Official Lil B Thread: Black Ken Is finally coming! TYBG

In the studio with Jay Electronica today
OK like FA REAL FA REAL...this is easily the longest running joke in history. I mean this with the most sincerity hate on Lil B, but is this @%$%! for real? Like is he really a legit artist that a label put money into and approved all the @#$* that he puts out? I haven't read through this thread but I seen dude on the XXL Freshman list a while back, and decided to check him out. First impression was
 but I figured it was just the song and forgot about dude. Then this @%$%! pops up on the Wayne tape outta nowhere and spits the weakest verse ever made in rap music history.

So PLEASE someone clarify this for me so that I can move on with life because I am utterly confused. IS THIS @%$%! FOR REAL AND DO YA'LL REALLY LIKE HIM??????????????????

- Preciate it.
Originally Posted by ualreadyknow23

OK like FA REAL FA REAL...this is easily the longest running joke in history. I mean this with the most sincerity hate on Lil B, but is this @%$%! for real? Like is he really a legit artist that a label put money into and approved all the @#$* that he puts out? I haven't read through this thread but I seen dude on the XXL Freshman list a while back, and decided to check him out. First impression was
 but I figured it was just the song and forgot about dude. Then this @%$%! pops up on the Wayne tape outta nowhere and spits the weakest verse ever made in rap music history.

So PLEASE someone clarify this for me so that I can move on with life because I am utterly confused. IS THIS @%$%! FOR REAL AND DO YA'LL REALLY LIKE HIM??????????????????

- Preciate it.

When you watch Kevin Hart, do you expect him to give some serious speech on politics? No. When you listen to songs like Pretty %#$!% or Like A Martian you shouldn't be expecting some Jay/Nas type lyrics. Although B is probably serious, that doesn't mean treat him as such. When I first listened to songs like the ones I listed I was like "the @+*@? this #+!%@ cannot be serious?" But I also thought it was hilarious. Just learn to not take music so serious and you'll probably enjoy. I mean c'mon, the guy said "I'm strapped wit a 30 ****." and "I'm so beautiful, I look like Moses." 
This is a comment left on lil b's need my love youtube video...
Basedgod I want to thank you so much. Me and my wife have been looking for a wedding song since I proposed last year. We were getting kind of worried because the wedding is next month, but then it happened! You released this beautiful song with first class singing :3 I showed it to my wife and she loves it. I'm proud to say that we are going to play this in our wedding. I have no idea how I can ever repay you but I had this wonderful idea that YOU take my wife to the honeymoon instead of me.

ZzSmacKyzZ 30 minutes ago 6 
/;">; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: initial; vertical-align: baseline; cursor: default; width: 12px; height: 12px; background-position: -79px -86px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">
do people actually like this guy?
i feel like this entire thing is a joke..which i hope it is
music dont get much worse then this clown
Originally Posted by Shaze804

This is a comment left on lil b's need my love youtube video...
Basedgod I want to thank you so much. Me and my wife have been looking for a wedding song since I proposed last year. We were getting kind of worried because the wedding is next month, but then it happened! You released this beautiful song with first class singing :3 I showed it to my wife and she loves it. I'm proud to say that we are going to play this in our wedding. I have no idea how I can ever repay you but I had this wonderful idea that YOU take my wife to the honeymoon instead of me.

ZzSmacKyzZ 30 minutes ago 6 
/;">; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: initial; vertical-align: baseline; cursor: default; width: 12px; height: 12px; background-position: -79px -86px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">


Originally Posted by th3kid

Originally Posted by ualreadyknow23

When you watch Kevin Hart, do you expect him to give some serious speech on politics? No. When you listen to songs like Pretty %#$!% or Like A Martian you shouldn't be expecting some Jay/Nas type lyrics. Although B is probably serious, that doesn't mean treat him as such. When I first listened to songs like the ones I listed I was like "the @+*@? this #+!%@ cannot be serious?" But I also thought it was hilarious. Just learn to not take music so serious and you'll probably enjoy. I mean c'mon, the guy said "I'm strapped wit a 30 ****." and "I'm so beautiful, I look like Moses." 
He's a comic, of course not. That was a pretty terrible example, but I kinda see the rest of your point.
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