Official LEBRON 2010 Thread (The Decision: MIAMI HEAT)

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Originally Posted by jmoney45

If Broussard is wrong about this, I hope that scum never gets another gig covering sports for as long as he lives!
Actually, all Broussard has to do is tweet: "BREAKING NEWS! LBJ CONFIRMED TO NYC" like 2 hours before the show and his credibility is restored.
Like I said a couple weeks ago...if this will be fun to watch...but his legacy takes a HUGE hit. Takes him out of the running to potentially be the GOAT.
And I also better not ever hear a single argument about Kobe having Shaq...ever again.

This fool better go to New York or stay in that hell hole. 
Houston should have went after Lebron


bench...Martin Lowry Battier Budinger Patterson
if Lebron wants to be great, he'll stay away from miami. he should be in a team that beats miami.

this is where i miss the 90s. friends off the court. foes on the court. magic/isaiah, mj/chuck, bird/magic, mj/ewing, mj/mj...they never teamed up. they want to beat each other big time. and i think they are better friends because of it.

bron should go to cle/chi/ny and beat mia in a playoff and then win a championship to show the world how great he is.

just my $0.02
He's in a no win situation According to everyone on here.

Going to Miami makes him a sell out because he's not "earning a ring"

Staying Cleveland he'll stay loyal but he's not winning a ring with that squad

honestly if lebron really cares about winning a ring and wants to prove how hungry he is than he has to go to Miami, it'll be his best option to win immediately. He won't win alone in Cleveland or with Amare in NY
Originally Posted by aceofjays

Originally Posted by Baller23217

I don't know what LeBron is thinkin if he signs with the Heat. I read somewhere "there's a difference between winning a championship and earning a championship."

Wade was quoted as saying Erik Spolestra is his coach (not Pat Riley). Wasn't the coach an important factor in LBJ's decision?

LeBron wants to be a billionaire. Wouldn't his contract be worth more in NY?

Isn't LeBron making his announcement from ex-Knick Allan Houston's Greenwich, CT home?

Eddy Curry's contract expires next year, opening up more cap space for the Knicks to improve more next year too.

I really feel NY fits everything LeBron is looking for. Winning in Miami wouldn't mean as much when you formed Dream Team Lite. I can't believe LeBron would go to a team where he isn't the clear cut #1 option.
Good points here. It seems like it has to be MIA or NYC. Cleveland just doesn't seem to fit the scheme of things any more, unless there's something in the making none of us know about (highly unlikely).

Cleveland hasn't done anything to make their basketball team better.  Can't possibly see him staying there any longer.
Originally Posted by EEntegRa

if Lebron wants to be great, he'll stay away from miami. he should be in a team that beats miami.

this is where i miss the 90s. friends off the court. foes on the court. magic/isaiah, mj/chuck, bird/magic, mj/ewing, mj/mj...they never teamed up. they want to beat each other big time. and i think they are better friends because of it.

bron should go to cle/chi/ny and beat mia in a playoff and then win a championship to show the world how great he is.

just my $0.02
I don't get this....

If he wants to be "great" he has to stay away from miami? 
  I thought the main objective in the NBA was to win championships.  If he joins the heat, he'll have his best chance of winning MULTIPLE times because of the talent around him.  Legacy be damned, there are always detractors who discredit accolades because of who "said player" is teamed with.  If Lebron goes to Chicago and wins a championship, he's going to be faulted by many for playing with a great PG in Rose....if he goes to NY and wins a championship, he's going to be faulted for playing with a premier 4 in STAT.  No matter what he does ON THE COURT people will find something to criticize.  Look at the great teams in NBA history....The Bulls...Mike, Pip, and Rodman....Lakers with Magic, Kareem, Worthy, etc...GREAT PLAYERS NEED OTHER GREAT PLAYERS AROUND THEM. 
Originally Posted by Kingtre

Originally Posted by Baller23217

LeBron wants to be a billionaire. Wouldn't his contract be worth more in NY?

just had this convo with somebody - the contract itself doesnt even matter THAT much...its the market....and where his brand will be worth more- that would make NY/NJ the two front runners imo...

is NJ still even in the running? in the last day or two im just hearing heat/knicks...

I completely agree, but why leave any available money on the table? (with the exception of leaving Cleveland's money - understandable why he would want out of that situation)

NY is more of a basketball town than Miami and no one can argue that.  His brand has to be worth more in NY.

ESPN is trying too hard to push this Miami thing for me to believe he will actually go there. Why would they shoot their wad on the last day while continuing to push this "special." Greenwich, CT is too close to NYC for their to not be some twist to this story.  

EDIT: And I've never quite understood why no one in the media has put emphasis on the fact that no one wants to play in Cleveland. People don't want to play year after year, while that unfortunate occurance of a city promises to build a futuristic strip mall by 2015.
Why the hell would he go to Jersey, you think he wants to be on a rebuilding team after 7 years in the L?
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by EEntegRa

if Lebron wants to be great, he'll stay away from miami. he should be in a team that beats miami.

this is where i miss the 90s. friends off the court. foes on the court. magic/isaiah, mj/chuck, bird/magic, mj/ewing, mj/mj...they never teamed up. they want to beat each other big time. and i think they are better friends because of it.

bron should go to cle/chi/ny and beat mia in a playoff and then win a championship to show the world how great he is.

just my $0.02
I don't get this....

If he wants to be "great" he has to stay away from miami? 
  I thought the main objective in the NBA was to win championships.  If he joins the heat, he'll have his best chance of winning MULTIPLE times because of the talent around him.  Legacy be damned, there are always detractors who discredit accolades because of who "said player" is teamed with.  If Lebron goes to Chicago and wins a championship, he's going to be faulted by many for playing with a great PG in Rose....if he goes to NY and wins a championship, he's going to be faulted for playing with a premier 4 in STAT.  No matter what he does ON THE COURT people will find something to criticize.  Look at the great teams in NBA history....The Bulls...Mike, Pip, and Rodman....Lakers with Magic, Kareem, Worthy, etc...GREAT PLAYERS NEED OTHER GREAT PLAYERS AROUND THEM. 

Wade > LeBron if James goes to MIA.
He'll never have more rings and Wade isn't about to give up his alpha dog role. LeBron wants to be Jordan, not Scottie Pippen. "CHOSEN 1"
If I'm wrong, LeBron isn't who I thought he was.
James will announce his plans within the first 10 minutes of the special,Norby Williamson, ESPN’s vice president of production, told The AssociatedPress. He said sportscaster Jim Gray, who was hand-picked by James’ team, willhandle the introduction, announcement and initial questions. A person familiarwith the plans tells the AP the interview will take place at the Boys & GirlsClub of Greenwich, Conn.

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by EEntegRa

if Lebron wants to be great, he'll stay away from miami. he should be in a team that beats miami.

this is where i miss the 90s. friends off the court. foes on the court. magic/isaiah, mj/chuck, bird/magic, mj/ewing, mj/mj...they never teamed up. they want to beat each other big time. and i think they are better friends because of it.

bron should go to cle/chi/ny and beat mia in a playoff and then win a championship to show the world how great he is.

just my $0.02
I don't get this....

If he wants to be "great" he has to stay away from miami? 
  I thought the main objective in the NBA was to win championships.  If he joins the heat, he'll have his best chance of winning MULTIPLE times because of the talent around him.  Legacy be damned, there are always detractors who discredit accolades because of who "said player" is teamed with.  If Lebron goes to Chicago and wins a championship, he's going to be faulted by many for playing with a great PG in Rose....if he goes to NY and wins a championship, he's going to be faulted for playing with a premier 4 in STAT.  No matter what he does ON THE COURT people will find something to criticize.  Look at the great teams in NBA history....The Bulls...Mike, Pip, and Rodman....Lakers with Magic, Kareem, Worthy, etc...GREAT PLAYERS NEED OTHER GREAT PLAYERS AROUND THEM. 

Wade/Bosh >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rose or Stat

I don't think anyone would discredit him for playing alongside Amare.  Isn't Bosh considered to be a better PF than Amare, mainly because of his defense and rebounding? 

We already know no player can win a ring by themselves.  Who discredits MJ for playing with Pippen??  MJ is widely considered the GOAT regardless.  He won championships without Rodman too.

Going to Miami shows that LeBron doesn't believe he can win without TWO other all stars on his roster
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by debs 168

how does being a sidekick to win rings help his brand??
Winning ring(s) helps his brand. There will be no denying that, especially in China (see Bean Bryant).
china men only buy fakes. 85% cannot afford a pair of nikes. stop with your china analogy, never again
would it hurt his 'legacy' doing this? of course. can't be jordan by going to another mans city/team

a lot of you say he doesn't put winning first and it's all about 'LeBron'...if he does this, that kinda becomes obsolete.

doublej's I dont think it's so much the fact of playing with other stars, it's going to another stars town and team.
Originally Posted by Dade B0Y

NY is more of a basketball town than Miami and no one can argue that
Who cares!!

Hopefully LeBron. You know, since he's a BASKETBALL player.  I gotta believe that endorsements would be more plentiful in NY than in Miami.

You even realize what bringing an NBA championship to NY would do for this man's legacy?  Everything is magnified in the NY sports world.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by EEntegRa

if Lebron wants to be great, he'll stay away from miami. he should be in a team that beats miami.

this is where i miss the 90s. friends off the court. foes on the court. magic/isaiah, mj/chuck, bird/magic, mj/ewing, mj/mj...they never teamed up. they want to beat each other big time. and i think they are better friends because of it.

bron should go to cle/chi/ny and beat mia in a playoff and then win a championship to show the world how great he is.

just my $0.02
I don't get this....

If he wants to be "great" he has to stay away from miami? 
  I thought the main objective in the NBA was to win championships.  If he joins the heat, he'll have his best chance of winning MULTIPLE times because of the talent around him.  Legacy be damned, there are always detractors who discredit accolades because of who "said player" is teamed with.  If Lebron goes to Chicago and wins a championship, he's going to be faulted by many for playing with a great PG in Rose....if he goes to NY and wins a championship, he's going to be faulted for playing with a premier 4 in STAT.  No matter what he does ON THE COURT people will find something to criticize.  Look at the great teams in NBA history....The Bulls...Mike, Pip, and Rodman....Lakers with Magic, Kareem, Worthy, etc...GREAT PLAYERS NEED OTHER GREAT PLAYERS AROUND THEM. 
Total difference.
Leaving a team built around you...and going into another situation built around someone else...two play with not one...but two top 10 players in their prime is a little different. 

This is not an old Kevin Garnett or Ray Allen we're talking about . This is arguably one of the most popular athletes of ALL TIME. It may sound petty or unreasonable but welcome to the world of sports...these unwritten rules exist. Championships are the essential goal...and they'll win alot of them. But this a guy who is supposed to revolutionize the game and potentially be the greatest to do it. If he signs with's atypical of what someone in his position would do. And the city thing is HUGE here IMO. They call that place Wade County for Christ Sakes. 

Sorry...just could never see Money, Kobe, etc. doing something like that in their primes...EVER. Could you see Mike leaving Chicago to play with the Lakers in the 80s? 

Hate to bring my boy KD into this...but he'd never do something like that either.'ll be great to watch as a fan of basketball...but dude can kiss his rep goodbye. Doesn't make any sense to me...but oh well.

But...I think this is all blowing smoke anyway. Knowing what an Alpha male LBJ is after watching him since HS...I'll put my money on New York or Cleveland. 
Going to the Heat would be the best option for him at the moment. He basically has a team that is ready to compete for the next 5 years for a championship. All of this "oh, he didn't do it by himself" really is foolish talk. Jordan didn't do it by himself, nor did Kobe or Bill. They all had at least two stars on their team when they won a ring. The Heat will have three.

Sometimes when a golden opportunity like this comes up, you just can't pass it up. No matter how much money Wade or Bosh forfeit to get Lebron James, at the end of the day, the team will be solid for years to come. Continue to let Chalmers develop and possibly sign a big man to a minimum contract and you're golden.

Move around Beasley and Chalmers and get a quality 5-man and the Heat will be back on top.

This whole entire saga has been fun, as well as the non-stop "hand on the pulse" like discussions and debates. Once they win their first ring, hopefully all of the talk about this decision tarnishing legacies will rest.

...wait, he didn't even announce where he's going yet.

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