  You gonna look at the dude any differently at the end of the day? 

Like I said before, no matter what the dude chose to do in FA, he would have been criticized.  He did all he could in Cleveland, and moved on.  There's nothing more to it. 

And on a side note, if Dan Gilbert was this disgusted at the dude for "quitting," did he take it up with Lebron after the series or did he continue to kiss his %$@?
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