Official LEBRON 2010 Thread (The Decision: MIAMI HEAT)

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Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by rashi

jbfsu9 wrote:
American airlines arena is not that close to south beach...but have fun bron...worst arena ive ever been to.

What are you talking about, you can see South Beach from AAA. It's like 10 minutes from the arena.

From what I heard this morning, the Heat have already hired some people from LeBron's crew into team official positions. My problem with this is that they are going to be looking out for LeBron, not the team.
the Cavs were paying one of his boys high six-figures to sit behind the bench. The problems with this team will begin once the players that surround these three start getting upset that they are working hard and not getting even half the perks Bron, Wade and Bosh will be getting and they will only be getting paid league minimum($450k) due to almost no more cap room.

Remember that main problem that kept Bron from going to the Bulls was they wouldn't hook up all his entourage.

I heard the same thing with the Knicks. I guess with Bron having those perks with Cleveland it was ok because you had LeBron and a bunch of scrubs, now you have Bron, Wade, and Bosh. This is why I didn't want Bron to come here. The team, Bron, Wade, and Bosh are talking this all up and it's only July, but what is going to happen in February and March? Those other players will know their role, but I think the rift will be between the 3. The three of them don't look at each other as an equal.
Originally Posted by OneTrust

Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by MaxElite

I am more disappointed that we will NEVER see LeBron James's game be taken to the NEXT level. It is now safe to say that. From this point forward he can no longer evolve into the player we all thought he could become. To me, that is REALLY sad since I am a fan of his.
- In a sense, I can agree with you here. For instance, it's doubtful we'll ever see that post-game that everyone predicted LBJ should develop to become truly unstoppable. At least not anytime soon. On the flip side, other facets of his game will continue to grow. Weak-side D... passing... rebounding... (not as if any of those things needed further development).

- I just wanted to comment on how funny it is that people are killing Bron for the exact same thing people were saying AI should have done in his career. Bron has made the ultimate sacrifice in giving up his alpha-dog spot for the sake of WINNING A CHIP. All year long in the AI threads, people were saying how they don't feel bad for Iverson b/c he should have sacrificed his scoring and alpha-dog mentality to accommodate guys like Stackhouse, Larry Hughes, Derrick Coleman, etc... And here we have LBJ doing exactly that, yet somehow LeBron is getting killed for it.
Y'all are some double-standard +#% mofos.

AI and LBJ's careers parallel each other in a sense. Both made it to the Finals early in their career. Both were the undisputed first option on their squad. Both were NEVER truly given a bonafide 2nd option. Both were MVPs of the L. Etc... The difference is AI remained in Philly. And NEVER won. Bron chose a different path. If he had remained in Cle, he would have been getting the SAME criticism that you guys give AI.

- You guys kill me with this "it's better to beat your competition instead of play with them" garbage. So you mean to tell me, if you and your homeboy... like one of your best friends in the world... had a chance to do something TOGETHER (smash 2 sisters, win the lotto, become a rap/rock star, or whatever), you would rather battle your friend where only one of you can enjoy the prize??? Man listen... from all accounts, these dudes are real good friends. Why not go through something with your best buds instead of fighting amongst each other for the grand prize? Jordan didn't have any true friends in the L! He was a douche and no one besides Barkley was cool with him like that.

- Speaking of Barkley, why is it that he can make noise to get out of Philly (at age 29) b/c he was sick and tired of losing, yet LBJ can't make similar noise? You guys fail to realize that a lot of these players DON'T LIKE TO LOSE. Some stay with their team longer than others. But Bron obviously saw what loyalty does for a bunch of these players (Ewing, Bark, Reggie, Malone, Payton almost, AI, Finley almost, KG almost, etc). And I can't be mad at him for wanting to WIN instead of being remembered as a GREAT player who NEVER won. Barkley has said many times (C-Webb too) that they would trade their individual accolades for a chip.
The homie SHUGES just shut it down!!!!
unless dwade gets hurt in the playoffs (like kareem did and magic stepped up) and lbj straight up beasts in the playoffs and brings home a chip, it will still be wade's team
you thought Gloria was crazy in Ohio? just wait until she hits south beach. he's lucky that the media is around Riley's finger in MIA

can't wait for the coke addiction/gangbang rumors

SHUGES wrote:
MaxElite wrote:
I am more disappointed that we will NEVER see LeBron James's game be taken to the NEXT level. It is now safe to say that. From this point forward he can no longer evolve into the player we all thought he could become. To me, that is REALLY sad since I am a fan of his.
- In a sense, I can agree with you here. For instance, it's doubtful we'll ever see that post-game that everyone predicted LBJ should develop to become truly unstoppable. At least not anytime soon. On the flip side, other facets of his game will continue to grow. Weak-side D... passing... rebounding... (not as if any of those things needed further development).

- I just wanted to comment on how funny it is that people are killing Bron for the exact same thing people were saying AI should have done in his career. Bron has made the ultimate sacrifice in giving up his alpha-dog spot for the sake of WINNING A CHIP. All year long in the AI threads, people were saying how they don't feel bad for Iverson b/c he should have sacrificed his scoring and alpha-dog mentality to accommodate guys like Stackhouse, Larry Hughes, Derrick Coleman, etc... And here we have LBJ doing exactly that, yet somehow LeBron is getting killed for it.
Y'all are some double-standard +#% mofos.

AI and LBJ's careers parallel each other in a sense. Both made it to the Finals early in their career. Both were the undisputed first option on their squad. Both were NEVER truly given a bonafide 2nd option. Both were MVPs of the L. Etc... The difference is AI remained in Philly. And NEVER won. Bron chose a different path. If he had remained in Cle, he would have been getting the SAME criticism that you guys give AI.

- You guys kill me with this "it's better to beat your competition instead of play with them" garbage. So you mean to tell me, if you and your homeboy... like one of your best friends in the world... had a chance to do something TOGETHER (smash 2 sisters, win the lotto, become a rap/rock star, or whatever), you would rather battle your friend where only one of you can enjoy the prize??? Man listen... from all accounts, these dudes are real good friends. Why not go through something with your best buds instead of fighting amongst each other for the grand prize? Jordan didn't have any true friends in the L! He was a douche and no one besides Barkley was cool with him like that.

- Speaking of Barkley, why is it that he can make noise to get out of Philly (at age 29) b/c he was sick and tired of losing, yet LBJ can't make similar noise? You guys fail to realize that a lot of these players DON'T LIKE TO LOSE. Some stay with their team longer than others. But Bron obviously saw what loyalty does for a bunch of these players (Ewing, Bark, Reggie, Malone, Payton almost, AI, Finley almost, KG almost, etc). And I can't be mad at him for wanting to WIN instead of being remembered as a GREAT player who NEVER won. Barkley has said many times (C-Webb too) that they would trade their individual accolades for a chip.

Problem is, AI doesn't have a tattoo all the way across his back that says "CHOSEN ONE"   nor has AI nicknamed himself "KING" 

I'm sorry, but @#$% that.  What you wrote is well written, and I have no doubts it would be given the author, and while there may be some similarities, this douche Bron has proclaimed himself the be all end all.  Not the "Chosen play with his homies and win a chip"  Naw, this guy walk around with his shirt with K's in both corners like he's the King from a deck of cards, stats shirts, has all his press conferences in his elementary school lunch room and what not, he acted like he owned the league.  He been doin this since day number 1. 

But he ain't done @#$%.  Put up ungodly numbers, yes, got a couple "MVP" trophies, yup, made a few highlight reels, but is that what "Chosen One" is too stand for?  That what I'm led to believe?  And if "King" is just the pretty good basketball player that never wins, what the hell is above that then? 

AI didn't do these things.  You all should know that I am far from an AI apologist, but that isn't the mistakes he was making.  I agree, I have blasted AI for not getting along with players that also could shoot a lil bit, and I took that as selfish, and I stand by that, but Bron is taking the chicken @#$% way out.  He acted like he was destined to win things and get his name up there with Kobe and MJ and Magic, but in the end, he boutta end up nothing more then a Worthy, McHale, Pippen.  All of this, with "Chosen One" on "King" James's back.  D Wade should ask to get that same tattoo across his back, cuz this is his team, and any titles they win shall be because of him, not this fugazi 3rd person talkin 1 hour special with Jim Grey fingernail bitin @#$%^. 

So Bron and AI got nothin alike in that sense.  AI don't have 1 hour special's on where he goes to play basketball, he don't sit up on stage and tell the world "he just made up his mind this morning after talkin to his mom" when the reports had been rampant for weeks, people were sayin these 3 had their ideas for 2 years even, then he says he wakes up one morning and makes a choice?  Only, he has a bunch of hotel rooms set up the night before eh?  Wade and Bosh announce the day before right?  This whole damn thing was staged.  The whole week, hell, the whole free agent "tour" they took was all staged.  AI never did that.  So please, don't act confused why people would bash the @#$% out of "King" James for this abortion of a process. 

Those Miami 3 better pray on hands and knees they win titles, and a lot of them.  Otherwise, their legacies will be so shameful, they won't even wanna tell folks they played ball when they was younger. 

but Bron is taking the chicken @#$% way out.  He acted like he was destined to win things and get his name up there with Kobe and MJ and Magic, but in the end, he boutta end up nothing more then a Worthy, McHale, Pippen.  All of this, with "Chosen One" on "King" James's back.  D Wade should ask to get that same tattoo across his back, cuz this is his team, and any titles they win shall be because of him, not this fugazi 3rd person talkin 1 hour special with Jim Grey fingernail bitin @#$%^. 

Now this is a REAL post, that's what I'm talking about!!
You guts haven't even seen lebron play for the hear yet, and u guys are making up all these assumptions? Why the heck would u stay in a town where u need help, but no one elese in the NBA wants to come down to the small Cleveland city? Why can't he go somewhere where he feels he can Win it all?
Tattoos? Tatts are what ur gunna base his decision off? There are sonmany people put there with chosen 1 tatts, does that mean they actually have to be the chosen 1? Lebron has lived up to every excpectation that was put on him since before he made the NBA, except the championship. And the one opportunity he has to win it all people wanna claim he got scared and needed help...well guess what EVERYONE NEEDS HELP! it's just fortunate that lebron got into a pickings with 2 top NBA players. Don't be mad! Get glad!
This topic is still going strong and they haven't had a practice game yet. This should all be saved for when they finally start playing together and we really find out well this will work and if it was the greatest choice of all time or one giant bust.
LeBron is a Yankees and Cowboys fan.. He's a front runner fan, so why wouldn't he wanna join the front running team? That's just who he is
a front running bandwagon fan? He'll jump ship and ride someone else's coat tail again later in his career. I had no problem with LeBron leaving Cleveland.

Didn't surprise me one bit, just do it with some class. But that's who LeBron is or at least who he has become. 

Now basketball wise that team is the favorite to win it next year. Being a Laker fan that hurts to say, but also makes me excited to possibly see the biggest

upset in NBA history if the Lakers play the Heat in the finals. For Kobe to win his 6th that way would arguably put him as the best player ever(even though

I already think he is "arguably"). But more on a global scale. It would be weird to see the Lakers as the team most people would be rooting for, at least the non

Laker fans. 
You've already acknowledged he's the best player who hasn't done $%*%. Yet, now that he's making a strong attempt to do something you're mad because he's not gonna be the absolute best player (which is surely debateable) while winning? Seriously?

He's got the individual accolades already. He's a proven elite. They win multiple championships his MVPs aren't gonna disappear just because you and a bunch of others think it's Wade's team.
LeBron grew up in Ohio his whole life but was a Yankee and Cowboys fan. So he's a front runner fan. Bandwagon fan. So it doesn't surprise me 
that he wanted to join the front running team. 
LeBron grew up in Ohio his whole life but was a Yankee and Cowboys fan. So he's a front runner fan. Bandwagon fan. So it doesn't surprise me 
that he wanted to join the front running team. 
He was a front can easily make him believe that garbage was the next hottest thing out and he'd be in there head first...

oh wait
Originally Posted by Deuce King

but Bron is taking the chicken @#$% way out.  He acted like he was destined to win things and get his name up there with Kobe and MJ and Magic, but in the end, he boutta end up nothing more then a Worthy, McHale, Pippen.  All of this, with "Chosen One" on "King" James's back.  D Wade should ask to get that same tattoo across his back, cuz this is his team, and any titles they win shall be because of him, not this fugazi 3rd person talkin 1 hour special with Jim Grey fingernail bitin @#$%^. 

Now this is a REAL post, that's what I'm talking about!!
damn BRON

Most people are stupid if they think a team with no chemistry will win it all. I just don't see it working out with wade and lebron on the court cause one would have to differ to the other. Both are at their best when they have the court to themselves 100%
Most people are stupid if they think a team with no chemistry will win it all. I just don't see it working out with wade and lebron on the court cause one would have to differ to the other. Both are at their best when they have the court to themselves 100%
Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

You've already acknowledged he's the best player who hasn't done $%*%. Yet, now that he's making a strong attempt to do something you're mad because he's not gonna be the absolute best player (which is surely debateable) while winning? Seriously?

He's got the individual accolades already. He's a proven elite. They win multiple championships his MVPs aren't gonna disappear just because you and a bunch of others think it's Wade's team.
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