OFFICIAL Lebron Zoom Generation Post

thanks Alphaproject and Alex
hopefully I'll be on to get AZG All star and the VC. I asume the shoes are at regular price.

Hey alex the new sole collector is comin out soon correct? Cant wait for the back to the future movie section
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Jan. 3rd where will u be? I know where I'm going to be​
hate to be so persistant..I just wanna be sure I can get a pair.....

are the wheats gonna be in the same stores the 1st games were in (niketowns etc.) or the stores that got the artists series? The NT here in Seattle got the 1st games but didnt get the artist series...Im hoping its a release similar to the 1st games so that I have a shot at getting a pair
speakeasy- I wiah I could answer your question, but there is just no way for me to know what exact stores they will be in. I would think if they got the first games, they should get the wheats, they are not as limited as the artist series, but I would say the east coast/midwest has a better chance of seeing more wheats than the west coast... I've asked the guy responsible for the numbers and all, and he doesn't even know which stores, he just said "urban accounts", so take it for what it's worth...

Alex- my bad man- I was uber busy that day, and I didn't even get your message till 6, but I heard you were around... I'll catch up with ya next time- (I'm sure it won't be long)

from now until infinity let icons be by-gones...
I hope I can get my hands on one of the AZG's. Three very limited colorways ain't cool imo. I guess this is the kind of stuff NT likes. If the wheats were a general release, they would go straight to the outlets. Now I'm probably going to have to pay a grip for them because of the "urban" market crap. What the hell is an urban store? I live in a urban area (ghetto), plenty of what I believe are urban spots, and no exclusives. I don't get it. So much for paying retail.

Did athletes foot get first games? Anyone know?
Im glad I live in a "urban market" :D

"I done forgot more than you ever learned...."
Speakeasy; I'll let you know in the morning... Hopefully I won't be sayin' "They got your size 13."
I've only heard of two spots in LA that will have both the All Star Pack and Wheat AZGs for sure. This also will coincide with the release of BOTH Delta Force ACs that I posted a while ago featuring Laker colors and Clipper colors in suede.

There's a ton of NBA All Star Weekend events that are sponsored by Nike in LA during that time period, and if you do your homework, the stores or locations that have the events will also most likely have the special kicks.

Laker Delta Forces are quickstrike release available to most of the accounts, but the other ones are not.
this was posted in another thread:

so does that mean the wheats will also be available on NDC?

^^ hm...doesn't seem to make a diff to me.

is this an US exclusive?

if so....


The Crimson/White AZGs are available for pre-order now on and Sorry if it's been posted already.
Da R Entity formerly Da R Entertainment: M.A.D.E.(Money, Attitude, Direction, and Education)
Since LeBron supposedly won't be in the Dunk Contest, will the wheats and wh/rd/bl just be considered as two All-Star shoes dropping.....?
for those MD heads who bought their first games....where didd you get them from? I heard PG plaza....can anyone confirm this??? what store??? I need to get those wheats :wow:
this might be in there somewhere but i couldnt find it, can anyone tell me the release date for the white/red. Thanks.
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